MUDr. Gabriela Machytková

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact MUDr. Gabriela Machytková

Address :

Opavská 6230/29A, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7987
Website :
Categories :
City : Ostrava Poruba

Opavská 6230/29A, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czechia
Dominik Pepek on Google

Skvělý personál je to tu výborné ??
Great staff is great here ??
Mateusz Wojnarowicz on Google

Krásná ordinace, milý personál a skvělá doktorka. Pečlivá, starostlivá, precizní a profesionální.
Beautiful surgery, nice staff and great doctor. Careful, caring, precise and professional.
Carolina Kubicova on Google

Ze začátku bylo všechno super, jak doktorka i sestry, ale... No jenomže ale. Od te doby co jsme ji dali peníze se k nám chovala jak k odpadu. Dneska jsem u jiné ortodoncie a mnohem lepší. Za mě nedoporučuju.
From the beginning, everything was as cool as a doctor and a nurse, but ... Well, of course. From the time we gave her the money, she treated us as waste. Today I'm in a different orthodontics and much better. I do not recommend for myself.
Peaches Lover on Google

v čekárně jsem strávil celý svůj život.
I spent my whole life in the waiting room.
ja : jsem on Google

Málo míst k sezení v čekárně ?
Few seats in the waiting room ?
jenka penka on Google

... paní doktorka je skvělá, milá, ochotná, profesionální....všechno vždy vysvětlí a má perfektní přístup k dětem, bezvadný je i ostatní personál, krásné a luxusní prostředí, určitě všem DOPORUČUJEME !!!
... the doctor is great, kind, helpful, professional .... she always explains everything and has a perfect approach to children, the other staff is also perfect, beautiful and luxurious environment, we definitely RECOMMEND to everyone !!!
Lukáš Pilch on Google

Paní doktorka je velmi milá a profesionální, vždycky ochotná a laskavá. Sestřičky jedna hezčí jak druhá a co se týče mého chrupu, tak ten nyní vypadá jak z učebnice. Děkuji a opravdu DOPORUČUJI!
The doctor is very kind and professional, always helpful and kind. Sisters one nicer than the other and as for my teeth, so now it looks like a textbook. Thank you and really RECOMMEND!
V Schindler on Google

Moje lecba 'krive dvojky'probehla pod taktovkou Dr. Machytkove v letech 2008-2013. Trvala tedy 5 let.(!) Pred nasazenim rovnatek mi pani Dr. naordinovala extrakci ctyr zubu (petky). Dnes s odstupem casu mi po extrakci stolicek v podstate chybi ctyri zdrave zuby a mam v celisti obri centimetrove mezery. Problemem je i maly skus. Zbytecne. Tyto stredoveke metody nesmyslnych extrakci uz doufam pani Dr. provadi jen u pripadu, u kterych je to nezbytne nutne. Jiz tehdy mi mela pani Dr. doporucit pouze a jedine extrakci neprorezanych osmicek. (V dobe zakroku mi bylo jen 17 let a verila jsem specialistce). Toto beru s odstupem jako diletanstvi v lecbe a honbu za nejrychleji dostupnou klientelou. -lecba z dlouhodobeho hlediska dopadla otresne -na tu dobu a region pomerne nakladne ceny -cekaci doba byla kolem 30-45min (po objednanem terminu) -personal byl pod tlakem a v podstate se tam netrhly dvere +ordinace mela vysoky hygienicky standard
My treatment of 'crooked twins' took place under the baton of Dr. Machytkove in the years 2008-2013. So it lasted 5 years (!) Before putting the braces on, Dr. ordered the extraction of four teeth (petky). Today, with the passage of time, after the extraction of stools, I basically miss four healthy teeth and I have giant centimeter gaps in my jaw. A small bite is also a problem. Unnecessarily. I hope Mrs. Dr. these medieval methods of meaningless extraction. carried out only in cases where it is absolutely necessary. Even then, Mrs. Dr. recommend only the extraction of uncut eights. (I was only 17 years old at the time of the procedure and I trusted a specialist). I take this from a distance as a dilettante in treatment and the pursuit of the fastest available clientele. -The treatment was shocking in the long run -for this time and region relatively expensive prices -the waiting time was around 30-45min (after the ordered date) -Personal was under pressure and the door basically didn't open + the surgery had a high hygienic standard

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