Kostel sv. Víta - Kostel sv. Víta

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Contact Kostel sv. Víta

Address :

375 01 Týn nad Vltavou, Czechia

Postal code : 375
Categories :
City : Týn nad Vltavou

375 01 Týn nad Vltavou, Czechia
Lucie Landová on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel sv. Víta vznikl zároveň s vltavotýnským hřbitovem v letech 1681-1682. Hřbitov byl založen při morové epidemii v letech 1680-1681. Do roku 1771 sloužil pouze zemřelým z okolních vsí, týnští měšťané byli pohřbíváni na náměstí u kostela sv. Jakuba. Kostel byl postaven podle plánů italského architekta Antonia de Alfieriho, který ve městě žil. Jedná se o významnou provincionální stavbu raného baroka se zajímavě řešenými nárožními vížkami a zakončením prostoru kupolí s lucernou. Vnitřní chrámová výzdoba se nedochovala. Při stěně kostela se nachází pomník loutkáře Matěje Kopeckého. Pozdněklasicistní kostnice vlevo za vstupem na hřbitov z počátku 19. století původně sloužila jako krypta vltavotýnských kněží. V zadní třetině hřbitova se dochovala zajímavá secesní kaple - hrobka významné měšťanské rodiny Wesselých. Church of St. Vitus was established at the same time as the Vltava cemetery in the years 1681-1682. The cemetery was founded during the plague epidemic in the years 1680-1681. Until 1771, it served only the dead from the surrounding villages. The burghers of Týn were buried in the square near the church of St. Jacob. The church was built according to the plans of the Italian architect Antonio de Alfieri, who lived in town. It is an important provincial building of the early Baroque with interestingly designed corner turrets and the dome with a lantern. The interior of the church decoration has not been preserved. The late Classicist ossuary to the left behind the entrance to the cemetery from the beginning of the 19th century originally served as a crypt for the local priests. An interesting Art Nouveau chapel has been preserved in the back third of the cemetery, it was the tomb of an important burgher family of the Wessels.
Church of St. Víta was established at the same time as the Vltava cemetery in the years 1681-1682. The cemetery was founded during the plague epidemic in the years 1680-1681. Until 1771, it served only the dead from the surrounding villages, the burghers of Týn were buried in the square near the church of St. Jakuba. The church was built according to the plans of the Italian architect Antonio de Alfieri, who lived in the city. It is an important provincial building of the early Baroque with interestingly designed corner turrets and the end of the dome with a lantern. The interior decoration of the temple has not been preserved. At the wall of the church there is a monument to the puppeteer Matěj Kopecký. The late Classicist ossuary to the left behind the entrance to the cemetery from the beginning of the 19th century originally served as a crypt for the priests of Vltava. An interesting Art Nouveau chapel has been preserved in the back third of the cemetery - the tomb of an important burgher family of the Wessels. Church of St. Vitus was established at the same time as the Vltava cemetery in the years 1681-1682. The cemetery was founded during the plague epidemic in the years 1680-1681. Until 1771, it served only the dead from the surrounding villages. The burghers of Týn were buried in the square near the church of St. Jacob. The church was built according to the plans of the Italian architect Antonio de Alfieri, who lived in town. It is an important provincial building of the early Baroque with interestingly designed corner turrets and the dome with a lantern. The interior of the church decoration has not been preserved. The late Classicist ossuary to the left behind the entrance to the cemetery from the beginning of the 19th century originally served as a crypt for the local priests. An interesting Art Nouveau chapel has been preserved in the back third of the cemetery, it was the tomb of an important burgher family of the Wessels.

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