Zřícenina Zahrádecký letohrádek

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Contact Zřícenina Zahrádecký letohrádek

Address :

470 02 Holany, Czechia

Categories :
City : Holany

470 02 Holany, Czechia
kacka kaja on Google

Martin Kriz on Google

Zapadlé místo, kam mne zavedl geocaching. Stavba je v hrozném stavu.
A remote place where geocaching took me. The building is in a terrible condition.
Iva Šnajdrová on Google

Krásné místo uprostřed lesa, které jsem navštívila díky "kešce", která je umístěna v blízkosti této stavby
A beautiful place in the middle of the forest, which I visited thanks to the "cache", which is located near this building
Tereza Hladká on Google

Opuštěné zchatralé místo uprostřed lesíka, nebývale zachovalá omítka, nikde ani živáčka. Bývalo tu zřejmě krásně.
Abandoned dilapidated place in the middle of the woods, unprecedented plaster, nowhere to live. It was probably beautiful here.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Lovecký pavilon byl vystavěn v roce 1825. Jde o zděnou stavbu válcového tvaru o průměru asi 10 metrů. Po roce 1945 stavba pustla a dodnes se z ní dochovalo pouze obvodové zdivo. V úrovni prvního patra býval z vnější strany kolem stavby zastřešený dřevěný ochoz. Letohrádek představoval zázemí pro účastníky honů, byla zde podávána teplá strava a pořádány lovecké hostiny. Poblíž loveckého pavilonu byla také pro rozptýlení hostů zřízena střelnice s pohyblivými terči. Za zmínku stojí i krásný roubený dům na severním okraji bažantnice, kolem kterého budete procházet, půjdete li směrem od Barbořina kamenného mostu. The hunting pavilion was built in 1825. It is a brick building of cylindrical shape with a diameter of about 10 meters. After 1945 the building was abandoned and only the peripheral masonry has been preserved to this day. At the level of the first floor there was a roofed wooden gallery around the building. The summerhouse was a hinterland for the hunt participants, warm food was prepared and hunting receptions were organized here. A shooting range with moving targets was also set up near the hunting pavilion. Worth mentioning is also a beautiful timbered house on the northern edge of the pheasantry, which you will pass by if you walk in direction from Barbara's stone bridge.
The hunting pavilion was built in 1825. It is a brick building of cylindrical shape with a diameter of about 10 meters. After 1945 the building was abandoned and only the peripheral masonry has survived to this day. At the level of the first floor there was a roofed wooden gallery around the building. The summerhouse was a hinterland for the hunt participants, warm food was served and hunting banquets were organized. A shooting range with moving targets was also set up near the hunting pavilion. Worth mentioning is also a beautiful timbered house on the northern edge of the pheasantry, which you will pass by as you walk away from Barbara's stone bridge. The hunting pavilion was built in 1825. It is a brick building of cylindrical shape with a diameter of about 10 meters. After 1945 the building was abandoned and only the peripheral masonry was preserved on this day. At the level of the first floor there was a roofed wooden gallery around the building. The summerhouse was a hinterland for the hunt participants, warm food was prepared and hunting receptions were organized here. A shooting range with moving targets was also set up near the hunting pavilion. Worth mentioning is also a beautiful timbered house on the northern edge of the Pheasantry, which you will pass by if you walk in the direction of Barbara's stone bridge.
Petr Honsnejman on Google

Dříve jistě pěkný lovecký zámek, resp. Zahrádecký letohrádek, dnes zbytky budovy, která od roku 1945 chátrá. Jedná se o zbytky menší kruhové stavby. V patře stavbu po celém obvodu obepínal dřevěný ochoz. Pravděpodobně sloužila jako zázemí při lovech nebo akcích s lovem spojených.
Formerly a nice hunting lodge, respectively. Zahrádek Summer Palace, today the remains of a building that has been falling into disrepair since 1945. These are the remains of a smaller circular structure. Upstairs, the building was surrounded by a wooden walkway around the entire perimeter. It probably served as a background for hunting or hunting-related events.
Jana Novakova on Google

Zřícenina loveckého zámečku je celkem zachovalá, avšak cesta k ní poněkud rozbahněná, ale dalo se to zvládnout.
The ruins of the hunting lodge are quite well preserved, but the path to it is a bit muddy, but it was manageable.
Martin Petr on Google

Zřícenina letohrádku ve východní části bažantnice jižně od Zahrádek, na katastru sousedních Holan. Součást barokně komponovaného krajinného celku, soustředěného kolem Nového Zámku (viz heslo). Po roce 1945 zpustl, dnes jen obvodové zdi.
The ruins of a summer house in the eastern part of the pheasantry south of Zahrádky, in the cadastre of neighboring Holan. Part of a Baroque landscape complex, centered around Nový Zámek (see slogan). After 1945 it was abandoned, today only the perimeter walls.

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