Klinika pneumologie a hrudní chirurgie

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Budova 4, 180 00, 180 00 Praha 8, Czechia

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City : Praha

Budova 4, 180 00, 180 00 Praha 8, Czechia
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Původní dvoupatrový zámeček Vychovatelna byl vybudován v letech 1906 až 1907 v novobarokním stylu podle návrhu architekta Jana Kříženeckého. Stavba byla plánována pro ústav pečující o mravně narušenou mládež ve věku od 8 do 18 let, který byl pod názvem „Pražská vychovatelna v Libni“ do té doby umístěn v Libeňském zámečku. Byl to první ústav svého druhu v Čechách a k jeho založení vedl i návrh cestovatele Vojtěcha Náprstka. V ústavu bylo 55 chovanců. Od roku 1941 je součástí nemocnice Na Bulovce jako pavilon číslo 4. V srpnu 2004 byla stavba prohlášena za nemovitou kulturní památku České republiky. The original two-storey mansion Vychovatelna was built between 1906 and 1907 in the Neo-Baroque style designed by architect Jan Kříženecký. The construction was planned for an institution taking care of morally disturbed youth aged 8 to 18 years, which until then was placed in the Libeň chateau under the name “Prague Educational School in Libeň”. It was the first institute of its kind in the Czech Republic and its foundation was also led by the design of the traveler Vojtěch Náprstek. There were 55 inmates in the institute. Since 1941, it has been part of the Na Bulovce Hospital as Pavilion No. 4. In August 2004, the building was declared a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.
The original two-storey Vychovatelna chateau was built between 1906 and 1907 in the Neo-Baroque style according to the design of the architect Jan Kříženecký. The construction was planned for an institute caring for morally disturbed youth aged 8 to 18, which was until then housed in the Libeň Chateau under the name "Prague Educational Hospital in Liben". It was the first institute of its kind in Bohemia, and the design of the traveler Vojtěch Náprstek also led to its establishment. There were 55 inmates in the institute. Since 1941, it has been a part of Na Bulovce Hospital as pavilion number 4. In August 2004, the building was declared an immovable cultural monument of the Czech Republic. The original two-storey mansion Vychovatelna was built between 1906 and 1907 in the Neo-Baroque style designed by architect Jan Kříženecký. The construction was planned for an institution taking care of morally disturbed youth aged 8 to 18 years, which until then was placed in the Libeň chateau under the name “Prague Educational School in Libeň”. It was the first institute of its kind in the Czech Republic and its foundation was also led by the design of the traveler Vojtěch Náprstek. There were 55 inmates in the institute. Since 1941, it has been part of the Na Bulovce Hospital as Pavilion No. 4. In August 2004, the building was declared a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.

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