Kulturní dům Říp a 3D Kino Roudnice

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Contact Kulturní dům Říp a 3D Kino Roudnice

Address :

Husovo Nám. 58, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +879
Website : https://www.kdrip.cz/
Categories :
City : Roudnice nad Labem

Husovo Nám. 58, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem, Czechia
Dita Čeňková on Google

Krásné místo, příjemná obsluha všem doporučuji, výborné jídlo a nádherný výhled.
Beautiful place, friendly service I recommend to all, great food and wonderful views.
Ivo Lukasek on Google

Kulturní dům je po rekonstrukci a splňuje všechny parametry .Rekonstrukce se povedla ve všech směrech.
The house of culture is after reconstruction and meets all parameters. The reconstruction was successful in all directions.
Tomáš Piller on Google

Pěkný sál, ale trochu menší, po příchodu záleži na koho narazíte, protože ne všichni jsou ochotní..
Nice hall, but a little smaller, upon arrival depends on who you come across, because not everyone is willing ..
Pete Veltruský on Google

Roušky nula. Při titulcích se všude zapíná ambientní osvětlení. Tady tma. Plátno malé, amatérské.
Veils zero. Ambient lighting turns on everywhere for subtitles. It's dark here. Canvas small, amateur.
Marketa Hroudová on Google

Otřesné. Od nového kina očekávám, že na WC poteče voda. Prostředí sálu hrozné - ve světlých scénách všude světlo a osvícené bílé stěny sálu. Z restaurace hluk. Zážitek z kina nula - v obýváku lepší. Ve tmě není vidět na krok. Roušky neřeší. Popcorn nemají. Raději do Sokola.
Terrible. I expect the new cinema to have water flowing to the toilet. The environment of the hall is terrible - in bright scenes everywhere there is light and illuminated white walls of the hall. Noise from the restaurant. Cinema experience zero - better in the living room. He can't see a step in the dark. Veils do not solve. They don't have popcorn. I'd rather go to Sokol.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

V záplavě nových užitkových budov došlo v Roudnici konečně v roce 1878 také na první stavbu zaměřenou na kulturní účely. Popravdě však i zde očekávaný zisk jejího investora - Okresní hospodářské záložny - byl inspirátorkou akce. Jmenovaná záložna již v roce 1872 zakoupila dva domy na dnešním Husově náměstí č.p. 57 a 58 (malý a velký Bílinský dům), které měly rozsáhlé zahrady. Na jejich části k původnímu Bílinskému domu přistavěla v roce 1878 na tehdejší dobu poměrně velký společenský a divadelní sál, který spolu s restauračními místnostmi byl pronajímán vzdělávacím spolkům. V novém sále hrál divadelní odbor jednoty Říp. In the flood of new commercial buildings, Roudnice was finally involved also in the first building focused on cultural purposes in 1878. In fact, however, the expected earnings of its investor - District Economic Credit - were inspiration for it´s building. In 1872 this savings bank purchased two houses on today's Husovo náměstí č.p. 57 and 58 (the small and large Bílinský House), which had extensive gardens. In their parts to the original Bílinský House a relatively large social and theater hall was built in 1878, which was rented to educational associations alltogether with the restaurant rooms. In new hall, the Theater division called "Říp" had been playing.
In the flood of new utility buildings, the first building focused on cultural purposes was finally built in Roudnice in 1878. In fact, even here, the expected profit of its investor - the District Economic Credit Union - was the inspiration of the event. Already in 1872, the named bank bought two houses on today's Hus Square No. 57 and 58 (small and large Bílinský house), which had extensive gardens. In 1878, a relatively large social and theater hall was added to the original Bílina House in 1878, which, together with the restaurant rooms, was leased to educational associations. In the new hall, the theater department of the Říp unit played. In the flood of new commercial buildings, Roudnice was finally involved also in the first building focused on cultural purposes in 1878. In fact, however, the expected earnings of its investor - District Economic Credit - were inspiration for it´s building. In 1872 this savings bank purchased two houses on today's Husovo náměstí č.p. 57 and 58 (the small and large Bílinský House), which had extensive gardens. In their parts to the original Bílinský House a relatively large social and theater hall was built in 1878, which was rented to educational associations alltogether with the restaurant rooms. In new hall, the Theater division called "Říp" had been playing.
Miroslav Fridrich on Google

Nádherné posezení s úžasným výhledem, dobré pivo, příjemná obsluha.
Wonderful seating with amazing views, good beer, friendly service.
Radek Toman on Google

Closed for renovation, so we just enjoyed a view of the church from here

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