MP Autoservis Pneuservis - Bělohorská 2427

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews
Z důvodu rekonstrukce bude MP servis od začátku května uzavřen.

Budeme se na Vás znovu těšit v srpnu 2022.

Váš MP servis.

Contact MP Autoservis Pneuservis

Address :

Bělohorská 2427, 169 00 Praha 6-Břevnov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 169
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 6 Břevnov

Bělohorská 2427, 169 00 Praha 6-Břevnov, Czechia
Pepa Kovář on Google

Vynikající domluva, bezkonkurenční ochota a přístup! Úkony: kontrola a seřízení geometrie, kontrola brzd, uložení ramen.
Excellent deal, unrivaled willingness and approach! Actions: check and adjust geometry, check brakes, place arms.
Patricio Malundo on Google

Výborný autoservis! Do MP se vždy rád vracím a vím, že jednám s profesionály, kteří ví, co dělají a za fér ceny.
Excellent car service! I always like to return to MP and I know that I deal with professionals who know what they are doing and at fair prices.
Petr Holík on Google

Nechal jsem si zde dělat výměnu oleje, protože to mám u baráku a přislo mi zbytečné kuli tomu jezdit přes celou Prahu do autorizovaného servisu. Na výměně oleje se přece nedá nic zkazit. Omyl! Vyměna stála víc, jak v autorizovaném servisu, a navíc byl olej prelity o 0,75litru. Nedoporučuju.
I had an oil change done here, because I have it at the barracks and it gave me an unnecessary ball to drive through the whole of Prague to an authorized service center. There is nothing wrong with changing the oil. Error! The change cost more than at an authorized service center, and in addition the oil was spilled by 0.75 liters. I do not recommend.
Kx Jx on Google

Local touge specialist
Lukáš Strašík on Google

Great atmosphere, skilled technicians and quick repairs!
Daniel Petterson on Google

Very quick and professional service
Dave Ruzius on Google

Great guys. Lovely dog :)
Michaela Pettersson on Google

Made an appointment, brought my car, had tires changed in a matter of 20 minutes for a very reasonable price and was on my way again. What I appreciate most though is the approach and attitude. I was treated with professionalism and respect, they were extremely polite and helpful. I asked for some quick advice and got a full explanation of what the possible process and outcomes could be. I will be returning here for this reason - this level of service unfortunately isn't common in the Czech Republic. Thank you and you have a new loyal customer for whatever that's worth.

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