Kostel Svaté Barbory - Kostel Svaté Barbory

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Contact Kostel Svaté Barbory

Address :

471 01 Zahrádky, Czechia

Postal code : 471
Categories :
City : Zahrádky

471 01 Zahrádky, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zajímavý jednolodní kostel svaté Barbory stojí zhruba na místě, kde stála dnes již zaniklá středověká ves Mnichov s původním kostelem. Nejstarší zprávou o existenci fary v Mnichově je zachovalý rejstřík papežských desátků z roku 1352. Dnešní barokní stavba má renesanční původ, který je datován do roku 1550. Archeologický průzkum z roku 1976 odhalil gotické základy zvonice z druhé poloviny 15. století a keramiku dosvědčující osídlení plošiny už k roku 1319. Východní část kostela pochází z roku 1588, loď vznikla zřejmě po třicetileté válce. Za závěrem kostela se na hřbitově nachází hrobka rodu Hohenlohe-Schilingfürst. The interesting one-nave church of St. Barbara stands roughly on the site of the now defunct medieval village of Mnichov with its original church. The oldest evidence of the existence of the parish in Munich is a well-preserved register of papal tithes from 1352. Today's Baroque building is of Renaissance origin, which dates back to 1550. Archaeological survey conducted in 1976 revealed the foundations of the Gothic bell tower and ceramics found testifying the settlement of the platform as early as 1319. The eastern part of the church dates from 1588, the nave was probably built after the Thirty Years' War. The tomb of the Hohenlohe-Schilingfürst family is located behind the church.
The interesting one-nave church of St. Barbara stands roughly on the site of the now defunct medieval village of Munich with its original church. The oldest record of the existence of the parish in Munich is the well-preserved register of the Papal Tiths of 1352. Today's Baroque building is of Renaissance origin, which dates back to 1550. Archaeological survey of 1976 revealed the Gothic foundations of the belfry from the second half of the 15th century as early as 1319. The eastern part of the church dates back to 1588, the nave was probably built after the Thirty Years' War. The tomb of the Hohenlohe-Schilingfürst family is located behind the church. The interesting one-nave church Barbara stands roughly on the site of the now defunct medieval village of Munich with its original church. The oldest evidence of the existence of the parish in Munich is a well-preserved register of papal tithes from 1352. Today's Baroque building is of Renaissance origin, which dates back to 1550. Archaeological survey conducted in 1976 revealed the foundations of the Gothic bell tower and ceramics found testing the settlement of the platform as early as 1319. The eastern part of the church dates from 1588, the nave was probably built after the Thirty Years' War. The Hohenlohe-Schilingfürst family's tomb is located behind the church.
Eva Jordan on Google

Nádherné místo s magickou energií je tento renesanční kostel z roku 1609, později barokně upravený. Samostatně stojící zvonice, impozantní schodiště se sochami sv. Václava a sv. Judy Tadeáše, hřbitov s mnoha nádhernými starými náhrobky a hrobka místní šlechty, to jsou snad všechna top tohoto místa. Kostel stojí cca 1km od Zahrádek a dojdete k němu nově obnovenou o ovocnou alejí. Okolo kostela stávala zřejmě do 30tileté války vesnice, která zanikla.
Wonderful place with magical energy, this Renaissance church from 1609, later modified Baroque. Detached bell tower, impressive staircase with statues of st. Wenceslas and St. Judy Tadeáš, a cemetery with many beautiful old tombstones and the tomb of the local nobility, these are perhaps all the top of this place. The church stands about 1km from Zahrádky and you can reach it by a newly restored fruit alley. Apparently there was a village around the church until the Thirty Years' War, which disappeared.
Kryštof Krejčí on Google

Pokud nejste věřící, není tu moc co k vidění
If you are not a believer, there is not much to see
Jana Železná on Google

Člověk by měl umět rozjímat, a na starém hřbitově nebo v chladu kostela jste skutečně jen sami se sebou. Kostel svaté Barbory je hezký nejen uvnitř, ale i pohledy z posezení u kostela otevírá duši. Doporučuji!
One should be able to meditate, and in the old cemetery or in the cold church you are really just yourself. The Church of St. Barbara is beautiful not only inside, but also the views from sitting at the church opens the soul. I recommend!
Vladi Hrstka on Google

pěkné okolí s mnoha památkami a alejemi
nice surroundings with many sights and alleys
Jakub Karafiát on Google

Krásné místo, opravený kostel, velmi udržovaný hřbitov. Kolem celý kraj jako by nahlížel a směřoval právě ke kostelu. Velmi zdařilá podoba původní barokní krajiny.
Beautiful place, renovated church, well maintained cemetery. All around, the whole region seemed to be looking at the church. A very successful appearance of the original Baroque landscape.
Daffodila “Nikola” S. on Google

Mé oblíbené místo. Malý kostelík se hřbitovem, ráda chodím kolem na procházky, případně rozjímat na hřbitov. Zbožňuji výhled na louky kolem z plácku před kostelem. V neděli se zde (tuším kolem druhé hodiny) konají bohoslužby, osobně jsem ale na žádné nebyla. Také se zde konají na podzim koncerty v rámci Lípa Musica.
My favorite place. A small church with a cemetery, I like to go for walks or meditate in the cemetery. I adore the view of the meadows around from the patch in front of the church. Services are held here on Sunday (I guess around two o'clock), but I personally did not attend any. Concerts within Lípa Musica are also held here in the autumn.
JANA Seme on Google


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