Kosina Petr MUDr. - Krkonošská 44

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kosina Petr MUDr.

Address :

Krkonošská 44, 543 01 Vrchlabí, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +999
Postal code : 543
Website : http://www.horskylekar.cz/
Categories :
City : Vrchlabí

Krkonošská 44, 543 01 Vrchlabí, Czechia
Eva Faistauerová on Google

Jan Hawel on Google

Super doktor
Super doctor
Monika Niklová on Google

Luxusní pan doktor, profesionál se srdcem.
Luxury doctor, professional with heart.
Tereza Zabova on Google

Rychle a bez velkého čekání a pan doktor příjemný. K dětem moc příjemný.
Quickly and without much waiting and doctor-friendly. The children too friendly.
Sabina Riegerova on Google

Nejlepsi doktor a sestricka siroko daleko, co jsem ja zazila tady z okoli Jilemnice. Pristup naprosto perfektni! Doktor zadny reznik, ba naopak, opatrny, hodny, sestricka, ktera ma pochopeni, oba maji srdce ze zlata! Sla jsem na strzeni nehtu u palce na noze. Necitila jsem nic, i umrtveni bylo skoro "nezne" . Mela jsem velky strach z predeslych zkusenosti s doktory ale bolest zadna. Doporucuji!!! Az dodnes jsem nevedela, ze v tehlech mistech ma ordinaci takhle hodny doktor. A muzu rici, ze ode dneska uz NIKAM jinam nez k nemu.
The best doctor and nurse far and wide that I experienced here from around Jilemnice. Absolutely perfect approach! Doctor no butcher, on the contrary, careful, good, a nurse who understands me, both have hearts of gold! I had a toenail at my toe. I didn't feel anything, even the numbness was almost "unknown". I was very afraid of previous experiences with doctors, but no pain. I recommend!!! Until now, I didn't know that there was such a doctor in the bricks. And I can say that from today on Nothing but to him.
Karin Schafariková on Google

Pan doktor je lékař se srdcem na pravém místě a o sestřičce to platí také, ať už jsem přišla s čímkoliv, vždy mi pomohli.
The doctor is a doctor with a heart in the right place, and the same goes for the nurse, no matter what I came up with, they always helped me.
Maruska Vesela on Google

Zakrok rezani provedl skvele ale laxnejsi pristup jsem nezazila... na sdeleny prolem se ani nepodival, neporadil... po vyndani stehu se na rany ani nekoukl... vysledky nezhodnotil.
He performed the cutting procedure perfectly, but I did not experience a more lax approach ... he did not even look at the communicated problem, he did not advise ... he did not even look at the wounds after removing the stitch ... he did not evaluate the results.
Svitlana Sazečková on Google

Nejlepší doktor a sestřička široko daleko, co jsem já zažila tady z okolí. Přístup naprosto perfektní! Doktor opatrný, umí naslouchat, opravdový profesionál! Sestřička, která má pochopeni, oba mají srdce ze zlata, což mohu potvrdit osobně! Doporučuji!!! A mužů říci, ze ode dneska už NIKAM jinam než k němu :-).
The best doctor and nurse far and wide I've experienced here in the area. The approach is absolutely perfect! Doctor careful, he can listen, a real professional! My little sister, she both has a heart of gold, which I can confirm in person! I recommend!!! And men to say that as of today, Nothing but now to him :-).

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