Kostel Nejsvětější Trojice

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel Nejsvětější Trojice

Address :

Rabí 55, 342 01 Rabí, Czechia

Categories :
City : Rabí

Rabí 55, 342 01 Rabí, Czechia
Berg Murmel on Google

Leider geschlossen.
Unfortunately closed.
Václav Krchňáček on Google

Krásný kostel, kde jde vidět zazděné bývalé dveře, které vedly ze zadní části do kostela.
A beautiful church, where you can see the walled former door that led from the back to the church.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Gotický hradní kostel Nejsvětější Trojice byl postaven v roce 1498. V 17. století byla postavena sakristie a v 18. století byla přistavěna věžička.
The Gothic castle church of the Holy Trinity was built in 1498. A sacristy was built in the 17th century and a turret was added in the 18th century.
Lukáš Karlíček on Google

Krásný gotický kostel, který býval součástí hradu. Bohužel jsme se dovnitř již nedostali (tuším že je jedním z prohlídkových okruhů)
Beautiful gothic church that was part of the castle. Unfortunately, we haven't got in yet (I think he's one of the sightseeing tours)
Martin on Google

Před hradní branou pozdně gotický kostel Nejsvětější Trojice z r. 1498.
Late Gothic Church of the Holy Trinity from 1498 in front of the castle gate.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherný jednolodní pozdně gotický kostel Nejsvětější Trojice vznikl zřejmě krátce po roce 1300 a původně sloužil obyvatelům podhradí. Při přestavbě hradu Půtou Švihovským z Rýznberka byl v roce 1498 přestavěn na hradní kapli, přístupnou můstkem z ochozu hradby. Kostel byl obnoven až v roce 1786. Restaurován byl v roce 1907 E. Sochorem, vyzdoben pak malířem J. Hybšem. Od roku 1870 byl po dobu sta let dokonce kostelem farním. Vnitřní zařízení je většinou ze 17. a 18. století. Pod kostelem je přístupné podzemí, které nebylo klasickou kryptou. Dnes již slouží jen jako výstavní prostor. The beautiful one-nave Late Gothic Church of the Holy Trinity was probably founded shortly after 1300 and originally served the inhabitants of the settlement around the castle. During the rebuilding of the castle by Puta Švihovský of Rýznberk, in 1498 it was rebuilt into a castle chapel, accessible by a bridge from the rampart. The church was renewed back in 1786. It was restored in 1907 by E. Sochor, then decorated by painter J. Hybš. From 1870 it was even a parish church for a hundred years. The interior is mostly from the 17th and 18th centuries. Under the church there is an accessible underground, which was not a classic crypt. Nowadays the church´premises serve only as an exhibition space.
The beautiful single-nave late Gothic church of the Holy Trinity was probably built shortly after 1300 and originally served the inhabitants of the castle grounds. During the reconstruction of the castle by Půta Švihovský of Rýznberk, it was rebuilt in 1498 into a castle chapel, accessible by a bridge from the gallery. The church was not restored until 1786. It was restored in 1907 by E. Sochor, then decorated by the painter J. Hybš. From 1870 it was even a parish church for a hundred years. The interior is mostly from the 17th and 18th centuries. Under the church there is an accessible underground, which was not a classic crypt. Today it only serves as an exhibition space. The beautiful one-nave Late Gothic Church of the Holy Trinity was probably founded shortly after 1300 and originally served the inhabitants of the settlement around the castle. During the rebuilding of the castle by Puta Švihovský of Rýznberk, in 1498 it was rebuilt into a castle chapel, accessible by a bridge from the rampart. The church was renewed back in 1786. It was restored in 1907 by E. Sochor, then decorated by painter J. Hybš. From 1870 it was even a parish church for a hundred years. The interior is mostly from the 17th and 18th centuries. Under the church there is an accessible underground, which was not a classic crypt. Nowadays the church´premises serve only as an exhibition space.
Ivushe P on Google

Stojí za zastavení při cestě na hrad.
It is worth stopping on the way to the castle.
Viky Špaček on Google

Kostel z doby po roce 1300, 1498 přestavěn na hradní kapli, obnoven v roce 1786. Restaurován v roce 1907 a na počátku 21. století.Kostel stojí v bezprostřední blízkosti hradu, nedaleko první hradní brány. Je jednolodní, orientovaný, s užším presbytářem, který je polygonálně uzavřen. Na západním průčelí je vstupní předsíň se sedlovou střechou, sakristie je přistavěna po levé straně. Okna lodi i presbytáře jsou hrotitá s oboustrannými špaletami (kromě západního průčelí), s původními kružbami. Nad presbytářem se nachází sanktusník s cibulovitou bání.
Church from the period after 1300, 1498 rebuilt into a castle chapel, restored in 1786. Restored in 1907 and at the beginning of the 21st century. The church stands in the immediate vicinity of the castle, near the first castle gate. It is single-nave, oriented, with a narrower presbytery, which is polygonally closed. On the west facade there is an entrance hall with a gabled roof, the sacristy is added on the left side. The windows of the nave and the presbytery are pointed with double-sided lintels (except for the western façade), with the original tracery. Above the presbytery is a sanctuary with an onion-shaped dome.

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