Kostel svatého Jana Křtitele

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Contact Kostel svatého Jana Křtitele

Address :

U Křižovatky, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia

Categories :
City : Kolín

U Křižovatky, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia
Ivanna Yanchiyuk on Google

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Eva Jordan on Google

Chrám slouží od roku 1952 Pravoslavné církvi. Původní budova chrámu pochází z roku 1300, kdy byl kostel součástí špitálu. Současná podoba je výsledkem několika úprav, z nichž poslední barokní pochází z roku 1747.
The temple has been serving since 1952 by the Orthodox Church. The original temple building dates back to 1300, when the church was part of the hospital. The current appearance is the result of several modifications, the last of which is from 1747.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Krásný (i když dnes bohužel za zdí ukrytý) jednolodní kostel vznikl na přelomu 13. a 14. století při cestě z Kolína do Kutné Hory. Stál na hřbitově nedaleko bývalého špitálu. Dnes patří mezi nejstarší kolínské památky. První písemná zmínka o něm pochází z roku 1359. Pozdně gotické úpravy proběhly v roce 1589, po třicetileté válce, byl postupně opraven nákladem kolínských měšťanů v roce 1652 a 1665. Do dnešní podoby byl nakonec přestavěn pozdně barokně v roce 1747, kdy byla snesena původní hranolová věž. Poslední opravy probíhají od roku 2015 až do doby mé návštěvy v prosinci 2019. V interiéru kostela se dochoval zajímavý soubor uměleckých památek převážně z 18. století, jako Křížová cesta z let 1759–60, přenesená sem z chrámu sv. Bartoloměje, zajímavá barokní kazatelna z roku 1715 od kutnohorského řezbáře z okruhu Františka Martina Ketterbauera, nebo hlavní oltář z roku 1747 od Richarda Jiřího Práchnera. Rámový rokokový oltář se soudobým obrazem sv. Jana Křtitele, po stranách se sochami sv. Anny a sv. Jáchyma, držícího desku s hebrejským nápisem je dnes ukryt za ikonostasem z roku 1952. Beautiful (although unfortunately hidden today behind the wall) single-nave church was built at the turn of the 13th and 14 century on the way from Kolín to Kutná Hora. It stood in a cemetery near the former hospital. Today it is one of the oldest Kolín monuments. The first written mention of it dates back to 1359. Late Gothic modifications took place in 1589, after the Thirty Years War it was gradually repaired by the burghers of Kolín in 1652 and 1665. In its present form it was finally rebuilt in the late Baroque style in 1747, when the original prismatic tower was demolished. Minor modifications were made many times for the needs of the Orthodox Church. The latest repairs have been in progress since 2015 until my visit in late December 2019. In the interior of the church, there is an interesting collection of artistic monuments mostly from the 18th century, such as the Stations of the Cross from 1759–60, transferred here from the Church of St. Bartholomew, an interesting Baroque pulpit from 1715 by Kutná Hora carver from the workshop of František Martin Ketterbauer and a valuable main altar from 1747 by Richard Jiří Práchner. Rococo frame altar with contemporary painting of St. John the Baptist, with statues of St. Anne and St. Jáchym, holding a plaque with a Hebrew inscription, is now hidden behind an iconostasis of 1952.
Beautiful (although unfortunately hidden behind the wall) one-nave church was built at the turn of the 13th and 14 century on the way from Kolín to Kutná Hora. He stood in a cemetery near the former hospital. Today it is one of the oldest Cologne monuments. The first written mention of it dates back to 1359. Late Gothic adaptations took place in 1589, after the Thirty Years War, was gradually repaired by the burghers of Kolín in 1652 and 1665. It was rebuilt in its late Baroque style in 1747, when the original prismatic tower. The last repairs have been carried out since 2015 until my visit in December 2019. In the interior of the church, there is an interesting collection of artistic monuments, mostly from the 18th century, such as the Stations of the Cross from 1759-60, transferred here from the St. Bartholomew, an interesting Baroque pulpit from 1715 by Kutná Hora carver from the circle of František Martin Ketterbauer, or the main altar from 1747 by Richard Jiří Práchner. Rococo altar frame with contemporary painting of St. John the Baptist, with statues of St. Anne and St. Jáchym, holding a plaque with a Hebrew inscription, is now hidden behind an iconostasis of 1952. Beautiful (but unfortunately hidden today behind the wall) single-nave church was built on the turn of the 13th and 14 century on the way from Kolín to Kutná Hora. It stood in a cemetery near the former hospital. Today it is one of the oldest Kolín monuments. The first written mention of it dates back to 1359. Late Gothic modifications took place in 1589, after the Thirty Years War it was gradually repaired by the burghers of Kolín in 1652 and 1665. In its present form it was finally rebuilt in the late Baroque style in 1747, when the original prismatic tower was demolished. Minor modifications were made many times for the needs of Orthodox Church. The latest repairs have been in progress since 2015 until my visit in late December 2019. In the interior of the church, there is an interesting collection of artistic monuments mostly from the 18th century, such as the Stations of the Cross from 1759–60, transferred from the Church Bartholomew, an interesting Baroque pulpit from 1715 by Kutná Hora carver from the workshop of František Martin Ketterbauer and a valuable main altar from 1747 by Richard Jiří Práchner. Rococo frame altar St. John the Baptist Anne and St. Jáchym, holding a plaque with a Hebrew inscription, is now hidden behind an iconostasis of 1952.

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