Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church

Address :

Šárecká 1065/36, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

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City : Praha

Šárecká 1065/36, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Доктор Медіа on Google

Раджу сходити
I advise to go
Bobana Jevtic on Google

Юрий Кульковец on Google

Mám rád tomu
I like it
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zajímavý třípodlažní původně rodinný a nájemní dům na obdélném půdorysu, se symetricky řešenou frontou a dvojicí vchodů, doplňuje řadu pěkně zrekonstruovaných objektů Šárecké ulice. Vůbec celá ulice je moc příjemným místem k žití. V sousedství domu čp. 1065/36 najdete i originální památník první pražské trolejbusové trati. An interesting three-storey originally family and rental house on a rectangular ground plan, with a symmetrically designed front side and a pair of entrances, complements a number of nicely reconstructed buildings of Šárecká Street. The whole street is surely a very pleasant place to live. In the neighborhood of the house No. 1065/36 you can find really original monument of the first trolleybus line in Prague.
An interesting three-storey, originally family and tenement house on a rectangular floor plan, with a symmetrically designed front and a pair of entrances, complements a number of nicely reconstructed buildings on Šárecká Street. The whole street is a very pleasant place to live. In the vicinity of the house No. 1065/36 you will also find the original memorial of the first Prague trolleybus line. An interesting three-storey originally family and rental house on a rectangular ground plan, with a symmetrically designed front side and a pair of entrances, complements a number of nicely reconstructed buildings of Šárecká Street. The whole street is surely a very pleasant place to live. In the neighborhood of the house No. 1065/36 you can find really original monument of the first trolleybus line in Prague.
Borislav Borissov on Google

Difficult to enter..
Dimitar Lilov on Google

Czech and Slovak Eparhia
Alexander Paramonov on Google

The headquarters of the Czech Orthodox Church. "Eparhia" as it's known is the business place where the archbishop's office is located, asking with his staff. Excellent hospitality and warm support when visiting from Australia. Thank you!

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