Městské Opevnění - Městské Opevnění

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Contact Městské Opevnění

Address :

432 01 Kadaň, Czechia

Postal code : 432
Categories :
City : Kadaň

432 01 Kadaň, Czechia
LocalHeroPraque on Google

Ferdinand Schenk on Google

Martin Petr on Google

Jaroslava Truksova on Google

Zachovalé, krásné...
Preserved, beautiful ...
Věra Stejná on Google

Vkusně opravené. Od jara do podzimu je připraveno i příjemné posezení s výhledem na řeku Ohři a okolní krajinu.
Tastefully repaired. From spring to autumn there is also a pleasant seating area with a view of the Ohře River and the surrounding countryside.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zdejší městské opevnění patřilo k nejmohutnějším v Českém království a i dnes jsou jeho zbytky opravdu působivé. Vzniklo po roce 1259 po prohlášení Kadaně městem královským. Dochované hradby uzavírající město jsou až z 2. poloviny 14. století, další pásy byly doplněny v pozdní gotice. Hradby měly 2-3 pásy a další hradební okruh opěvňující město i s předměstím, který se do dněšní doby nezachoval. Do pásu opevnění byl na jižní skále nad Ohří začleněn i hrad. Po husitských válkách byly hradby doplněny parkánem a prvky aktivní obrany. Před parkánem byla vybudována další hradba. Neobvykle silné opevnění bylo v průběhu 19. století z větší části pobouráno. The local fortifications were among the most powerful in the Czech Kingdom and even today the remains are really impressive. It was established after 1259 after the proclamation of Kadaň as the royal city. Preserved walls closing the town are from the second half of the 14th century, additional strips were added in late Gothic. The town walls had 2-3 lanes and another fortification circuit fortifying the town with a suburb that has not been preserved until today. The castle was also incorporated into the fortification belt on the southern rock above Ohře river. After the Hussite wars the walls were supplemented by a rampart and elements of active defense. Another wall was built in front of the bailey. The unusually strong fortifications were largely demolished during the 19th century.
The local fortifications were among the most powerful in the Czech Kingdom and even today the remains are really impressive. It was established after 1259 after the proclamation of Kadan by the royal city. Preserved walls closing the town are from the second half of the 14th century, additional strips were added in late Gothic. The city walls had 2-3 lanes and another fortification circuit fortifying the city with a suburb that has not been preserved until today. The castle was incorporated into the fortification belt on the southern rock above Ohří. After the Hussite wars the walls were supplemented by a rampart and elements of active defense. Another wall was built in front of the parking lot. The unusually strong fortifications were mostly outraged during the 19th century. The local fortifications were among the most powerful in the Czech Republic and even today the remains are really impressive. It was established after 1259 after the proclamation of Kadaň as the royal city. Preserved walls closing the town from the second half of the 14th century, additional strips were added in late Gothic. The town walls had 2-3 lanes and another fortification circuit fortifying the town with a suburb that has not been preserved until today. The castle was also incorporated into the fortification belt on the southern rock above the Ohře river. After the Hussite Walls were supplemented by rampart and elements of active defense. Another wall was built in front of the bailey. The unusually strong fortifications were largely demolished during the 19th century.
Pavol Cvíčela on Google

Celkom pekné zachovalé. Mestské opevnenie je z druhej polovičkyy 13. stoletia. Staré meěsto bolo obohnané dvoma až troma pasy hradieb, v ktorých boli 4 hlavné brány (Žatecká, Vodní, Svatá a Prunéřovská) a menšia katová bránka. Hlavné brány boli chránené barbakány a medzi nimi boli rozmiestené na 30 obranných bášt a veží. Hrad priamo nadväzoval na mestské opevnenie.
Quite nice preserved. The city fortifications date from the second half of the 13th century. The old town was surrounded by two to three strips of walls, in which there were 4 main gates (Žatecká, Vodní, Svatá and Prunéřovská) and a smaller executioner's gate. The main gates were protected by barbican and between them were placed 30 defensive bastions and towers. The castle was directly connected to the city fortifications.
Martin Kuchar on Google

Městské opevnění z druhé poloviny 13. století. Staré město bylo obehnáno dvěmi až třemi pásy hradem, ve kterých byly prolomeny 4 hlavní brány (Žatecká, Vodní, Svatá a Prunéřovská) a menší katova bránka. Hlavní brány byly chráněny barbakány a mezi ními bylo rozmístěno na 30 obranných bašt a věží. Hrad přímo navazoval na městské opevnění.
City fortification from the second half of the 13th century. The old town was surrounded by two up to three strips by a castle in which four main gates (Žatecká, Vodní, Svatá a Prunéřovská) and a smaller cat's gate were broken. The main gates were protected by barbacans, and among them were deployed 30 defensive bastions and towers. The castle was directly linked to the city fortifications.

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