Městské hradby

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Contact Městské hradby

Address :

266 01 Beroun, Czechia

Categories :
City : Beroun

266 01 Beroun, Czechia
Jarda V. on Google

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Pěkný když jde člověk zrovna okolo. Není nutné jinak vidět.
Nice when you go by. It is not necessary to see otherwise.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Ač nejsou tak "pohádkově" okázalé, jako hradební systém v Poličce, či Nymburku, patří rozhodně fortifikační systém Berouna mezi skvosty svého druhu, a řadí se ke středověkým městským ozdobám, jakými se pyšní třeba Kouřim, Bělá pod Bezdězem, nebo Rokycany. V jednom je dle mého předčí: jde o mistrovské propojení staré architektury s novou. Platí to ponejvíce u jižní a severní části berounského opevnění. Raně gotické hradby královského města založil roku 1295 Václav II. a ohraničovaly město v celkové délce 1170 metrů. Výška hradeb se pohybovala od devíti na severní a severozápadní straně města až po 6,5 metru u břehů Berounky a Litavky. Šířka zdi byla 2 metry u paty a 1 metr u koruny. Hradbu lemovalo 37 hranolových do města otevřených bašt. Dodnes se jich dochovalo 20. Opevnění bylo vybudováno z pískovcového a křemencového kamene vázaného vápennou maltou. Obranný systém doplňoval vodní příkop, jehož hloubka dosahovala až 8 metrů a šířka od 11 - 17 metrů. Přístup do města zajišťovaly dvě brány a dvě fortny (branky). Obě hlavní brány můžeme dodnes obdivovat na východním a západním konci středověkého městského centra: Pražská a Plzeňská brána jsou zřejmě obě vystavěny stejnou stavební hutí. Kromě toho existovala menší Svinská brána na severu, kterou se hnaly prasata na pastvu. Místo poslední branky najdeme v místech, kde jižní linii hradeb potkáte při cestě z hlavnho vlakového + autobusového nádraží. Tam je i ideální místo s prohlídkou hradeb začít. Když se vydáte po jižní straně opevnění na západ, dojdete po chvilce až k Plzeňské bráně. Tam najdete expozici věnovanou právě městskému opevnění. Neméně zajímavá je část opevnění v severní části, kde k hradební zdi v Zámečnické ulici přirostly menší domky (viz Zlatá ulička v Praze). Tam už je ale prohlídka komplikovanější z důvodů četnosti soukromých pozemků. Tip: v parčíku frekventované autobusové zastávky na Prahu U černého koně můžete vidět působivý výsek severní části opevnění. Beroun fortification system is a jewel of medieval remnants in Czech republic. The early Gothic walls of the royal town were founded by Václav II in 1295 and delimited the city with a total length of 1170 meters. The height of the walls ranged from nine on the north and northwest side of the city, up to 6.5 meters on the banks of Berounka and Litadel. The width of the wall was 2 meters at the foot and 1 meter at the crown. The wall was flanked with 37 prismatic openings. 20 of these survived until today. The fortification was built of sandstone and quartz stone. The defense system was complemented by a water ditch with a depth of up to 8 meters and a width of 11-17 meters. Access to the city was provided by two main and two smaller/side gates. We can still admire the two main at the eastern and western end of the medieval city center: Prague and Pilsen Gate. Besides, there was a smaller "Pig" Gate in the north and the south one, which foundations you can still see if you enter the medieval city center from the main train/bus station.
Although they are not as "fabulously" spectacular as the fortification system in Polička or Nymburk, the Beroun fortification system is definitely one of the gems of its kind, and is one of the medieval city ornaments such as Kouřim, Bělá pod Bezdězem or Rokycany. In one, in my opinion, it is superior: it is a masterful connection of old architecture with new one. This is most true of the southern and northern parts of the Beroun fortifications. The early Gothic walls of the royal city were founded in 1295 by Wenceslas II. and bounded the city for a total length of 1170 meters. The height of the walls ranged from nine on the northern and northwestern side of the city to 6.5 meters on the banks of the Berounka and Litavka. The width of the wall was 2 meters at the heel and 1 meter at the crown. The wall was lined with 37 prismatic bastions open to the city. To this day, 20 of them have been preserved. The fortification was built of sandstone and quartz stone bound with lime mortar. The defense system was complemented by a moat, the depth of which reached up to 8 meters and the width from 11 to 17 meters. Access to the city was provided by two gates and two fortways (gates). We can still admire both main gates at the eastern and western ends of the medieval city center: the Prague and Pilsen gates are probably both built by the same building. In addition, there was a smaller Svin Gate in the north, through which pigs were driven for grazing. The place of the last gate can be found in places where you will meet the southern line of the walls on the way from the main train + bus station. There is also an ideal place to start exploring the walls. When you head west on the south side of the fortifications, you will walk to the Pilsen Gate after a while. There you will find an exhibition dedicated to the city fortifications. Equally interesting is the part of the fortifications in the northern part, where smaller houses were added to the wall in Zámečnická Street (see Zlatá ulička in Prague). There, however, the tour is more complicated due to the frequency of private land. Tip: in the park of the busy bus stop to Prague At the Black Horse you can see an impressive section of the northern part of the fortifications. Beroun fortification system is a jewel of medieval remnants in Czech republic. The early Gothic walls of the royal town were founded by Václav II in 1295 and delimited the city with a total length of 1170 meters. The height of the walls ranged from nine on the north and northwest side of the city, up to 6.5 meters on the banks of Berounka and Litadel. The width of the wall was 2 meters at the foot and 1 meter at the crown. The wall was flanked with 37 prismatic openings. 20 of these survived until today. The fortification was built of sandstone and quartz stone. The defense system was complemented by a water ditch with a depth of up to 8 meters and a width of 11-17 meters. Access to the city was provided by two main and two smaller / side gates. We can still admire the two main at the eastern and western end of the medieval city center: Prague and Pilsen Gate. Besides, there was a smaller "Pig" Gate in the north and the south one, which foundations you can still see if you enter the medieval city center from the main train / bus station.

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