Trunečkův mill - Trunečkův mill

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Contact Trunečkův mill

Address :

155 00 Řeporyje, Czechia

Postal code : 155
Categories :
City : Řeporyje

155 00 Řeporyje, Czechia
Jas Svoj on Google

Bohuzel velmi zanedbana část Dalejskeho udoli pri vstupu z Reporyj. Krasne prirodni prostredi narusuji cerne dkladky, zanedbane cesty i trosky mlynu a tovaren. Dalsim minusem je absence zabrany proti vjezdu aut takze jsou pesi nuceni neustale uhybat projizdejicim vozum. Pritom se jedna a geologicky velmi vyznamnou lokalitu, ktera by si zaslouzila lepsi osud.
Unfortunately, a very neglected part of the Dalejské valley at the entrance from Repory. The beautiful natural environment is disturbed by black dumps, neglected roads and the rubble of the mill and factories. Another disadvantage is the absence of a barrier against the entry of cars, so the pedestrians are forced to constantly dodge the passing car. At the same time, it is one and geologically very important locality, which would deserve a better fate.
Helenka Pergi on Google

Torzo asi dříve krásného velkého mlýna. Dnes chátrá. Všude jsou plantáže fialek.
A torso about the previously beautiful big mill. Today it is decaying. Violet plantations are everywhere.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Musela to být nádherná a majestátní stavba. I dnes, kdy už je bohužel v ruinách, mě překvapilo, jak rozlehlý je celý komplex staveb. Nejstarší písemná zmínka o mlýnu je z druhého desetiletí 18. století, ale mlýn v Řeporyjích údajně stál už dříve. Popisné číslo 25 měl již v roce 1770. Jednopatrový vodní mlýn byl ve vlastnictví rodiny Trunečků od počátku 19. století do konce 2. světové války. V letech 1910-1911 tu byla zabudována Francisova turbína, těsně před 2. světovou válkou byl mlýn poháněn plynovým motorem, od roku 1946 do jeho uzavření v roce 1951 poháněl mlýn elektrický motor. Do dneška se z celého objektu zachovaly pouze části obvodových zdí. Je velká škoda, že necháváme tak unikátní technické památky chátrat. It had to be a beautiful and majestic building in the past. Even today, when it is unfortunately in ruins, you will be surprised how large the complex of buildings was. The oldest written mention of the mill comes from the second decade of the 18th century, but the mill in Řeporyje existed earlier. The mill house numbered "25" is documented already in 1770. The two-story water mill was owned by the Truneček family from the beginning of the 19th century until the end of World War II. In 1910-1911 Francis turbine was installed here, just before World War II the mill was powered by a gas engine. From 1946 until its closure in 1951 the mill was powered an electric motor. To this day, only parts of the peripheral walls have been preserved. It is such a pity that we leave such unique technical monuments dilapidated.
It had to be a beautiful and majestic building. Even today, when it is unfortunately in ruins, I was surprised at the size of the entire complex of buildings. The oldest written mention of the mill dates back to the second decade of the 18th century, but the mill in Řeporyje reportedly stood earlier. The house numbered 25 already in 1770. The two-story water mill was owned by the Truneček family from the beginning of the 19th century until the end of World War II. In 1910-1911 Francis turbine was built here, just before World War II the mill was powered by a gas engine, from 1946 until its closure in 1951 the mill powered an electric motor. Until today, only parts of the perimeter walls have been preserved. It is a pity that we leave such unique technical monuments dilapidated. It has a beautiful and majestic building in the past. Even today, when it is unfortunately in ruins, you will be surprised how large the complex of buildings was. The oldest written mention of the mill comes from the second decade of the 18th century, but the mill in Řeporyje existed earlier. The mill house numbered "25" is documented already in 1770. The two-story water mill was owned by the Truneček family from the beginning of the 19th century until the end of World War II. In 1910-1911 Francis turbine was installed here, just before World War II was powered by a gas engine. From 1946 until its closure in 1951 the mill was powered by an electric motor. This day, only parts of the peripheral walls have been preserved. It is such a pity that we leave such unique technical monuments dilapidated.
Ondřej Vítek on Google

Na první pohled nezajímavá ruina. Ale místo je kouzelné tím, jak si podle zbytků zdí můžeme představovat, jak mlýn vypadal v dobách provozu. Koryto potoka od začátku náhonu dnes připomíná divokou džungli. Přírodě na to stačilo pár desítek let.
An uninterested ruin at first sight. But the site is magical in how we can imagine how mill looked like in times of operation. The trough stream from the beginning of the drive today reminds the wild jungle. Nature for it was a few decades.
Roman Horáček on Google

Stejné jako vápenka jen ruina. Ale zákoutí okolo jsou opravdu zajímavá. Jen nedoporučuji za deště. Dost bahno a jen na vlastní nebezpečí.
Same as limestone only ruin. But the nooks around are really interesting. I just don't recommend it in the rain. Enough mud and only at your own risk.
Tambor cz on Google

Ruiny válcového mlýna .. asi poslední šance se na ně podívat, protože na jeho místě se má stavět nový bytový dům.
The ruins of a cylindrical mill .. probably the last chance to look at them, because a new apartment building is to be built in its place.
Irena B. on Google

Za mě nádhera. Mám tyhle staré pozůstatky ráda. Už jsou tam kolíky, chtějí z něj udělat bytové domy. Na některých info tabulích je výzva k podepsání petice proti.
Beautiful for me. I like these old remains. There are already pegs, they want to turn it into apartment buildings. Some info boards call for a petition against.
Christian Noll on Google

Very sad. The mill building is in a beautiful location however very tumbled down. In private land so one really should not enter the building. It must have been a great mill in its day.

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