Kostel Povýšení svatého Kříže

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Contact Kostel Povýšení svatého Kříže

Address :

Svatošova, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Categories :
City : Tábor

Svatošova, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia
Michal Kučera on Google

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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Klidne misto na starém městě.
Quiet location in the old town.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pravoslavný chrám Povýšení sv. Kříže na Špitálském náměstí je bývalá špitální kaple Svatého Kříže, která byla původně zasvěcena sv. Alžbětě. S přiléhajícím domem čp. 285 - bývalým špitálem - tvoří jeden stavební celek. Nejstarší písemná zmínka o špitálu pochází z let 1443-1444. Špitál sloužil nejen k péči o nemocné, zejména dlouhodobě nemocné, ale také o staré lidi a chudé obyvatele města, kteří neměli vlastní střechu nad hlavou. Jak zjistily archeologické výzkumy, špitál s kapličkou stojí na místě, kde se v předhusitské době nacházelo pohřebiště. Kaple samotná byla postavena v roce 1718. The Orthodox Church The Cross on the Spital's Square is the former hospital chapel of the Holy Cross, which was initially dedicated to St. Elizabeth. With adjacent house No. 285 - a former hospital - they form one building block. The oldest written mention of the hospital comes from 1443-1444. The hospital served not only for the care of the sick, especially the long-term ill, but also for the old people and the poor inhabitants of the town who did not have a place to live. A hospital with a chapel stands in a place where the burial ground was in pre-Hussite times, as archaeological research discovered. The chapel itself was built in 1718.
Orthodox Church of the Exaltation of St. Kříže on Špitálské náměstí is the former hospital chapel of the Holy Cross, which was originally dedicated to St. Elizabeth. With the adjoining house No. 285 - a former hospital - it forms one building unit. The oldest written mention of the hospital comes from the years 1443-1444. The hospital was used not only to care for the sick, especially the long-term sick, but also for the elderly and the city's poor, who did not have their own roof over their heads. Archaeological excavations have shown that the hospital with a chapel stands on the site of a burial ground in pre-Hussite times. The chapel itself was built in 1718. The Orthodox Church The Cross on the Spital's Square is the former hospital chapel of the Holy Cross, which was initially dedicated to St. Elizabeth. With adjacent house No. 285 - a former hospital - they form one building block. The oldest written mention of the hospital comes from 1443-1444. The hospital served not only for the care of the sick, especially the long-term ill, but also for the old people and the poor inhabitants of the town who did not have a place to live. A hospital with a chapel stands in a place where the burial ground was in pre-Hussite times, as archaeological research discovered. The chapel itself was built in 1718.

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