Lom Mušlovka

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Contact Lom Mušlovka

Address :

Unnamed Road,155 00, Praha-Řeporyje, Czechia

Categories :
City : Řeporyje

Unnamed Road,155 00, Praha-Řeporyje, Czechia
Katerina Wernerova on Google

krásné místo i okolí pro příjemný relax ....
beautiful place and surroundings for pleasant relaxation ....
David Spring on Google

Lom je aktivní a nedá se zde koupat. Objekt je střežený!
The quarry is active and you cannot swim here. The building is guarded!
Pavel Bek on Google

Pěkné místo na procházku.
Nice place to walk.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Další nádherné místo Prokopsko-Dalejského údolí. Název Mušlovka je odvozen právě od hojně nacházených zkamenělin, připomínajících mušle (ve skutečnosti šlo hlavně o mlže a ramenonožce). Ve starém lomu je odkrytý profil svrchně silurských vápenců z dob před 410 miliony let. Vrstvy, které můžete dnes na povrchu pozorovat, se usazovaly asi 4 miliony let a jsou viditelně šikmo zvrásněné proti původní poloze, ve které se usazovaly. Vrásnění začalo před 370 miliony let a způsobil ho tlak na mikrokontinent Peruniku ze severu i z jihu. Těžba v lomu byla ukončena ve 30. letech 20. století. Dnes, bohužel, všechno pomalu zarůstá plevelem. Another beautiful place in the Prokopsko-Dalejské valley. In the old wall quarry you can see the uncovered profile of Upper Silurian limestones, which are about 410 million years old. The visible layers deposited there for about 4 million years. They are significantly slanted against the original position in which they settled. The folding began 370 million years ago and was caused by pressure on the microcontinent of Perunika by a Scandinavian plaque from the north and an African from the south. In the limestone debris, you can still find various fossils, occasionally trilobites. Unfortunately, all this rubble is slowly overgrown with weeds. Mining in the quarry was terminated in the 1930s. Interesting fact: Microcontinent Perunika formed the territory of today's Bohemia and Moravia half a billion years ago. At that time, however, the whole area was near the South Pole. On this small continent, a long and shallow depression of the Prague Basin in the southwest - northeast direction originated 490 million years ago along the local faults. It was just over 20 kilometers wide, extending from the ocean coast of Perunica in the west to its center, on the territory of today's Železné hory (Iron Mountains in Czech-Moravian Highlands). The cave was flooded with sea at the beginning of the lower Ordovician. The sea remained here for 100 million years, throughout the Ordovician, the Silurian until the Middle Devonian. All the time, Perunika moved on the mantle toward the equator. It arrived there approximately 410 million years ago.
Another beautiful place in the Prokopsko-Dalejské valley. The name Mušlovka is derived from the abundant fossils resembling mussels (in fact it was mainly bivalve molluscs and cephalopods). The old quarry has an exposed profile of Upper Silurian limestones dating back to 410 million years ago. The layers you can see on the surface today have settled for about 4 million years and are visibly slanted against the original position in which they settle. Wrinkling began 370 million years ago and was caused by pressure on the microcontinent of Perunica from the north and south. Mining in the quarry was terminated in the 1930s. Today, unfortunately, everything is slowly overgrown with weeds. Another beautiful place in the Prokopsko-Dalejské valley. In the old wall quarry you can see the uncovered profile of Upper Silurian limestones, which are about 410 million years old. The visible layers deposited there for about 4 million years. They are significantly slanted against the original position in which they settled. The folding began 370 million years ago and was caused by pressure on the microcontinent of Perunika by Scandinavian plaque from the north and the African from the south. In the limestone debris, you can still find various fossils, occasionally trilobites. Unfortunately, all this rubble is slowly overgrown with weeds. Mining in the quarry was terminated in the 1930s. Interesting fact: Microcontinent Perunika formed the territory of today's Bohemia and Moravia half a billion years ago. At that time, however, the whole area was near the South Pole. On this small continent, the long and shallow depression of Prague Basin in the southwest - northeast direction originated 490 million years ago along the local faults. It was just over 20 kilometers wide, extending from the ocean coast of Perunica in the west to its center, on the territory of today's Iron Mountains (Czech-Moravian Highlands). The cave was flooded with sea at the beginning of the lower Ordovician. The sea remained here for 100 million years, throughout the Ordovician, the Silurian until the Middle Devonian. All the time, Perunika moved on the mantle towards the equator. It arrived there approximately 410 million years ago.
Z. M. on Google

Mušlovka je opuštěný vápencový lom, který najdete v údolí Dalejského potoka v Praze. Je součástí Národní přírodní památky Dalejský profil, která se rozkládá na katastrálním území obcí Řeporyje, Stodůlky a Holyně. Těžba v lomu byla ukončena ve 30. letech dvacátého století. Stěny lomu odkrývají průřez geologickými vrstvami svrchního siluru (prvohory) a dodnes zde najdete řadu zkamenělinnapříklad hlavonožců, ramenonožců, mlžů, graptolitů, trilobitů a lilijic. Název Mušlovka je odvozen právě od hojně nacházených zkamenělin.
Mušlovka is an abandoned limestone quarry located in the Dalejský brook valley in Prague. It is a part of the Dalejský profil National Natural Monument, which is situated in the cadastral area of ​​Řeporyje, Stodůlky and Holyně. Mining in the quarry was terminated in the 1930s. The quarry walls reveal a cross-section of the geological layers of the Upper Silurian (Paleozoic) and you can still find here a number of fossils, such as cephalopods, cephalopods, bivalves, graptolites, trilobites and aubergines. The name Mušlovka is derived from the abundant fossils.
Vratislav Kašpar on Google

Při troše štěstí zde můžete najít zkamenělinu, kterých je tady opravdu hodně.
With a little luck, you can find fossils here, of which there are really many.
Irena B. on Google

Šla jsem k němu ze shora po pěšině. Strmé, ale dá se to. Kdybych měla více času...ale jo, dá se aspoň centimetrový kousek najít ?.
I walked up to him from above on the footpath. Steep, but it is possible. If I had more time ... but yeah, I can find at least a centimeter piece ?.
Vit N. on Google

One can feel the glimpse of immense dimension of time that passed from the Palaeozoic era till now here. Everyone can find remnants of interesting forms of life that inhabited sea in place where now Prague spreads out. Excellent trip goal for a family or group of friends.

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