Nádraží Bílina - Nádraží Bílina

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nádraží Bílina

Address :

418 01 Bílina, Czechia

Postal code : 418
Categories :
City : Bílina

418 01 Bílina, Czechia
Martin Cermak on Google

Nádraží v jednu v noci nic moc
The station at one in the night nothing much
Patrik Farkas on Google

Pro. Lidi co se potřebuji prostě někam dostat to stačí nevím kdo by potřeboval na nádraží hospodu přeci chceš někam ject v normálním stavu ne přeci ozraly jako prase je to hnus to uznávám ale pokud někam potřebuješ a nemáš auto tak nic jiného nezbiva buď špinavý nádraží a nebo dýchat cca 20 lidi v busu volil bych ten vlak je tam klimatizace
For. People I just need somewhere to get it I just don't know who would need a pub at a train station you want to go somewhere in a normal state about 20 people in the bus I would choose the train is there air conditioning
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Hlavní vlakové nádraží v Bílině bylo vystavěno jako součást přeložky tratě z Mostu do Oldřichova. Dokončila se 8. dubna 1968 a pro Bílinu znamenala demolici starého nádraží Bílina – Město, přestavbu staré trati na vlečku a otevření nového nádraží společného s autobusovým. Ten den získalo bílinské nádraží poprvé v historii přímé spojení s Chomutovem, Mostem a Teplicemi. The main train station in Bílina was built as part of the route from Most to Oldřichov. It was completed on April 8, 1968 and for Bílina it meant the demolition of the old "Bílina - Town" railway station, the reconstruction of the old railway line and the opening of the new railway station in cooperation with the bus station. That day, for the first time in history, the Bílina Railway Station had a direct connection with towns Chomutov, Most and Teplice.
The main train station in Bílina was built as part of the relocation of the line from Most to Oldřichov. It was completed on April 8, 1968 and for Bílina it meant the demolition of the old railway station Bílina - Město, the reconstruction of the old line into a siding and the opening of a new railway station common to the bus station. That day, for the first time in history, the Bílina railway station gained a direct connection with Chomutov, Most and Teplice. The main train station in Bílina was built as part of the route from Most to Oldřichov. It was completed on April 8, 1968 and for Bílina it meant the demolition of the old "Bílina - Town" railway station, the reconstruction of the old railway line and the opening of the new railway station in cooperation with the bus station. That day, for the first time in history, the Bílina Railway Station had a direct connection with towns Chomutov, Most and Teplice.
Danny Macho on Google

No a toto je průser největší. Nejohyzdnější nádraží, jaký jsem vlastním okem viděl. Zvenku hnus, zevnitř hnus, nástupiště na spadnutí... Tady komanči šlapli vedle a teď to musí někdo zacvakat. Už aby se vrhli na opravy...:-/
Well, this is the biggest mess. The most abominable train station I've ever seen. Disgust from the outside, disgust from the inside, the platform to fall ... Here the Comanche walked beside it, and now someone must click. Already to make repairs ...: - /
Michal Kostka on Google

Skanzen mezi nádražími, první dojem byl ve stylu. Kde nic tu nic, hrobové ticho a špína. No dojem z tohoto nádraží se snaží zachránit jen venkovní fasáda. Zboural bych to a postavil nové nádraží. Tady nemá cenu cokoliv rekonstruovat.
Open-air museum between stations, the first impression was in style. Where nothing here, grave silence and dirt. Well the impression of this station is trying to save only the exterior facade. I would tear it down and build a new station. There's no point in reconstructing anything.
Jiří Růžek on Google

Mohl by být lepšî interiér a čistota.
The interior and cleanliness could be better.
Jan Böhm on Google

Nádraží v městě s léčebnými prameny
Railway station in the city with healing springs
Jan Šťastný on Google

Další stanice na trati Cheb-Ústí, která je v žalostnén stavu. Člověk si uvnitř budovy připadá jak v nějaké hororové scéně a to nemluvím o zdejším podchodu k nástupištím...
Another station on the route Cheb-Ústí, which is in a deplorable state. One feels inside a building in a horror scene, not to mention the subway to the platforms ...

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