Náboženská obec Církve československé husitské v Praze 7 - Holešovice - Farského 1386

4.5/5 based on 4 reviews

CÍRKEV ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ HUSITSKÁ – česká husitská církev - Husiteholesovice.cz


PO 09.00 – 17.00

ST  09.00 – 17.00



ÚT 14:00 – 17:00

SO 14:00 – 17:00

NE 9:30 – 12:00 a 14:00 – 17:00


Contact Náboženská obec Církve československé husitské v Praze 7 - Holešovice

Address :

Farského 1386, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +87897
Postal code : 170
Website : http://www.husiteholesovice.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 7 Holešovice

Farského 1386, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
Jan Krs on Google

Martina Kolářová on Google

Eva Jordan on Google

Velmi hezká stavba Husova sboru pochází z let 1935-37, vévodí ji modernistická věž s kalichem, jež je z dáli viditelnou dominantou. V přízemí je modlitebna, v suterénu kolumbarium, jinak dům slouží jako nájemní dům.
The very nice building of the Hussite congregation dates from 1935-37, dominated by a modernist tower with a chalice, which is a dominant feature from a distance. There is a prayer room on the ground floor, a columbarium in the basement, otherwise the house serves as a rental house.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

The functionalist building of Hus's choir was built between 1935-37 by the builder František Strnad according to the project of František Kubelka. The foundation stone was laid on April 28, 1936, and on May 9 of the following year, the prayer house was opened to the public. The whole building is an interesting solution of a tenement house in combination with the premises of the congregation of the Czech Brethren Church. It is located on the ground floor and part of the first floor, with the columbarium being located in the basement (similar to the premises of Vratislavova Street below the Vyšehrad Fortress). Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to look inside because I was passing by in the early morning. Funkcionalistická stavba Husova sboru byla postavena mezi lety 1935-37 stavitelem Františkem Strnadem podle projektu Františka Kubelky. Základní kámen byl položen 28. dubna 1936 a už 9. května následujícího roku byla modlitebna otevřena pro veřejnost. Celý objekt je zajímavým řešením nájemního domu v kombinaci s prostory sboru církve českobratrské. Ta sídlí v přízemí a části prvního patra, kolumbárium je umístěno v suterénu (podobně jako v prostorách Vratislavovy ulice pod vyšehradskou pevností). Bohužel jsem neměl možnost podívat se dovnitř, protože jsem procházel v brzkých raních hodinách.
The functionalist building of Hus's choir was built between 1935-37 by the builder František Strnad according to the project of František Kubelka. The foundation stone was laid on April 28, 1936, and on May 9 of the following year, the prayer house was opened to the public. The whole building is an interesting solution of a tenement house in combination with the premises of the congregation of the Czech Brethren Church. It is located on the ground floor and part of the first floor, with the columbarium being located in the basement (similar to the premises of Vratislavova Street below the Vyšehrad Fortress). Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to look inside because I was passing by in the early morning. The functionalist building of Hus's choir was built between 1935-37 by the builder František Strnad according to a project by František Kubelka. The foundation stone was laid on April 28, 1936, and on May 9 of the following year, the prayer house was opened to the public. The whole building is an interesting solution of a tenement house in combination with the premises of the congregation of the Czech Brethren Church. It is located on the ground floor and part of the first floor, the columbarium is located in the basement (similar to the premises of Vratislavova Street below the Vyšehrad Fortress). Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to look inside because I was walking in the early morning.

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