Malá Skála

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Contact Malá Skála

Address :

468 22

Categories :
City : Malá Skála

468 22
Pavel Pokorný on Google

Krásná přírodní skála, je vidět z cesty vlakem.
A beautiful natural rock is seen from a train journey.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stanice Malá Skála je nádraží zasazené do překrásného údolí Jizery. Nádraží leží v rovném úseku trati - má tři koleje, dvě dopravní a jednu manipulační. U manipulačních kolejí jsou dvě nákladiště a dva sklady - jedno nákladiště se stále používá pro nakládání uhlí. V pravé části nádraží je jedna kusá kolej u opuštěného skladu. Budova stanice je členitá jednopatrová stavba obdélníkového půdorysu se sedlovou střechou a krytým stáním pro cestující. V přízemí v levé části je dopravní kancelář s výdejním jízdenkovým okénkem. Ve středu je pak vytápěná čekárna pro cestující. Toaleta je pouze jednoduché chemické zamykací WC. Malá Skála Station is a railway station set in the beautiful Jizera Valley. The station lies in a straight section of the track - it has three tracks, two traffic and one handling. There are two freight and two storage facilities at the handling tracks - one storage room is still used for charging coal. On the right side of the station there is a single track at an abandoned warehouse. The building of the station is a discrete one-storey building of a rectangular ground plan with a saddle roof and a covered passenger stall. On the ground floor on the left is a transport office with a ticket cash desk. In the center there is a heated waiting room for passengers. The toilet is just a simple chemical one.
The Malá Skála station is a railway station set in the beautiful Jizera valley. The station is located in a straight section of track - it has three tracks, two transport and one handling. There are two loading bays and two warehouses at the handling tracks - one loading place is still used for coal loading. In the right part of the station there is a single track near the abandoned warehouse. The station building is a rugged one-storey building with a rectangular floor plan and a gabled roof and a covered parking space for passengers. On the ground floor in the left part there is a transport office with a ticket window. On Wednesday, there is a heated waiting room for passengers. The toilet is just a simple chemical locking toilet. Malá Skála Station is a railway station set in the beautiful Jizera Valley. The station lies in a straight section of the track - it has three tracks, two traffic and one handling. There are two freight and two storage facilities at the handling tracks - one storage room is still used for charging coal. On the right side of the station there is a single track at an abandoned warehouse. The building of the station is a discrete one-storey building of a rectangular ground plan with a saddle roof and a covered passenger stall. On the ground floor on the left is a transport office with a ticket cash desk. In the center there is a heated waiting room for passengers. The toilet is just a simple chemical one.
David Zeman on Google

Není to moc hezká stanice, ale dají se tam koupit jízdenky a nastoupit na ?, co víc si přát? kdyby to opravili, bylo by to hezké malebné nádražíčko v ❤️?? ráje.
It's not a very nice station, but you can buy tickets there and get on ?, what more could it be if it was repaired, it would be a nice picturesque train station in áj raj.
Dana Valešová on Google

Až kýčovitě krásné místo, obzvláště na jaře, kdy vše kvete. Ráj pro turisty, cyklisty i vodáky, najde se tu dostatek ubytovacích kapacit i restaurací, přírodních krás - hlavně skal. A i to počasí je tu nějak lepší ☺
A kitschy beautiful place, especially in spring, when everything blooms. A paradise for tourists, cyclists and paddlers, there will be plenty of accommodation and restaurants, natural beauty - especially rocks. And even the weather is somehow better here ☺
Martin Hercík on Google

Vyhlídka Malá Skála je prostě skvělá.
The lookout of Malá Skála is simply great.
Mikołaj Piejko on Google

Krásné, staré nádraží.
Wlada Wladawlada on Google

Železniční stanice Malá Skála, trať č. 030
Malá Skála railway station, line no. 030
Michael Borko on Google

Menší vlaková stanice ve stejnojmenné obci, Z nádraží výborná dostupnost na všechny turistické atrakce z místě i okolí. Hned pod nádražím najdete turistický rozcestník. Nedaleko restaurace hotel Skála nebo Boučkův statek. Vlaky jezdí velmi často a pravidelně, Liberec, turnov, Praha, Hradec Králové, Pardubice. Jízdenku zde nelze zakoupit pouze ve vlaku, ale je zde výpravčí který v případě potřeby mám řekne informace o daném spojení a vlaku.
Smaller train station in the village of the same name, From the station excellent access to all tourist attractions from the place and the surrounding area. Just below the station you will find a tourist signpost. Near the restaurant hotel Skála or Bouček's farm. Trains run very often and regularly, Liberec, Turnov, Prague, Hradec Králové, Pardubice. The ticket cannot be purchased here only on the train, but there is a dispatcher who, if necessary, will tell me information about the connection and the train.

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