MUDr. Jiří Havlíček Tábor - Rudé armády

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact MUDr. Jiří Havlíček Tábor

Address :

Rudé armády, 391 02 Sezimovo Ústí, Czechia

Postal code : 391
Website :
Categories :
City : Sezimovo Ústí

Rudé armády, 391 02 Sezimovo Ústí, Czechia
Lucie Remisova on Google

Martina Holubová on Google

katka zohova on Google

Za mě nej dětský doktor a i sestřička . Patří jim oběma mé velké děkuji .
For me, the pediatrician and the nurse. They belong to both of them my big thank you.
ni ka on Google

Přístup pana doktora je neslušný a hrubý . Není schopen vyhovět pacientovi .
The doctor's approach is rude and rude. He is unable to satisfy the patient.
Kacenka cz on Google

Nejhorší doktor s kterym byla možnost se setkat arogantní a neochotný vystavit cokoli na žádost otce. Pokud chcete neochotou můžete se k panu doktorovy zaregistrovat už nikdy více
The worst doctor he had was the opportunity to meet the arrogant and reluctant to expose anything at his father's request. If you are reluctant, you can never register with the doctor again
Tolubik Lub on Google

"pan" doktor je nejspise odmitac vseho, co mu nenese primereny zisk. Hlavne administrativnich povinnosti. Hrube odmitl vystavit zadanku na pcr test s tim ze je to prace hygieny. Neskutecne arogantni chovani. Je smutne ze v dnesni dobe mohou tito lide vykonavat tato povolani. Samozrejme ze bude reakce ze to neni pravda. Telefonat mam nahrany budu kontaktovat lekarskou komoru.
The "Mr." doctor is probably a refuse of anything that does not bring him a reasonable profit. Mainly administrative duties. Hrube refused to issue an assignment for the pcr test, saying that it is a work of hygiene. Incredibly arrogant behavior. It is sad that these people can practice these professions today. Of course, the reaction will not be true. I have a phone call recorded and I will contact the medical chamber.
Míša Fořterová on Google

Za mě nejlepší doktor i sestřička, lidský přístup, vždy ochotný pomoci. Ale tak samozřejmě, že v téhle době se to hezky nepíše..
For me, the best doctor and nurse, human approach, always willing to help. But of course, it's not nice at this time ..
jájá jupí on Google

Pan doktor je opravdu neuvěřitelně hodný, nemá problém s ničím poradit. Opatrný, nikdy pri prohlidce nezanedba ani pupinek. Když nemůže ihned, zavolá zpět. Jak se tu pise ze zadanka na PCR opet neni problem, nedavno OCR na otce take nemel zadny problem. Jedijy doktor, u ktereho se muk syn neboji. Sestricka, vzdy usmevava, poradi. Nema s nicim problem. Za me nejlepsi pediatr, ktereho jsem mohla najit. Pokud ma někdo problem s doktorem, mel by se zamyslet jak ho celkově prijima okoli a jak casto on ma s nekym konflikt = nad sebou. Protoze jsem u pana doktora 4 roky a nikdy s nicim nebyl problem
The doctor is really incredibly kind, he has no problem with anything to advise. Careful, never lose a pimple during the inspection. If he can't immediately, he'll call back. As it is written here that the assignment for PCR is not a problem again, recently OCR on the father also had no problem. They eat a doctor whose torment is not afraid of. Nurse, always smiling, advises. He has no problem with anything. For me, the best pediatrician I could find. If someone has a problem with the doctor, he should think about how he is generally accepted by the environment and how often he has a conflict with someone. Because I've been with the doctor for 4 years and there's never been a problem with anything

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