Melník Train Station

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Melník Train Station

Address :

Nádražní 2004, 276 01 Mělník, Czechia

Categories :
City : Mělník

Nádražní 2004, 276 01 Mělník, Czechia
Eva Jordan on Google

Hezké nádraží s plnou vybaveností, ale ten šok na WC. Hrůza. Tak trochu kulturní šok.
Nice station with full amenities, but the shock to the toilet. Terror. A little cultural shock.
Swaggyho Nápady on Google

Je to krásné nádraží , a také je to jediné nádraží na kterém se hlásí vlaky se znělkou : Na stříbropěnném Labi
It is a beautiful train station, and it is also the only train station with jingle trains:
Josef Sokolíček on Google

Hezké nádraží mají zde i automat na kávu.
Nice train stations also have a coffee machine.
Petr Markvart on Google

Mají tu pěkný informační systém. Automat na kávu a lavičky venku i uvnitř.
They have a nice information system. Coffee machine and benches outside and inside.
Josef Maňas on Google

Celkem pěkné nádraží, ale mají to do města dost daleko.
Quite a nice train station, but they have it far enough to the city.
Jaromir Sarnovsky on Google

Tato železniční stanice se nachází kousek za autobusovém nádraží a je celkem dobře vybavená, půjčují tu kola, je tu i WC.automat na kávu nebo čaj,a vse je dobře značené takže se tu opravdu každý vyzná i když jsem přijede poprvé. Ze železniční stanice je to sice dal pěšky do Centra Města ale v létě to vůbec nevadí. Procházkou parkem na Podolí se dostanete k obchodnímu centru Tesco a přilehlých obchodu a je jich tu opravdu na malém kousku dost. Každý si vybere.
This train station is located a short distance behind the bus station and is quite well equipped, they rent bikes, there is also a toilet. Coffee or tea machine, and everything is well marked so everyone really knows here even if I come for the first time. From the train station, it's a walk to the city center, but in the summer it doesn't matter at all. A walk through the park on Podolí will take you to the Tesco shopping center and the adjacent shops, and there are really plenty of them in a little bit. Everyone chooses.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Vlakové nádraží je situováno severovýchodně od centra města, nedaleko nádraží autobusového, se kterým je spojeno asi třistametrovým úsekem ulice Jiřího z Poděbrad. Ve stanici můžete platit kartou i eury, prostory pro cestující jsou otevřeny denně od 05:00 do 20:45, úschovna zavazadel od 06:30 do 20:00 (s pauzami). Ve stanici je i půjčovna a úschovna kol. Nádraží leží na jednokolejné regionální dráze Mladá Boleslav - Mělník. V jízdním řádu pro cestující je označená číslem 076, od prosince 2014 byla část připojena k tabulce 064. The train station is situated to the northeast of the city center, not far from the bus station to which is connected by a 300-meter section of Street of Jiřího z Poděbrad. In the station you can pay by card and Euros, passenger areas are open daily from 05:00 to 20:45, luggage storage from 06:30 to 20:00 (with pauses). There is also a bicycle rental and storage in the station. The railway station is situated on the monorail regional railway Mladá Boleslav - Mělník. The passenger timetable is labeled as 076, from December 2014 the part is attached to table 064.
The train station is located northeast of the city center, near the bus station, which is connected to about three hundred meters of the street Jiřího z Poděbrad. At the station you can pay by card and euros, passenger areas are open daily from 05:00 to 20:45, luggage storage from 06:30 to 20:00 (with breaks). There is also a bicycle rental and storage room at the station. The railway station is located on the single-track regional railway Mladá Boleslav - Mělník. In the passenger timetable, it is marked with the number 076; since December 2014, a part has been attached to Table 064. The train station is situated to the northeast of the city center, not far from the bus station to which is connected by a 300-meter section of Street of Jiřího z Poděbrad. In the station you can pay by card and Euros, passenger areas are open daily from 05:00 to 20:45, luggage storage from 06:30 to 20:00 (with pauses). There is also a bicycle rental and storage in the station. The railway station is situated on the monorail regional railway Mladá Boleslav - Mělník. The passenger timetable is labeled as 076, from December 2014 the part is attached to table 064.
Ivan Bedniakov on Google

Very nice small town

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