Maurice Ward Logistics, Ltd. - Dobřanská 665

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Maurice Ward Logistics, Ltd.

Address :

Dobřanská 665, 332 09 Štěnovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 332
Website :
Categories :
City : Štěnovice

Dobřanská 665, 332 09 Štěnovice, Czechia
Michal Dušek on Google

Příjemným personál, vykládka na čas. V místě sprcha a WC pro řidiče TIR.
Friendly staff, unloading on time. In place shower and toilet for TIR drivers.
Łukasz Morel on Google

Żeby wszystkie firmy tak działały to świat transportu byłby piękny, awizacja na 13:00, przyjechałem o 7:45, bez problemu pod rampę, rozładunek Express niecałe 40 minut (jeszcze musiałem chwilę odczekać aż wyjdzie pauza 45min) jednym słowem coś pięknego ? polecam
For all companies to work like this, the world of transport would be beautiful, notification at 1:00 p.m., I arrived at 7:45, without any problems to the ramp, unloading by Express less than 40 minutes (I still had to wait a moment until a 45-minute pause came out) in one word, something beautiful ? I recommend
Aleksandr Liakhymets on Google

Вежливый персонал, но ждёшь загрузку не менее 3 часов. И всем плевать на твое время Плюс в том что есть душ, за это большое спасибо . На ночь нельзя стоять, возле фирмы паркинга нет
Polite staff, but waiting for loading at least 3 hours. And no one cares about your time The plus is that there is a shower, thank you very much for that. You can’t stand at night, there is no parking near the company
Oto Hruby on Google

Nakl,rychle bez problemů.Doporučuji si ale zjistit pokud se přepravuje např. do Francie a na termín jestli s Vámi někdo další z jiné firmy nemá stejnou vykl. i čas.Velice lehce se totiž může stát,že Vy tam přijedete na čas ale ta druhá fa se dostaví až druhý den.Kolotoč lží které pak následují je nenormální a nehodný dospělých lidí.
Nakl, fast without problems. and time. It can very easily happen that you will arrive there on time, but the second fa will not arrive until the next day. The carousel of lies that follow is abnormal and unworthy of adults.
David Pola on Google

Djordje Ristic on Google

mosuvaly28 mosuvaly28 on Google

Worst logistic in Europe..... more than 2 hours for 4 pallets - 200 kg....and the goods are not ready! No one speak english on security...I hope will never take shipments for this place
RQ on Google

In biro no one want speak english its not bad day for him there is no respect and culture for driver. Where bad logistic ??

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