Kostel svatého Václava (Loket)

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel svatého Václava (Loket)

Address :

Kostelní 14/3, 357 33 Loket, Czechia

Categories :
City : Loket

Kostelní 14/3, 357 33 Loket, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel svatého Václava v Lokti nad Ohří byl postaven patrně již na počátku 13. století, poprvé je ale zmiňován roku 1240. Kostel, jehož současná podoba vychází z poslední významné přestavby v letech 1725 až 1734, se nachází v Kostelní ulici v těsné blízkosti hradního obvodu. Během přepadení města Loket Šliky v roce 1473 zdejší kostel vyhořel a následně byl pozdně goticky obnoven a rozšířen. V letech 1701-1734 proběhla rozsáhlá barokní přestavba kostela, přerušená roku 1725 ničivým požárem města, během které kostel zcela vyhořel. Autorem poslední přestavby je Wolfgang Braunbock, dokončil jí jeho syn Ondřej. Od 3. května 1958 je kostel památkově chráněn. Jedinou dochovanou částí původní stavby je severní portál a kvádříkové zdivo severní zdi. Na konci 20. století byla provedena celková rekonstrukce vnější fasády kostela. The church of St. Wenceslas in Loket nad Ohří was probably built at the beginning of the 13th century, but it was first mentioned in 1240. The church, whose current appearance dates back to the last significant reconstruction in the years 1725 to 1734, is located in Kostelní street in the immediate vicinity of the castle district. During the assault of the town of Loket by Šlik´s family in 1473, the local church burnt down and subsequently was restored in late-gothic style and expanded. Between 1701-1734, the Baroque reconstruction of the church took place, interrupted in 1725 by the devastating fire of the city during which the church completely burnt down. The author of the last rebuilding is Wolfgang Braunbock, and his son, Ondřej, who completed it. Since May 3, 1958, the church has been preserved by Czech state. The only preserved part of the original building is the northern portal and the block wall of the northern wall. At the end of the 20th century a complete reconstruction of the church's outer facade was carried out.
The Church of St. Wenceslas in Loket nad Ohří was probably built at the beginning of the 13th century, but it was first mentioned in 1240. The church, whose present appearance is based on the last major reconstruction between 1725 and 1734, is located in Kostelní Street near the castle district. . During the ambush of the town Loket Šliky in 1473 the local church burnt down and was later Gothic restored and expanded. In the years 1701-1734 there was an extensive Baroque reconstruction of the church, interrupted in 1725 by the devastating fire of the town, during which the church burnt down completely. The author of the last reconstruction was Wolfgang Braunbock, finished by his son Ondřej. Since 3 May 1958 the church has been protected. The only preserved part of the original building is the northern portal and the block walls of the northern wall. At the end of the 20th century, the exterior facade of the church was completely reconstructed. The church of st. Wenceslas in Loket nad Ohri was probably built in the beginning of the 13th century, but it was first mentioned in 1240. The church, whose current appearance dates back to the last significant reconstruction in the years 1725 to 1734, is located in Kostelní street in The immediate vicinity of the Castle District. During the assault of the town of Loket by Šlik´s family in 1473, the local church burnt down and was restored in late-Gothic style and expanded. Between 1701-1734, the Baroque reconstruction of the church took place, interrupted in 1725 by the devastating fire of the city during which the church completely burnt down. The author of the last rebuilding is Wolfgang Braunbock, and his son, Ondřej, who completed it. Since May 3, 1958, the church was preserved by the Czech state. The only preserved part of the original building is the northern portal and the block wall of the northern wall. At the end of the 20th century a complete reconstruction of the church's outer facade was carried out.
Dame La Mano on Google

Sakrální stavba s příležitostí úžasného výhledu do okolí
Sacral building with a wonderful view of the surroundings
Juergen Grzesina on Google

Kirche und Turm gehören zum Ortsbild von Loket (Elbogen) wie die Burg. Schön renoviert in kräftigen Farben, haben wir trotz meheren Besuchen die Kirche noch nie von innen gesehen.
Church and tower are part of the townscape of Loket (Elbogen) like the castle. Beautifully renovated in bright colors, we have never seen the church from the inside despite several visits.
Roland Ulbrich on Google

Wunderschönes Gotteshaus, leider verschlossen...?
Beautiful church, unfortunately closed...?
Jan Tumpach on Google

Poprvé zmiňován již roku 1240, několikrát vyhořel a byl rekonstruován. Kostel je známý tzv. loketskou varhanářskou školou, rodák Abraham Stark vytvořil varhany pro klášter Sedlec u Kutné Hory, nebo např. kostel Panny Marie na Strahově. Kostel je na seznamu kulturních památek České republiky.
First mentioned in 1240, it burned down several times and was reconstructed. The church is known for the so-called Loket organ school, a native Abraham Stark created an organ for the Sedlec monastery near Kutná Hora, or for example the church of the Virgin Mary in Strahov. The church is on the list of cultural monuments of the Czech Republic.
Lukáš Fojtík on Google

V době, kdy jsem tu byl probíhá uvnitř kostela rekonstrukce.
By the time I was here, the church was under reconstruction.
Jiří Bartoš on Google

Původně gotický kostel, nyní v rekonstrukci. Jeho interiér je nádherný. Kostel stojí za návštěvu.
Originally a Gothic church, now under reconstruction. Its interior is beautiful. The church is worth a visit.
Jiri Randa on Google

Na Velký pátek 2022 sem byl přivezen nový zvon. Je naladěn do C2, váží 320 kg. Pojmenován je podle svaté Anežky, požehnán bude v neděli 17. dubna 2022. ... Zatím bude čekat v kostele. Až budou vyrobeny ještě dva zbývající, bude následovat jejich zavěšení na kostelní věž.
A new bell was brought here on Good Friday 2022. It is tuned to C2, weighs 320 kg. Named after St. Agnes, he will be blessed on Sunday, April 17, 2022. ... He will be waiting in the church for now. When the other two are made, they will be hung on the church tower.

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