Kostel Svatého Jiří - Hloubětínská 5

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Farnost Hloubětín - Farnosthloubetin.cz

Úterý     – 18:00
Pátek     – 18:00
Neděle   – 08:30
Eucharistická adorace v tichosti každý čtvrtek od 18:30 a první pátek v měsíci po mši
Katecheze pro dospělé úterý po mši svaté 18:45
Náboženství pro děti a mládež úterý v 16:30 a čtvrtek v 17:30
Modlitby žen každou druhou středu v 19:00

Contact Kostel Svatého Jiří

Address :

Hloubětínská 5, 198 00 Praha 14-Hloubětín, Czechia

Postal code : 198
Website : https://farnosthloubetin.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha Hloubětín

Hloubětínská 5, 198 00 Praha 14-Hloubětín, Czechia
Roman Provaznik on Google

Karel Staměk on Google

Adam Wágner on Google


Petr Mahdal on Google

Jaromír Vacek on Google

Novogoticky farní kostel s malým hřbitovem hned vedle Hloubětínskeho zámku. Okolo kostela jsou vzrostlé stromy, které poskytují ochranu před sluncem v parnych dnech. Nachází se zde i několik laviček pro odpočinek. Bohoslužby jsou v kostele 3x v týdnu. Velmi tiché a poklidné místo.
Neo-Gothic parish church with a small cemetery next to the Hloubětín Castle. Around the church are mature trees that provide protection from the sun on hot days. There are also several benches for rest. Worship is in the church 3 times a week. Very quiet and peaceful place.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Působivý jednolodní gotický kostel s řadou novogotických úprav je pod správou řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou. První zmínka o kostele v Hloubětíně pochází z roku 1217. Svatyně v gotickém slohu byla postavena v roce 1257. Její existenci dokládá papežská listina pražského biskupa Mikuláše ze 13. února 1257, kterou potvrdil řádu křížovníků s červenou hvězdou, na jaké kostely mají podací právo - na tomto seznamu byl i ten hloubětínský. V roce 1695 byl přestavěn, v roce 1892 dostal trámový strop. Do roku 1847 stála věž na místě dnešní sakristie, poté byla stržena a nová věž byla postavena před vchodem na jihozápadní straně. Přitom byla prodloužena chrámová loď. V roce 1987 proběhla oprava zdiva kostela a věže. Od roku 1365 do husitských válek jsou známi všichni faráři. Poté fara zanikla a obnovena byla koncem 17. století v souvislosti s přestavbou kostela. V roce 1958 byl kostel prohlášen nemovitou památkou. The impressive single-nave Gothic church with a number of neo-Gothic alterations is under the administration of the Order of the Red Star Crusaders. The first mention of the church in Hloubětín dates from 1217. The sanctuary in the Gothic style was built in 1257. Its existence is evidenced by a papal charter of the Prague´s Bishop Nicholas of 13 February 1257, which confirmed specific churches to the Order of the Red Star Crusaders. the Hloubětín one was also on this list. In 1695 it was rebuilt, in 1892 it received a beamed ceiling. Until 1847, the tower stood on the site of today's sacristy, then it was demolished and a new tower was built in front of the entrance on the southwest side. At the same time, the nave was extended. In 1987, the masonry of the church and tower was repaired. From 1365 until the Hussite wars, all pastors are known. Then the rectory ceased to exist and was restored at the end of the 17th century in connection with the reconstruction of the church. In 1958, the church was declared an immovable monument.
The impressive single-nave Gothic church with a number of neo-Gothic alterations is under the administration of the Order of the Red Star Crusaders. The first mention of the church in Hloubětín dates from 1217. The sanctuary in the Gothic style was built in 1257. Its existence is evidenced by a papal charter of the Bishop of Prague Nicholas of 13 February 1257, which confirmed the Order of the Red Star Crusaders, the Hloubětín one was also on this list. In 1695 it was rebuilt, in 1892 it received a beamed ceiling. Until 1847, the tower stood on the site of today's sacristy, then it was demolished and a new tower was built in front of the entrance on the southwest side. At the same time, the nave was extended. In 1987, the masonry of the church and tower was repaired. From 1365 until the Hussite wars, all pastors are known. Then the rectory disappeared and was restored at the end of the 17th century in connection with the reconstruction of the church. In 1958, the church was declared an immovable monument. The impressive single-nave Gothic church with a number of neo-Gothic alterations is under the administration of the Order of the Red Star Crusaders. The first mention of the church in Hloubětín dates from 1217. The sanctuary in the Gothic style was built in 1257. Its existence is evidenced by a papal charter of the Prague´s Bishop Nicholas of 13 February 1257, which confirmed specific churches to the Order of the Red Star Crusaders. the Hloubětín one was also on this list. In 1695 it was rebuilt, in 1892 it received a beamed ceiling. Until 1847, the tower stood on the site of today's sacristy, then it was demolished and a new tower was built in front of the entrance on the southwest side. At the same time, the nave was extended. In 1987, the masonry of the church and tower was repaired. From 1365 until the Hussite wars, all pastors are known. Then the rectory ceased to exist and was restored at the end of the 17th century in connection with the reconstruction of the church. In 1958, the church was declared an immovable monument.
Karel Spěvák on Google

Zajímavý farní kostel, postavený v gotickém slohu, s upraveným okolím. Třikrát týdně se konají bohoslužby /úterý a pátek od 18 hodin, v neděli od 8:30/, v úterý po mší svaté katecheze. Info tabule pro veřejnost s vysvětlením svátostí /křest dospělého nebo dítěte, biřmování, svaté přijímání, svátost smíření, atd./. Na nedalekém Úřadu Městské časti možno zakoupit turistickou vizitku.
An interesting parish church, built in the Gothic style, with landscaped surroundings. Services are held three times a week / Tuesday and Friday from 6 pm, on Sunday from 8:30 am /, on Tuesday after the Mass of Holy Catechesis. Info board for the public with an explanation of the sacraments / baptism of an adult or child, confirmation, holy communion, the sacrament of reconciliation, etc./. A tourist business card can be purchased at the nearby Municipal District Office.

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