Krulišova vila

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Contact Krulišova vila

Address :

Na Pavím vrchu 1949/2, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha 5 Smíchov

Na Pavím vrchu 1949/2, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia
Martin Pešl on Google

Роман Липінський on Google

Вілла № 1949. Спочатку вона належала барону Крулішу,тому її іноді називають вілою Круліша. Під час Празького повстання в 1945 році війська СС довго опиралися тут, але остаточно капітулювали опівдні 6 травня.Вілла була націоналізована в 1948 році і з тих пір використовується Міністерством внутрішніх справ. За соціалізму це робоче місце підпадало під шосте управління Державної безпеки і, серед іншого, було одним із 7 контрольно-пропускних пунктів Чехословаччини для іноземних радіомовників. Наприкінці 1980-х вілла була дорого відремонтована, а в'язнів привозили на роботу. Сьогодні ним користується Міністерство внутрішніх справ Чеської Республіки (будівля має позначку "Центр радіозв'язку та вимірювання Міністерства внутрішніх справ").
Villa № 1949. It originally belonged to Baron Krulish, so it is sometimes called Krulish's villa. During the Prague Uprising in 1945, SS troops resisted here for a long time, but finally capitulated at noon on May 6. The villa was nationalized in 1948 and has since been used by the Ministry of the Interior. Under socialism, this workplace fell under the Sixth Department of State Security and was, among other things, one of the 7 Czechoslovak checkpoints for foreign broadcasters. In the late 1980s, the villa was expensively renovated, and prisoners were brought to work. Today it is used by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (the building is marked "Radio Communication and Measurement Center of the Ministry of the Interior").
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pohnuté osudy Krulišovy vily a jejích obyvatel by vystačily na obsáhlou knihu. Původně patřila uhlobaronu Krulišovi. Při pražském povstání v roce 1945 tu sídlily jednotky SS, aby se nakonec 6. května vzdaly. Roku 1948 byla vila znárodněna a od té doby ji užívá ministerstvo vnitra. Za socialismu spadalo toto pracoviště pod STB a byla zde jedna z rušiček zahraničního rozhlasového vysílání. Koncem 80. let byla vila nákladně zrenovována, na práci byli dováženi vězni. Dnes ji opět užívá Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky. The turbulent fate of Kruliš's villa and its inhabitants would suffice for a comprehensive book. It originally belonged to the coal baron Kruliš. During the Prague Uprising in 1945, SS units were stationed here, only to surrender on May 6. The villa was nationalized in 1948 and has been used by the Ministry of the Interior ever since. Under socialism, this workplace fell under the communist State Security and was one of the seven big jammers of foreign radio broadcasting. At the end of the 1980s, the villa was expensively renovated, and prisoners were brought in for work. Today it is used again by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
The turbulent fate of Kruliš's villa and its inhabitants would suffice for a comprehensive book. It originally belonged to the barbarian Kruliš. During the Prague Uprising in 1945, SS troops settled here to finally surrender on May 6. The villa was nationalized in 1948 and has been used by the Ministry of the Interior ever since. Under socialism, this workplace fell under the STB and was one of the jammers of foreign radio broadcasting. At the end of the 1980s, the villa was expensively renovated, and prisoners were brought in for work. Today it is used again by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. The turbulent fate of Kruliš's villa and its inhabitants would suffice for a comprehensive book. It originally belonged to the coal baron Kruliš. During the Prague Uprising in 1945, SS units were stationed here, only to surrender on May 6. The villa was nationalized in 1948 and has been used by the Ministry of the Interior ever since. Under socialism, this workplace fell under the communist State Security and was one of the seven big jammers of foreign radio broadcasting. At the end of the 1980s, the villa was expensively renovated, and prisoners were brought in for work. Today it is used again by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

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