La Pizza Berra

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Pizza Berra

Address :

Pražská 39-29, 460 07 Liberec, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 12–11PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Categories :
City : Liberec

Pražská 39-29, 460 07 Liberec, Czechia
Gylon 68 on Google

Pizza chudá,jednu na posezení.Jen jsem zkoušel něco nového ale nenadchla,neurazila ale ani neoslovila. Nikdy víc si u vás nedám.
Pizza poor, one for sitting. I just tried something new, but it didn't inspire me, it didn't offend me, but I didn't address it either. I will never give you more.
Kateřina Zettlitzerová on Google

Večení kousek pizzy když zrovna jdete z hospůdky / baru. Velmi cením výběr (maso / vege / vegan)! Chuťově super, vše čerstvé a šťavnaté. Cenově taky skvělá volba :)
Dine on a slice of pizza as you leave the pub / bar. I really appreciate the choice (meat / vege / vegan)! Great in taste, everything fresh and juicy. Great choice for a price :)
Lucie Stejskalová on Google

Dobrý den, opravdu mi nepřijde normální, že se dostane na vegan pizzu kus masa, který bije do očí. Pizzerii opravdu nedoporučuji.
Hello, it really doesn't seem normal to me to get a piece of meat on my vegan pizza that hits my eyes. I really do not recommend the pizzeria.
Kateřina Beková on Google

Skvělá veganská i neveganská pizza, milý a vždy ochotný pán, v horkých dnech jsme dostali zadarmo limonádu. Nejlepší výběr vegan pizzy v Liberci. Chodím často a budu dál.
Great vegan and non-vegan pizza, nice and always helpful gentleman, on hot days we got free lemonade. The best selection of vegan pizza in Liberec. I walk often and I will continue.
Miroslava Beková on Google

pizza naprosto dokonalá, jak vegan tak vegetariánská, ... obsluha úsměv na tváři a proto se tam vždy ráda vrátím :-) .... mohu jen doporučit, protože nám moc chutnalo tak děkuji :-)
pizza absolutely perfect, both vegan and vegetarian, ... the staff a smile on your face and that's why I'm always happy to go back there :-) .... I can only recommend it, because we really liked it so thank you :-)
randal on Google

objednal jsem picante a hawai plus gratis mela byt se sunkou.Vysledek po hodine hladoveho cekani dorazilo neco s zampiony a ancovickama plus dve se sunkou (takze 2 chudinky co se davaji gratis jako bonus a neco pro vegany) sunka pruhledna, syr taky...obe prisady dohromady ani milimetr) neco takovyho za 400 fakt nechces...kdyby jen podelali se obcas stane...jenze to co prijelo? na pizze se i normalnim zpusobem da videlat i kdyz tam date co si pizza zaslouzi...ale tohle jsem opravdu jeste nevidel vy ty prisady snad krajite ziletkou ci laserem, to jako mate pocit ze mene je lepe?vzdyt si u vas podruhy nikdo nic neda.... ta porce sunky na cele pizze nestaci ani na oblozeni krajice chleba...ja bych se tohle stydel prodavat
I ordered picante and hawaii plus gratis had an apartment with a ham. both ingredients together not a millimeter) you don't really want something like that for 400 ... if they just placed an order ... it happens sometimes ... only what came? You can also see the pizza in the normal way, even if you date what the pizza deserves ... but I haven't really seen this yet. neda .... that portion of ham on the whole pizza is not even enough to line a slice of bread ... I would be ashamed to sell this
Slawomir on Google

Great,delicious pizza and a kind,polite,talkative chap helping with the right choice of pizza which is very important especially for a foreigner visiting Liberec???
Penka Stoyanova on Google

The best pizza in Liberec!!! It is amazing that they have 6 vegan options! ❤️

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