Jeskyně - Jeskyně

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Jeskyně

Address :

471 01 Zahrádky, Czechia

Postal code : 471
Categories :
City : Zahrádky

471 01 Zahrádky, Czechia
Samuel Martásek on Google

Ilona Němcová on Google

Milan Radosta on Google

Terka Němcová on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

V celém Údolí Peklo se nachází několik skalních bytů. Většinou jde o mělké a nevelké místnůstky v počtu jedné, maximálně dvou. Tento skalní byt v těsném sousedství ocelového železničního mostu však v tomto světle připomíná velikostí 4+1 v porovnání s garsonkou. Několik místností a dva široké výklenky obklopují velký skalní suk takřka po většině jeho obvodu. Dokonce do jedné z místností skalního bytu vede schodiště o třech stupních a ve skále jsou přizděna i futra - ty však zřejmě budou novějšího data. Pokud vás zastihne v údolí Robečského potoka třeba průtrž mračen, tady se schováte i s menší školní třídou. Throughout the whole Údolí Peklo (the Hell Valley) there are several old rock flats, shelters and other caves. Usually these are shallow and small rooms in the number of one, maximum two. However, this rock flat next to the steel railway bridge resembles a size of 4 + 1 compared to the efficiency apartment. Several rooms and two wide niches surround a large rock knot on most of its perimeter. Even one of the rooms of the rock apartment has a three-step staircase leading to it and there are also a doorframe in the rock - but it would probably be of a newer date. In case of bad weather, the whole class with the teacher can hide here.
There are several rock flats throughout the Hell Valley. Usually these are shallow and small rooms in the number of one, maximum two. However, this rock flat next to the steel railway bridge resembles the size of 4 + 1 in comparison with the studio. Several rooms and two wide niches surround a large rock knot on most of its perimeter. Even a staircase of three steps leads to one of the rooms of the rock flat and futures are also in the rock - but it will probably be a newer date. If you find a cloud storm in the valley of the Robeč brook, you will hide here with a smaller classroom. Throughout the whole Hell Valley, there are several old rock flats, shelters and other caves. Usually these are shallow and small rooms in the number one, maximum two. However, this rock flat next to the steel railway bridge resembles a size of 4 + 1 compared to the efficiency apartment. Several rooms and two wide niches surround a large rock knot on the bridge of its perimeter. Even one of the rooms of the rock apartment has a three-step staircase leading to it and there are also doorframe in the rock - but it would probably be a newer date. In the case of bad weather, the whole class with the teacher can hide here.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Při cestě přírodní rezervací Peklo, jsou v soutěsce Robečského potoka zajímavé sklaní útvary a jeskyně.
On the way through the nature reserve Peklo, there are interesting rock formations and caves in the Robečský Creek gorge.
Jakub Karafiát on Google

Moc pěkné místo. Někdo zde chová ovce, celé místo na vás působí velmi příjemně.
Very nice place. Someone is raising sheep here, the whole place is very pleasant for you.
Irena B. on Google

Jsou tam dvě. Jedna se studánkou a ohništěm a druhá se zamčenými dveřmi, vedle kterých je malá "komůrka".
There are two. One with a well and a fireplace and the other with a locked door, next to which is a small "chamber".

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