Kostel Nejsvětějšího srdce Páně

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel Nejsvětějšího srdce Páně

Address :

U Červeného kostela, 415 01 Teplice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Teplice

U Červeného kostela, 415 01 Teplice, Czechia
Miroslav Gonek on Google

Krásny kostol v Tepliciach Trnovanoch
Beautiful church in Teplice Trnovany
Evzen Vostry on Google

Nádherný kostel a velmi udržovaný.
Beautiful church and very well maintained.
Pavel Rovenský on Google

Z venku dominanta, bohužel obklopena přišerným prostředím.
Outside the landmark, unfortunately surrounded by a terrible environment.
Václav Šulc on Google

Velice hezký kostel. Jediný v Trnovanech. Vždy v neděli před a po mši si lze kostel prohlédnout. Věž je přístupná při Noci kostelů.
Very nice church. The only one in Trnovany. On Sundays before and after Mass you can see the church. The tower is accessible at the Church Night.
pischelales on Google

Krásný kus architektury v ponurých Trnovanech. Také jeden z mála kostelů, který zvony ohlašuje čas.
Beautiful piece of architecture in grim Trnovany. Also one of the few churches that bells announce time.
Martin Zdich on Google

Pravidelné mše každou neděli v 9:30
Regular Mass every Sunday at 9:30
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Katolický kostel Nejsvětějšího srdce Ježíšova byl postaven v Trnovanech v letech 1908-9 jako pseudogotická trojlodní basilika se zvonicí vysokou 47 metrů. Autorem návrhu je teplický architekt Gustav Jirsch. Podle barvy fasády z jasně červených cihel bývá nazýván červeným kostelem. Neogotický interiér je převážně původní, i když některé jeho části jsou však starší, než kostel sám. Pravý boční oltář sem byl přenesen z kaple sv. Rocha, která stávala původně na zdejší návsi (dnes park). The Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was built in Trnovany in 1908-9 as a pseudo-gothic three-nave basilica with a bell tower 47 meters high. The designer is the Teplice architect Gustav Jirsch. According to the color of the bright red brick facade, it is called a red church. The Neo-Gothic interior is predominantly original, although some of its parts are older than the church itself. The right side altar was transferred here from the chapel of St. Rocha, which originally stood at the village squares today (today's park).
The Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was built in Trnovany in 1908-9 as a pseudo-Gothic three-nave basilica with a bell tower 47 meters high. The author of the design is the Teplice architect Gustav Jirsch. According to the color of the facade of bright red bricks, it is often called a red church. The neo-Gothic interior is mostly original, although some parts of it are older than the church itself. The right side altar was transferred here from the chapel of St. Rocha, which originally stood on the local square (now a park). The Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was built in Trnovany in 1908-9 as a pseudo-gothic three-nave basilica with a bell tower 47 meters high. The designer is the Teplice architect Gustav Jirsch. According to the color of the bright red brick facade, it is called a red church. The Neo-Gothic interior is predominantly original, although some of its parts are older than the church itself. The right side altar was transferred here from the chapel of St. Rocha, which originally stood at the village squares today (today's park).
Tomáš Altmann on Google


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