Klášter obutých augustiniánů - Klášter obutých augustiniánů

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Contact Klášter obutých augustiniánů

Address :

470 01 Česká Lípa, Czechia

Postal code : 470
Categories :
City : Česká Lípa

470 01 Česká Lípa, Czechia
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Komplex bývalého kláštera obutých augustiniánů, kostela Všech svatých a ambitu s loretánskou kaplí, nechal vystavět Albrecht z Valdštejna v letech 1627–1730. Stavbu nepříznivě ovlivnila jeho smrt v Chebu roku 1634. Po skončení třicetileté války stavba pokračovala. Rozhodujícím obdobím bylo poslední desetiletí 17. století, kdy byl dokončen konvent. Zároveň se západně od něj začal stavět loretánský ambit se Svatou chýší, dokončený budovami Svatých schodů (1727) a kaple Nejsvětější Trojice (1730). Jižně od kláštera vyrostla rozsáhlá zahrada, převážně užitková. V roce 1820 vyhořela kostelní věž, kterou od té doby kryje nízká stanová střecha. V klášteře v minulosti sídlila církevní škola, z níž se postupně vyvinulo dnešní Gymnázium v České Lípě, a byl zde i Okresní archiv Česká Lípa. Dnes jsou objekty někdejšího kláštera sídlem Vlastivědného muzea a galerie. The complex of the former abbey of the augustinians, the church of All Saints and the cloister with the Loreto Chapel, was built by Albrecht of Wallenstein in the years 1627-1730. The building was adversely affected by his death in Cheb in 1634. After the Thirty Years War the construction continued. The decisive period was the last decade of the 17th century when the convent was completed. At the same time the Loretánian ambit with the Holy Hut started to grow west of it, completed by the Sacred Steps (1727) and the Holy Trinity Chapel (1730). To the south of the monastery there was a large garden, predominantly for utility purposes. In 1820 a church tower burned down, which has been later covered by a low tent roof. There was a church school as a part of the monastery in the past, which gradually developed today's Grammar School in Česká Lípa, and there was also the District Archive of Česká Lípa placed in the object. Today the buildings of the former monastery are the seat of the Museum of History and the Gallery.
The complex of the former Augustinian monastery, the Church of All Saints and the cloister with the Loreta chapel, was built by Albrecht of Wallenstein in the years 1627–1730. The construction was adversely affected by his death in Cheb in 1634. After the end of the Thirty Years' War, construction continued. The decisive period was the last decade of the 17th century, when the convent was completed. At the same time, to the west of it, the construction of the Loreto cloister with the Holy Hut began, completed by the buildings of the Holy Steps (1727) and the Chapel of the Holy Trinity (1730). To the south of the monastery grew an extensive garden, mostly utilitarian. In 1820, the church tower burned down and has been covered by a low tent roof ever since. In the past, the monastery housed a church school, which gradually developed into the present Grammar School in Česká Lípa, and there was also the District Archive of Česká Lípa. Today, the buildings of the former monastery are the seat of the Museum of National History and Gallery. The complex of the former abbey of the augustinians, the church of All Saints and the cloister with the Loreto Chapel, was built by Albrecht of Wallenstein in the years 1627-1730. The building was adversely affected by his death in Cheb in 1634. After the Thirty Years War the construction continued. The decisive period was the last decade of the 17th century when the convent was completed. At the same time the Loretánian ambit with the Holy Hut started to grow west of it, completed by the Sacred Steps (1727) and the Holy Trinity Chapel (1730). To the south of the monastery there was a large garden, predominantly for utility purposes. In 1820 a church tower burned down, which has been later covered by a low tent roof. There was a church school as a part of the monastery in the past, which gradually developed today's Grammar School in Česká Lípa, and there was also the District Archive of Česká Lípa placed in the object. Today the buildings of the former monastery are the seat of the Museum of History and the Gallery.

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