Kosmetický atelier Praha 2 - Srdeční záležitost

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kosmetický atelier Praha 2 - Srdeční záležitost

Address :

Lípová 511/15, 120 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : http://www.srdecni-zalezitost.cz/
Categories :
City : Nové Město

Lípová 511/15, 120 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Tereza Frýbová on Google

Tento salón mohu jako stálá a spokojená zákaznice jedině doporučit. Léta chodím k paní Daně na kosmetiku a nechala jsem se zde i párkrát naklíčit. Skvělá investice, nikdy jsem nelitovala. Setkala jsem se zde vždy jen s profesionálním, precizním a individuálním přístupem.
As a regular and satisfied customer, I can only recommend this salon. For years I go to Mrs. Dana for cosmetics and I got sprouted here a few times. Great investment, I never regretted it. I have always met here only with a professional, precise and individual approach.
jolana luxemburkova on Google

K paní Beri Chodím pravidelně na prodloužení řas, je velmi pečlivá, milá a řasy vypadají skvěle
To Mrs. Beri I go regularly for eyelash extensions, she is very careful, nice and the lashes look great
Renáta Sobolevičová on Google

Zcela výjimečný kosmetický salon se špičkovou kvalitou služeb a opravdu osobním přístupem – ne ve smyslu často uváděného klišé, ale opravdu ? Paní kosmetička Dana Bilaniuková se neustále vzdělává a díky tomu si udržuje přehled o všech dostupných produktech, které mohou zákazníkovi pomoci a zlepšit kvalitu jeho pleti. Rozhodně vás neodbyde, jak tomu bývá v mnoha vekokapacitních salonech, a na pozitivních výsledcích jí opravdu záleží. Vřele doporučuji.
A completely exceptional beauty salon with top quality services and a really personal approach - not in the sense of the often mentioned cliché, but really ? Beautician Dana Bilaniuková is constantly educated and thus keeps track of all available products that can help the customer and improve the quality of his skin . She will definitely not take you away, as is the case in many high-capacity salons, and she really cares about the positive results. I warmly recommend.
Hana Šulcová on Google

Skvělé místo blízko zastávky MHD. Paní řasérka je šikovná, citlivá a pečlivá. Nic mě nepálilo, oči neslzely a nebyly po výkonu zarudlé. Atelier je velmi hezky zařízený, čistý a útulný. Ceny na Prahu výborné. Budu se vracet. ?
Great place near public transport. Mrs. Mascara is clever, sensitive and careful. Nothing burned me, my eyes did not water and they were not red after the performance. The studio is very nicely furnished, clean and cozy. Prices in Prague are excellent. I'll be back. ?
Kris on Google

K pani kosmeticce Dane chodim jiz pres rok a diky ni(a doporucenych produktu na doma)mam konecne cistou jasnou plet bez zanetu a mokvavych bolaku.Jsem velmi spokojena s pristupem,profesionalitou a prostredim. V predchozich salonech predrazene procedury k nicemu nevedly,takze jsem moc rada ze jsem narazila na tento salon a zakotvila jsem zde v sikovnych rukou.
I have been going to Mrs. Dane's cosmetics for over a year and thanks to her (and the recommended products at home) I finally have clean clear skin without inflammation and wet pain. I am very satisfied with the approach, professionalism and environment. The previous procedures in the previous salons did not lead to anything, so I was very glad that I came across this salon and anchored here in skilful hands.
Sára Klobučníková on Google

Profesionální služby, čisté prostředí, velice milý a ochotný personál. Velice doporučuji.
Professional service, clean environment, very nice and helpful staff. I highly recommend.
Kat Pupova on Google

If you’re looking for great skin care/ beauty place in the city centre of Prague, this one is highly recommended!!
Lucie on Google

I underwent a deep skin cleansing. 90 minutes took a sip for an honest hour of "care". Everything looked perfect in the salon in the lights, but only in daylight I did realize how still my nose and under nose or somewhere in my face were full of black dots which I can easily remove by myself. I logically canceled my next scheduled meeting. I also refused offer to re-cleanse my skin, especially after the beautician stated in her defense why she did not cleanse my skin, as she should, she made up a lie about deep inflammation, which I allegedly have in several places. Not true at all besides one spot on my chin bcs of masks. Absolutely unprofessional behavior to lie about the condition of my skin just because the lady most likely hurried home.

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