Městská galerie Litomyšl - Smetanovo nám. 110

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Contact Městská galerie Litomyšl

Address :

Smetanovo nám. 110, 570 01 Litomyšl, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 570
Website : http://www.galerie.litomysl.cz/
Categories :
City : Litomyšl

Smetanovo nám. 110, 570 01 Litomyšl, Czechia
Sona Stoiljkovic on Google

V překrásném domě se nachází městská galerie, která nabízí veliké překvapení pro návštěvníky a milovníky umění a historie.
In the beautiful house there is a city gallery, which offers a big surprise for visitors and lovers of art and history.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherný dům U Rytířů byl postaven v renesančním slohu ve čtyřicátých letech 16.století. Je jedním z nejkrásnějších domů v Litomyšli a jedním ze skvostů renesanční městské architektury v Čechách. Po požáru v roce 1540 si jej postavil a vyzdobil kameník Blažek, který zřejmě pracoval i na výzdobě pardubického zámku nebo stavěl hřbitovní kostel ve Vysokém Mýtě. Původní vzhled domu doplňoval vysoký renesanční štít, nahrazený dodnes zachovanou empírovou atikou až po požáru v roce 1814. Kamenná fasáda domu je zdobena reliéfní dekorativní a figurální výzdobou, jejíž náměty jsou čerpány z dobových grafických předloh. Dům prošel několika úpravami, velkou opravou a konzervací v šedesátých letech 20. století a jeho fasáda byla znovu restaurována v letech 1999-2000. Dnes v tomto domě sídlí Městská galerie Litomyšl. The beautiful House of the Knights was built in Renaissance style in the forties of the 16th century. It is one of the most beautiful houses in Litomyšl and one of the gems of Renaissance urban architecture in Bohemia. After a fire in 1540 he built and decorated the stonemason Blažek, who apparently worked on the decoration of the Pardubice Chateau or built a cemetery church in Vysoké Mýto. The original appearance of the house was complemented by a high renaissance shield, replaced by the preserved Empire attics until the fire in 1814. The stone facade of the house is decorated with decorative and figural decoration reliefs, the ideas of which are drawn from contemporary artworks. The house underwent several modifications, major repairs and conservation in the 1960s and its facade was restored in 1999-2000. Today, the Town Gallery Litomyšl is located in this house.
The beautiful U Rytířů house was built in the Renaissance style in the 1640s. It is one of the most beautiful houses in Litomyšl and one of the gems of Renaissance urban architecture in Bohemia. After a fire in 1540, it was built and decorated by the stonemason Blažek, who probably also worked on the decoration of the Pardubice chateau or built a cemetery church in Vysoké Mýto. The original appearance of the house was complemented by a high Renaissance gable, replaced by the still preserved Empire attic only after the fire in 1814. The stone facade of the house is decorated with embossed decorative and figural decoration, the themes of which are drawn from period graphic designs. The house underwent several modifications, major repairs and conservation in the 1960s, and its facade was restored in 1999-2000. Today, this house houses the Litomyšl Municipal Gallery. The beautiful House of the Knights was built in Renaissance style in the forties of the 16th century. It is one of the most beautiful houses in Litomyšl and one of the gems of Renaissance urban architecture in Bohemia. After a fire in 1540 he built and decorated the stonemason Blažek, who apparently worked on the decoration of the Pardubice Chateau or built a cemetery church in Vysoké Mýto. The original appearance of the house was complemented by a high renaissance shield, replaced by the preserved Empire attics until the fire in 1814. The stone facade of the house is decorated with decorative and figural decoration reliefs, the ideas of which are drawn from contemporary artworks . The house underwent several modifications, major repairs and conservation in the 1960s and its facade was restored in 1999-2000. Today, the Town Gallery Litomyšl is located in this house.
Nataliia Barsukova on Google

Внутрь не заходила, но фасад самый крутой в Литомышле
I didn’t go inside, but the facade is the steepest in Litomysl
Kris Jar on Google

Hezká a zajímavá galerie, kam vždy ráda zajdu. Na kase byla dříve suprová hnědovlasá slečna a teď tam je taková neslaná nemasná písklena, ale co už. Za mě nepochopim, kdo se rozhodl na sezónu dát výstavu lady “Šrek”, škoda vstupného.
Nice and interesting gallery, where I always like to go. There used to be a super brown-haired girl on the cash register, and now there's such an unsalted, non-greasy chick, but what else. For me, I will not understand who decided to give the show for the season to Lady "Šrek", a pity for the entrance fee.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Litomyšlské Horní i Dolní náměstí lemují pozoruhodné domy, jeden zajimavější než druhý. Ovšem tento je mimořádným renesančním dílem. Na štěstí je v něm dlouhodobě umístěna výtvarná galerie a ne nějaká komerce. Má významné sbírky, vždyť město přitahuje umělce jako med vosy ( stejně jako návštěvníky ).
Litomyšl's Upper and Lower Squares are lined with remarkable houses, one more interesting than the other. However, this is an extraordinary Renaissance work. Fortunately, it has long housed an art gallery and not some commerce. It has important collections, because the city attracts artists like honey wasps (as well as visitors).
Luděk Jansa on Google

Angeliki K on Google

The building itself is interesting. When we visited there was a rather good exhibition about a famous Czech musicologist we did not know.
Petr Cimburek on Google

Very interesting and unique exhibitions in the nice places of the renassaince buildings. It pays of to visit it. Also the commented visits are there. We like the ,,Evenings with Gallery". Check the web and program for the latest news.

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