Krkonošské vápenky Kunčice, a.s. - Kamenný pahorek

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Contact Krkonošské vápenky Kunčice, a.s.

Address :

Kamenný pahorek, 417 23 Košťany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 417
Categories :
City : Košťany

Mario Búda on Google

Adresa:gps: 50.6428359649326/13.77053782099198. Zadavajte pokiaľ vám umožní GPS zadať čísla. Ak hľadáte firmu Sika, nepíše ju nikde po ceste, iba pri vstupe do firmy sú 2 vlajky, s názvom Sika. Sledujte KVK. Parkovanie? Ak máte šťastie po,, záverečnej, max po16. hod., odstaviť vedľa plota na levej strane TIR. Potom ešte 2.moznosti :pokračovať po hlavnej ceste pri firme, smer mesto, pred kruhovým objazdom sa dá ako tak stať na jedno auto na pravo a ľavo. Vstup do firmy :odstaviť auto co najbližšie k zavore, otvorí sa vám automaticky, vojdete dnu, po30. metroch,, cca,, uvidíte tabulu STOP, pri nej postojite a čakať na príchod pána vozickara, skladnika. Do expedície netreba chodiť. Poviete kam nakladat, a ak máte nahlásené auto a popiere k nakladke, idete nakladat. Z ľavej strany, cca30. minút, pán vozičkár je profík, dá vám aj cmr, dodacie, skrátka všetko. Potrebujete Vašu pečiatku. WC k dispozícii, sprcha žiaľ iba pre zamestnancov. Kľud, pohoda. Odporucam, ďakujem. MÁRIO SATAN.
Address: gps: 50.6428359649326 / 13.77053782099198. Enter if GPS allows you to enter numbers. If you are looking for a Sika company, it does not write it anywhere along the way, only when entering the company there are 2 flags, called Sika. Follow KVK. Parking? If you are lucky after ,, final, max after16. hours, park next to the fence on the left side of the 1st car. TIR. Then another option 2: continue on the main road near the company, in the direction of the city, before the roundabout, you can still stand on one car on the right and left. Entering the company: park the car as close as possible to the lock, it will open automatically, you will enter the bottom, after 30. meters ,, approx ,, you will see the STOP sign, stand by it and wait for the arrival of Mr. wheelchair user, warehouseman. There is no need to go to the expedition. You tell me where to load, and if you have a registered car and disputes, you go to load. From the left, approx. 30. minutes, Mr. Wheelchair is a pro, he will also give you a cmr, delivery, in short, everything. You need your stamp. WC available, shower unfortunately only for employees. Calm down, calm down. I recommend, thank you. MÁRIO SATAN.

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