Mlýn Jestřebí - Mlýn Jestřebí

4.7/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Mlýn Jestřebí

Address :

471 67 Provodín, Czechia

Postal code : 471
Categories :
City : Provodín

471 67 Provodín, Czechia
Zdeněk Černý on Google

Hezké místo
Nice place
Martin Kratochvíl on Google

Už mlýn to není je to ubytování tam
No longer mill it is not it accommodation there
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Rozsáhlý komplex mlýna v severovýchodní části obce Jestřebí je zajímavým příkladem objektu, který se po rekonstrukci stává bytovými jednotkami. Na dvoře mlýna jsou tři budovy, bývalá mlýnice je rohem spojena s obytnou budovou. Naproti mlýnici stojí další obytná budova. Mlýn byl přestavěn na bytový dům o užitné ploše 1 600 metrů čtverečních. Nemovitost má deset bytů o dispozici 1+kk až 4+1. Všechny byty jsou obsazeny nájemníky. Bytový dům je napojený na veřejný vodovod, kanalizaci a elektropřípojku. Součástí je velká zahrada s posezením a dětským koutkem. V areálu jsou parkovací stání. The extensive mill complex in the northeastern part of the village of Jestřebí is an interesting example of a building that has become residential units after reconstruction. There are three buildings in the courtyard of the mill, the former mill is connected to a residential building by a corner. There is another residential building opposite the mill. The object was converted into an apartment building with a usable area of 1,600 square meters. The property has ten apartments ranging from 1 + smaller kitchen to 4 + 1. All apartments are occupied by tenants. The apartment building is connected to the public water supply, sewerage and electrical connection. It features a large garden with a seating area and a children's corner. There are parking spaces in the area.
The large mill complex in the north-eastern part of the village of Jestřebí is an interesting example of a building that, after reconstruction, becomes housing units. There are three buildings in the yard of the mill, the former mill is connected to the residential building by a corner. Opposite the mill is another residential building. The mill was rebuilt into an apartment building with a usable area of ​​1,600 square meters. The property has ten apartments with a layout of 1 + kk to 4 + 1. All apartments are occupied by tenants. The apartment building is connected to the public water supply, sewerage and electrical connection. There is a large garden with a seating area and a children's corner. There are parking spaces in the area. The extensive mill complex in the northeastern part of the village of Jestřebí is an interesting example of a building that has become residential units after reconstruction. There are three buildings in the courtyard of the mill, the former mill is connected to a residential building by a corner. There is another residential building opposite the mill. The object was converted into an apartment building with a usable area of ​​1,600 square meters. The property has ten apartments ranging from 1 + smaller kitchen to 4 + 1. All apartments are occupied by tenants. The apartment building is connected to the public water supply, sewerage and electrical connection. It features a large garden with a seating area and a children's corner. There are parking spaces in the area.

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