Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie

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Contact Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie

Address :

Nám. Starosty Pavla 1464, 272 01 Kladno, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.farnostkladno.cz/
Categories :
City : Kladno

Nám. Starosty Pavla 1464, 272 01 Kladno, Czechia
Stan on Google

Kostol, história, námestie pekné. Náhodou som tam prišiel nedeľu v čase omše tak aj duchovný žážitok bol ale množstvo ľudí na omši minimálne. Chýbalo mi viac ľudí, bolo mi potom vysvetlené že cirkví je v meste viac a každá hľadá svoje miesto a záujem mladých je minimálny.
Church, history, nice square. Coincidentally, I came there on Sunday at Mass, so the spiritual experience was minimal to many people at Mass. I missed more people, then it was explained to me that there are more churches in the city and everyone is looking for their place and the interest of young people is minimal.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie tvoří spolu s budovou radnice dominantu Náměstí starosty Pavla. Trojlodní novorománská bazilika byla vystavěna v letech 1897 až 1899 podle projektu Ludvíka Láblera na místě původního gotického kostela postaveného ve 14. století. Nový svatostánek byl vysvěcen roku 1900. V předsíni kostela zazděný náhrobek Jiřího Žďárského ze Žďáru, významného člena šlechtického rodu, jemuž patřilo kladenské panství v letech 1543 - 1670. The Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, together with the City Hall, is dominant of the Mayor Pavel's Square. The three-nave neo-Romanesque basilica was built between 1897 and 1899 according to the Ludwig Lábler project on the site of an original Gothic church built in the 14th century. The new church was consecrated in 1900. The tombstone of Jiří Žďárský from Žďár, a significant member of the noble family, belonging to the Kladno manor in the years 1543 - 1670 is laid in the entrance hall.
The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, together with the town hall building, forms the dominant feature of Mayor's Square. The three-nave neo-Romanesque basilica was built between 1897 and 1899 according to a design by Ludvík Lábler on the site of the original Gothic church built in the 14th century. The new tabernacle was consecrated in 1900. The tomb of Jiří Žďárský of Žďár, an important member of the aristocratic family, to whom the Kladno estate belonged in the years 1543 - 1670, walled up in the vestibule of the church. The Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, together with the City Hall, is dominant of the Mayor Pavel's Square. The three-nave neo-Romanesque basilica was built between 1897 and 1899 according to the Ludwig Lábler project on the site of an original Gothic church built in the 14th century. The new church was consecrated in 1900. The tombstone of Jiří Žďárský from Žďár, a significant member of the noble family, belonging to the Kladno manor in the years 1543 - 1670 is laid in the entrance hall.
Vladimir Josef Klucho on Google

Tento kostel je krásná církevní památka a večerní nasvícení jeho kouzlo podtrhuje, jen škoda že není nasvícen také z náměstí.
This church is a beautiful church monument and the evening lighting underlines its charm, it is a pity that it is not lit also from the square.
Jaroslav Novák on Google

