Koyo Bearings Ltd. Czech Republic

4.9/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Koyo Bearings Ltd. Czech Republic

Address :

Pavelkova 253, 779 00 Bystrovany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://koyobearings.cz/
Categories :
City : Bystrovany

Pavelkova 253, 779 00 Bystrovany, Czechia
Martin Sala on Google

Rudolf Otradovec on Google

Marek Černý on Google


Bez problémů, rychlá nakládka zboží, vynikající jednání. Chválim expedici
No problems, fast loading of goods, excellent handling. I commend the expedition
Daniel Hloušek on Google

Pro praxi dobrá firma, pro práci nevím, ale ze všech mnou navštívených forem jednoznačně tato vítězí. Dobří mistři, nepracuje tam každý idiot, takže to má i nějakou úroveň, skvělá jídelna v jídelně, a peníze chodí včas.
For practice a good company, for work I do not know, but of all the forms I visited definitely this one wins. Good masters, not working there any idiot, so it has some level, great dining in the dining room, and the money goes in time.
radoslav valko on Google

Mal som tu cest navstivit tuto firmu a rozpravat sa s jej manazermy. Som uneseny ako v tak obrovskej budove mal kazdy predmet svoje vyznacene miesto a kazdy clovek ten predmet odkial vzal aj vratil. Tak detailne premakany kazdy jeden prvok firmy som nevidel este asi nikde. Planovanie bolo nad moje sily a nikdy by som sa nim tak nenechal zviazat ale obdivujem manazerov tohto komplexu ?
I had a trip here to visit this company and talk to its managers. I am kidnapped as in such a huge building, each object had its own prominent place, and every person from where it took and returned. So detailed soaked every single element of the company I have not seen anywhere else. Planning was beyond my power and I would never let myself be bound, but I admire the managers of this complex ?
Bernes Malčinović on Google


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