Kostel sv. Jakuba Většího - Lidický dvůr

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Contact Kostel sv. Jakuba Většího

Address :

Lidický dvůr, 274 01 Slaný, Czechia

Postal code : 274
Categories :
City : Slaný

Lidický dvůr, 274 01 Slaný, Czechia
adam liska on Google

Jan Kocáb on Google

Krásný kostelík v klidném místě kam nevede zatím asfalt. :) Gotický kostel svatého Jakuba Většího v roce 2020 probíhá rekonstrukce.
A beautiful church in a quiet place where asphalt does not lead yet. :) The Gothic church of St. James the Greater is being renovated in 2020.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Jednolodní obdélný kostel sv. Jakuba Většího v Lidicích u Otrub je připomínán již v roce 1352. Původně gotický objekt byl následně stavebně upraven roku 1780 a poté roku 1880 v novogotickém stylu podle návrhu Achilla Wolfa, kdy byla mezi jinými vztyčena nová štíhlá sanktusová věžička (kostel je bez věže), dále byla přistavěna sakristie a v interiéru instalována nová novogotická kazatelna. Hlavní oltář je barokní z 18. století, portálový, se sochami sv. Petra, sv. Pavla a se sousoším Nejsvětější Trojice, oltářní obraz namaloval František Sequens v roce 1880. Kostel spadá pod římskokatolickou farnost Slaný. Čas od času se v něm pořádají koncerty za finanční podpory města Slaný. Výtěžek z koncertů je určen na záchranu památky. One-nave rectangular church of St. Jakub the Greater in Lidice near Otruby is commemorated already in 1352. Originally a Gothic building was subsequently modified in 1780 and then again in 1880 in the neo-Gothic style according to the design of Achilles Wolf. A new slender sanctuary tower (the church is without a tower) was erected a new sacristy was added and a new Neo-Gothic pulpit was installed in the interior during the reconstruction. The main altar is Baroque from the 18th century, portal with statues of St. Petr, St. Pavel and with the sculpture of the Holy Trinity, the altar painting was made by František Sequens in 1880. The church falls under the Roman Catholic parish of Slaný. From time to time there are concerts with financial support of the town of Slaný. Concert yield is intended to save the monument.
One-nave rectangular church of St. Jakub Větší in Lidice near Otrub is mentioned as early as 1352. The originally Gothic building was subsequently rebuilt in 1780 and then in 1880 in the neo-Gothic style according to the design of Achilles Wolf, when, among other things, a new slender sanctuary tower was erected (the church has no tower). a sacristy was also added and a new neo-Gothic pulpit was installed in the interior. The main altar is Baroque from the 18th century, portal, with statues of St. Peter, St. Paul and the sculpture of the Holy Trinity, the altarpiece was painted by Francis Sequens in 1880. The church falls under the Roman Catholic parish of Slaný. From time to time, concerts are held there with the financial support of the city of Slaný. Proceeds from the concerts are intended to save the monument. One-nave rectangular church of St. Jakub the Greater in Lidice near Otruby is commemorated already in 1352. Originally a Gothic building was gradually modified in 1780 and then again in 1880 in the neo-Gothic style according to the design of Achilles Wolf. A new slender sanctuary tower (the church is without a tower) was erected a new sacristy was added and a new Neo-Gothic pulpit was installed in the interior during the reconstruction. The main altar is Baroque from the 18th century, portal with statues of St. Petr, St. Pavel and with the sculpture of the Holy Trinity, the altar painting was made by František Sequens in 1880. The church falls under the Roman Catholic parish of Slaný. From time to time there are concerts with financial support of the town of Slaný. Concert yield is intended to save the monument.

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