Římskokatolický kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie z let 1897 až 1899, dříve arciděkanský (do roku 1994), je nejvýznamnějším kladenským kostelem. Nachází se v centru města na náměstí starosty Pavla, jehož je dominantou. Výrazný nárůst počtu obyvatel Kladna v 19. století si vynutil výstavbu nového, kapacitně dostačujícího kostela. Ten byl postaven podle projektu Ludvíka Láblera v letech 1897–1899 na místě původní gotické jednolodní stavby, která stála již v roce 1352, byla ve větší míře opravována v 16. století a v letech 1675, 1690, 1695, 1739–1740, 1771 a 1842 a v roce 1897 byla zbořena, aby uvolnila místo novému kostelu; hřbitov kolem kostela byl zrušen v roce 1814. Trojlodní bazilika s věží s hlavním vstupem a věží na jižní straně a kněžištěm na severní straně byla vysvěcena 7. června 1900. Zdejší farnost byla 13. června 1900 povýšena na děkanství a v roce 1937 na arciděkanství. Přestože je od roku 1958 kostel zapsán v seznamu kulturních památek,[1] v 70. a 80. letech 20. století se jeho stav natolik zhoršil, že došlo ke zřícení stropu. Po rekonstrukci, která proběhla ve druhé polovině 90. let 20. století, byl kostel 3. června 2000 znovu vysvěcen kardinálem Vlkem.
The Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary from 1897 to 1899, formerly Archdeacon (until 1994), is the most important church in Kladno. It is located in the city center on the mayor's square, dominated by it. A significant increase in the population of Kladno in the 19th century necessitated the construction of a new church with sufficient capacity. It was built according to the design of Louis Lábler in 1897–1899 on the site of the original Gothic single-nave building, which stood in 1352, was repaired to a greater extent in the 16th century and in 1675, 1690, 1695, 1739–1740, 1771 and In 1842 and in 1897 it was demolished to make room for a new church; the cemetery around the church was abolished in 1814. The three-nave basilica with a tower with a main entrance and a tower on the south side and a chancel on the north side was consecrated on 7 June 1900. The parish was elevated to deanery on 13 June 1900 and archdeaconry in 1937. Although the church has been listed in the list of cultural monuments since 1958, [1] in the 1970s and 1980s, its condition deteriorated to such an extent that the ceiling collapsed. After reconstruction, which took place in the second half of the 1990s, the church was consecrated on 3 June 2000 by Cardinal Vlk.
Stefi Petrás on Google

Kostel je obrovsky,vevnitr je spousta mista na modlitbu,sezeni i stani,na zdech je spousta soch svatych v zivotni velikosti,prostor kolem oltare je uplne jednoduchy,zato se krasne vyjima socha Panny Marie,nasej mamicky.
The church is huge, inside there are a lot of places for prayer, sitting and tents, there are many life-size statues on the walls, the space around the altar is quite simple, but the statue of the Virgin Mary, our mother, stands out beautifully.
Hana Zajickova on Google

Pekny kostel a dominanta namesti, bohuzel jeste dnes vyzdobenem a zastavenem vanocne? Zamceno. Zavreno. Bohuzel.
A nice church and a landmark of the square, unfortunately still decorated and stopped for Christmas? Locked. Closed. Unfortunately.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Архитектурной доминантой площади старосты Павла в Кладно является костёл Успения Пресвятой Богородицы. Этот храм был построен на месте оригинальной готической церкви 14 века в 1897-1899 годах. Костел представляет собой трехнефную неороманскую базилику с башней, архитектором которой является Луи Лаблер. Церемония освящения новой церкви состоялась 7 июня 1900 года. В 1978 году костёл Успения Пресвятой Богородицы был внесен в список историко-культурных памятников Чешской Республики. Однако, не смотря на это его состояние ухудшилось настолько , что произошел обвал потолка. После рекреконструкции храма во второй половине 1990 годов, эта церковь 3 июня 2000 года вновь была освящен. Церемонию освящения проводил кардинал Влком. В вестибюле церкви находится фигурная надгробная плита Йиржи Жарского из Тара, важного члена дворянского рода, которому принадлежал Кладно в 1543-1670 годах.
The architectural dominant of the area of ​​St. Paul’s Warden in Kladno is the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This temple was built on the site of the original Gothic church of the 14th century in 1897-1899. The church is a three-nave Neo-Romanesque basilica with a tower, the architect of which is Louis Labler. The consecration ceremony of the new church took place on June 7, 1900. In 1978, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of the Czech Republic. However, despite this, his condition worsened so much that the ceiling collapsed. After the reconstruction of the church in the second half of 1990, this church was consecrated again on June 3, 2000. The consecration ceremony was conducted by Cardinal Vlkom. In the lobby of the church there is a curly tombstone of Jiří Zharski from Tara, an important member of the noble family, which belonged to Kladno in 1543-1670.
Tina S (Tara YLuna) on Google

The Church of the Assumption of Mary(German: Mariä Himmelfahrt / Czech: Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie) was build in the 19. century at the place where there used to be a Gothic church from the 14th century. It is a cute church and worth seeing if you come to Kladno.

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