Municipal office Hostivice

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Municipal office Hostivice

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Husovo nám. 13, 253 80 Hostivice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +97
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City : Hostivice

Husovo nám. 13, 253 80 Hostivice, Czechia
Stanicka StŠ on Google

Velké náměstí
Large square
Hailemelekot Teklu Kidane on Google

Michal Ptáček on Google

Pěkný zámeček
Nice chateau
Mojmir Sebek on Google

Jako místo pro svatbu moc fajn. Paní starostka je bezva.
As a place for a wedding very nice. Mrs. Mayor is great.
Martin Maiksnar on Google

Trošku jsem se ztrácel pri vyřizování trvalého pobytu, ale celkově hezká budova s ochotnými úředníky :)
I got a little lost when dealing with permanent residence, but overall a nice building with helpful officials :)
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Hostivický zámek nechala postavit hraběnka Johana Eusebie Barbora Caretto-Millesimová v letech 1689-1697 jako jednopatrovou raně barokní stavbu. Do současné podoby budovy dvoupatrové s centrální halou zámek přestavěla Anna Marie Františka velkovévodkyně Toskánská v letech 1732-1734. Asymetricky umístěnou kapli dostavěl její vnuk, bavorský vévoda Klement František. Od druhé poloviny 18. století zájem o zámek upadal a postupně byl přeměněn k bydlení zaměstnanců císařského statku. Ve 20. století využívalo jeho prostory dokonce místní JZD, to už byl tak zchátralý, že hrozila jeho demolice. Po náročné a dlouhé rekonstrukci mezi lety 1977-1983 v něm dnes sídlí městský úřad, ale konají se tu i koncerty klasické hudby a výstavy. V interiéru jsou zachovány fresky z 18. století. Malba v centrální hale zachycuje výjevy z bitvy na Bílé hoře roku 1620. The chateau was built by Countess Johan Eusebie Barbara Caretto-Millesimo between 1689-1697 as a one-storey early baroque building. The current appearance of the two-storey building with the central hall of the chateau was done by Anna Marie Františka the Grand Duchess of Tuscany in 1732-1734. The asymmetrically placed chapel is the work of her grandson, the Bavarian Duke Klement František. Since the second half of the 18th century the interest in the chateau declined and was gradually transformed into the housing of the imperial estate employees. In the 20th century it was used by local agricultural cooperatives, it was so dilapidated that its demolition threatened. After a demanding and long reconstruction between 1977-1983, it is now the seat of the municipal office, but there are also classical concerts and exhibitions held here. The interior features frescoes from the 18th century. The painting in the central hall depicts scenes from the Battle of Bílá hora in 1620.
The Countess Johan Eusebie Barbora Caretto-Millesimová built the Hostivice chateau in 1689-1697 as a one-storey early-baroque building. The current appearance of the two-storey building with the central hall was rebuilt by Anna Marie Františka, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, in 1732-1734. The asymmetrically placed chapel was completed by her grandson, the Bavarian Duke Klement František. From the second half of the 18th century the interest in the chateau declined and was gradually transformed into the housing of the imperial estate employees. In the 20th century it was used by the local agricultural cooperative, it was so dilapidated that threatened its demolition. After a demanding and long reconstruction between 1977-1983, it is now the seat of the municipal office, but there are also held classical concerts and exhibitions. The interior features frescoes from the 18th century. The painting in the central hall depicts scenes from the Battle of White Mountain in 1620. Countess Johan Eusebie Barbara Caretto-Millesimo was built between 1689-1697 as a one-storey early baroque building. The current appearance of the two-storey building with the central hall of the cottage was done by Anna Marie Francis the Grand Duchess of Tuscany in 1732-1734. The asymmetrically placed chapel is the work of her grandson, the Bavarian Duke Klement Francis. Since the second half of the 18th century, the interest in the chateau declined and was gradually transformed into the housing of the imperial estate employees. In the 20th century it was used by local agricultural cooperatives, it was so dilapidated that its demolition threatened. After a demanding and long reconstruction between 1977-1983, it is now the seat of the municipal office, but there are also classical concerts and exhibitions held here. The interior features frescoes from the 18th century. The painting in the central hall depicts scenes from the Battle of Bila hora in 1620.
Roman Vápeník on Google

Městský úřad v Hostivicích je umístěn v opravdu velmi zajímavé budově. Je to totiž budova zámku. Bohužel, na mne to ale nezapůsobilo nějakým extra kladným dojmem. Vůbec mne nijak nebylo příjemné to nevyužití velkého prostoru před úřadem. Jsem rád, že na tomto místě nepotřebuji nic vyřizovat.
The town hall in Hostivice is located in a really very interesting building. It is a castle building. Unfortunately, it didn't impress me with any extra positive impression. I was not at all pleasant at not using the large space in front of the office. I'm glad I don't need to do anything at this point.
Renata Guttenová on Google

Super přístup a obrovská ochota - jmenovitě velké díky paní Krížkové z matriky, kdyby takovýto přístup měli na všech na úřadech, žilo by se krásně ❤️ děkujeme!
Super approach and great willingness - namely big thanks to Mrs. Krížková from the registry office, if they had such an approach at everyone in the offices, they would live beautifully ujeme thank you!

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