Kinského vyhlídka

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Contact Kinského vyhlídka

Address :

468 22 Koberovy, Czechia

Categories :
City : Koberovy

468 22 Koberovy, Czechia
Josef Maňas on Google

Obrovský balvan zabezpečeny zábradlím.Přístup po vytesanych schodech.Výhled lehce zarostly,ale je vidět do daleka.
Huge boulder secured by a railing. Access by carved stairs. The view is slightly overgrown, but can be seen in the distance.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Vyhlídka je umístěn na romanticky vyhlížející mohutný balvan, zajištěný vzpěrami, který se trčí nad prudkým svahem prudce se svažujícím do údolí řeky Jizery. Vyhlídka je zabezpečena zábradlím a přístup k ní je přes schody vysekané na skále, závěrečný výstup na balvan s plošinou vyhlídky zabezpečuje kovové schodiště o patnácti schodech. Původně byly vrchy poměrně holé a z vyhlídky býval úžasný výhled, leč postupující zalesňování zapříčinilo, že v minulosti byla vyhlídka zarostlá a byl z ní již jen velmi omezený výhled, situace se změnila vymýcením lesa pod vyhlídkou a tak alespoň z části poskytuje hezký výhled do údolí a na protější hřeben. Spatřit lze i hrad Frýdštejn či rozhlednu na Kopanině, za nimi je na horizontu při dobrém počasí zřetelně vidět silueta Ještědu. Vyhlídka je pojmenována po Františku Kinském, což byl nadšený podporovatel turistiky na maloskalsku, jednatel zdejšího okrašlovacího spolku a jako hostinský vlastnil v Besedicích mezi turisty známou chatu U Kalicha. Chata stávala na původním místě chaloupky jeho rodičů a František Kinský zde měl krejčovskou dílnu. Když zjistil, že Besedice se stávají častým cílem turistů, kteří nemají možnost se blízkém okolí nijak občerstvit, napadlo ho postavit turistickou chatu a provozovat zde hostinec. Kinský jako místní patriot se také stal iniciátorem a aktivním budovatelem zdejšího turistického okruhu skalami, nazvaném po prezidentu Edwardu Benešovi (žlutá značka). Okruh byl budován v letech 1934 a 1935 a na jaře téhož roku byl slavnostně otevřen. Na okruhu nalezneme další vyhlídky, které poskytují krásné výhledy na maloskalsko a Suché skály, nedaleko od vyhlídky Františka Kinského ve skupině skal nazvané Chléviště to jsou ještě vyhlídky Kde domov můj, Husníkova a Hořákova. The view is situated on a romantically looking massive boulder, secured by struts, which protrudes above the steep slope of the valley of the Jizera River. The view is secured by a railing and access to it is through the stairs cut on a rock, the final climb to the rock with the platform of the prospect provides a metal staircase with fifteen stairs. Originally, the hills were relatively bare and the view was amazing, but the advancing afforestation caused the view to be overgrown in the past, and it was only a very limited perspective, the situation changed by eradicating the forest directly under the prospect, and providing a nice view of the valley on the opposite ridge - at least partly. You can also see the Frýdštejn Castle or the Kopanina lookout tower, behind which the Ještědu silhouette is clearly visible on the horizon in good weather. The view is named after František Kinský, who was an enthusiastic supporter of tourism in Maloskalsko, the executive of the local "embellishing" association, and he owned the tourists cottage known as "U Kalicha" in Besedice. The cottage stood at the place of his parents' original cottage, where Frantisek Kinský had a tailor's workshop. When he found out that Besedice was a frequent destination for tourists who did not have the opportunity to refresh anywhere around, he was thinking of building a tourist cottage and running a tavern. Kinsky (as a local patriot) also became the initiator and active builder of the local touring path through the rocks, named after President Edward Benes (it´s yellow marked route). The touring circle was built between 1934 and 1935 and was opened in the spring of the same year. On the circuit we find other prospects, which provide beautiful views of Maloskalsko and Suchá rocks. There are also another prospects called "Kde domov můj" (Where´s my home) and Husníkova and Hořákova prospects in the group of rocks called "Chléviště" not far from the prospect of František Kinský.
The viewpoint is located on a romantic-looking massive boulder, secured by struts, which protrudes over a steep slope sloping steeply into the valley of the river Jizera. The lookout is secured by a railing and access to it is via stairs cut on a rock, the final ascent to a boulder with a viewing platform is provided by a metal staircase with fifteen steps. Originally, the hills were relatively bare and the view used to be an amazing view, but the advancing afforestation caused the view to be overgrown in the past and there was only a very limited view, the situation changed by clearing the forest under the view and thus at least partially provides a nice view of the valley and on the opposite ridge. You can also see the Frýdštejn castle or the lookout tower on Kopanina, behind them the silhouette of Ještěd can be clearly seen on the horizon in good weather. The lookout is named after František Kinský, who was an enthusiastic supporter of tourism in the Maloskalská region, an executive of the local ornamental association and owned the well-known U Kalicha cottage among tourists in Besedice as an innkeeper. The cottage stood on the original site of his parents' cottage and František Kinský had a tailor's workshop here. When he found out that Besedice is becoming a frequent destination for tourists who do not have the opportunity to refresh themselves in the vicinity, he thought of building a tourist cottage and running an inn there. Kinský as a local patriot also became the initiator and active builder of the local tourist circuit through the rocks, named after President Edward Beneš (yellow sign). The circuit was built in 1934 and 1935 and was ceremoniously opened in the spring of the same year. On the circuit we will find other viewpoints, which provide beautiful views of the Maloskalsko region and Suché skály, not far from the František Kinský viewpoint in the group of rocks called Chléviště, there are also the perspectives of Where is my home, Husníkova and Hořákov. The view is situated on a romantically looking massive boulder, secured by struts, which protrudes above the steep slope of the valley of the Jizera River. The view is secured by a railing and access to it is through the stairs cut on a rock, the final climb to the rock with the platform of the prospect provides a metal staircase with fifteen stairs. Originally, the hills were relatively bare and the view was amazing, but the advancing afforestation caused the view to be overgrown in the past, and it was only a very limited perspective, the situation changed by eradicating the forest directly under the prospect, and providing a nice view of the valley on the opposite ridge - at least partly. You can also see the Frýdštejn Castle or the Kopanina lookout tower, behind which the Ještěd silhouette is clearly visible on the horizon in good weather. The view is named after František Kinský, who was an enthusiastic supporter of tourism in Maloskalsko, the executive of the local "embellishing" association, and he owned the tourists cottage known as "U Kalicha" in Besedice. The cottage stood at the place of his parents' original cottage, where Frantisek Kinský had a tailor's workshop. When he found out that Besedice was a frequent destination for tourists who did not have the opportunity to refresh anywhere around, he was thinking of building a tourist cottage and running a tavern. Kinsky (as a local patriot) also became the initiator and active builder of the local touring path through the rocks, named after President Edward Benes (it´s yellow marked route). The touring circle was built between 1934 and 1935 and was opened in the spring of the same year. On the circuit we find other prospects, which provide beautiful views of Maloskalsko and Suchá rocks. There are also another prospects called "Kde domov můj" (Where´s my home) and Husníkova and Hořákova prospects in the group of rocks called "Chléviště" not far from the prospect of František Kinský.

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