NunnaUuni - Lidická 1195 273 51

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact NunnaUuni

Address :

Lidická 1195 273 51, Unhošť, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7778788
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City : Unhošť

Lidická 1195 273 51, Unhošť, Czechia
Radoslav Budaj on Google

Iveta Bártková on Google

Neuvěřitelně velmi účinné, teplo příjemně sálá další 2 dny, malá spotřeba dřeva, jednoduché na obsluhu a jsou stále pohledově krásné! Za mě jednička na trhu!
Incredibly efficient, warm for 2 days, little wood consumption, easy to use and still beautiful! The market leader for me!
Tomáš Kašpar on Google

Velmi oceňuji jednání firmy. Bylo velmi vstřícné, milé, operativní a dokonce mne firma překvapila dárkem, který jsem ani nečekal. Děkuji za vaši velkorysost.
I really appreciate the company's actions. It was very helpful, nice, operative and even the company surprised me with a gift that I did not even expect. Thank you for your generosity.
Juraj Petras on Google

..dopredu sa ospravedlnujem za svoju dlhu spoved,ale do par viet by sa nezmestilo to vsetko co chcem napisat od srdca a z vdaky panovi majitelovi Radkovi Cernemu.Uz davno sme s priatelkou uvazovali nad stavbou vysneneho drevodomu zo sibirskeko cedru.Zadarilo sa nam a tak sme si splnit nas davny sen.Medzi vysnivane veci v dome jednoznacne patrila aj mastencova pec.Prisiel na rad internet a hladanie vysneneho modelu mastencovej pece.Rozhodnutie padlo na firmu NunnaUuni.Pre mna bolo najdolezitejsie ,ze cela bola z mastencu a nema krbovu vlozku ako konkurencia z ineho materialu ako je mastenec.Prezerali sme internet a zrazu...vsak poznate ten pocit ked najdete obrazok a ten vam hned padne do oka a priam si ho zamilujete.Presne taku pec sme aj my objavili a tak zacalo patranie po modely tej pece.Kontaktovali sme slovenskeho zastupcu firmy NunnaUuni.Tak ako to ale byva to co si zrovna zamilujete ,tak to uz bud nenajdete ako sa to vola,alebo to uz nevyrabaju.A to bol presne nas problem.Nami vysnena pec uz bola stiahnuta z obehu a prestala sa vyrabat a ak ano,zeby nam ju vyrobili,tak jedine ako zakazkovu vyrobu za uplne ine peniaze.Ked uz sme sa rozlucili s modelom pece podla nasich predstav prisla vystava v Cechach.A tak sme isli pozriet.A vyplatilo sa!Narazili sme na stanok R&B Tsekki.Bol to asi osud,ktory nam prihral do cesty tuto firmu.Prehodili sme debatu a ukazali sme im nasu vysnenu pec s tym,ze uz sa nevyraba a tak hladame dalej,ale zatial nas nic tak neoslovilo ako tato mastencova pec presne podla nasich predstav.A vtedy prisiel sok v podobe usmevu predajcu,ktory nam zahlasil,ze zrovna jednu taku pec maju na sklade ako skladovku,ktoru vystavovali a teraz je k predaju!Neviete si ani predstavit nasu radost!Nevahali sme ani sekudu a hned sme ju kupili.Ked uz bola kupena ,tak sa mi nahodou podarilo najst obrazok pece k ktorej bola pripasovana aj schranka na drevo.Nevahal som ani sekundu a oslovil som tím ludi z R&B ci mi s tym vedia pomoct.Nevahali ani sekundu a uz na druhy den som mal od nich odpoved z Finska,ze je to mozne vyrobit na zakazku.Bolo mi ponuknute,ze mi skusia vybavit aj cenu,kedze uz od nich mam pec.Ked mi dosla ta cena,tak som mal druhykrat obrovsky usmev na tvari,kedze ocividne prihovorenie sa vo Finsku zabralo a dosla mi ludova cena za pristavbu k peci.Zaco nesmierne dakujem celemu timu R&B Tsekki.Dnes sa nam v dome pysni tato 2.5 tonova kraaasavica,ktora verim,ze nam bude do konca zivota robit len a len radost.Tymto mojim vylevom chcem fakt z uprimneho srdca velmi pekne podakovat celemu timu R&B ,ci uz predajcovi,alebo majitelovi firmy,tak konciac clovekom co mi skladal pec,ktory bol neskutocny profik.Vrelo tuto firmu doporucujem,kedze po cely cas sa ku mne chovali max profesionalne,ludsky,priatelsky a som nesmierne rad ,ze patrim do rodiny NunnaUuni.Dakujem!S pozdravom Ondrej Sipos P.S Urcite este pridam casom fotky,ked bude komin a ked prvykrat si v tej vysnenej peci zapalime ohen...
..doporuu apologize for my debt confession, but in a few sentences would not fit everything I want to write from the heart and thanks to Mr. owner Radek Cernemu.Uz long time with my girlfriend wondered about building a dream wood from sibirskeko cedru.Zadarilo us and we saw we have fulfilled our long-term dream. Among the dreamlike things in the house clearly belonged to the talc furnace. He went to the internet and search for a dream model of the talc furnace. The decision fell on the firm NunnaUuni.For me it was most important that the cell was made of talc and competition from other material than talc. We were browsing the internet and suddenly ... but you know the feeling when you find a picture and it immediately fits in your eye and you will love it. pece.Kontaktovali Slovak representative of the company NunnaUuni.Tak but as it is what you just fall in love, so it either will not find it called, or it does not vyrabaju.A that was exactly our problem.Nami in The kiln was withdrawn from circulation and stopped making and if so, if we made it, then only as custom production for completely different money.When we said goodbye to the model of the oven we imagined came in Bohemia. And so we went We saw the R&B Tsekki tent. It was probably the fate that put this company in the way. We switched the debate and showed us our dream oven, saying that it is no longer produced and so we are looking for another, but And nothing came to us as this talc furnace exactly according to our imagination. And then came a shock in the form of a salesman who told us that just one such furnace is in stock as the warehouse they exhibited and is now for sale! We did not hesitate and we bought it immediately.When she was bought, I accidentally managed to find a picture of the furnace to which was also attached to the wood box.Nahahl not even a second and I contacted the team of R&B people or know with it. Do not hesitate for a second and already on The next day I had an answer from Finland, that it is possible to produce custom-made. I was offered to try to give me a price, because I have a kiln from them. When I got the price, so I had a second time a huge smile on my face , because apparently speaking in Finland took place and I got a folk price for the addition to the furnace.Zaco thank you all the time R&B Tsekki.Today we in the house proud of this 2.5 ton kraaasavica, which I believe that we will do the end of life only and only With this outpour, I want a very heartfelt thank you to the whole R&B team, whether the seller or the owner of the company, ending with someone who composed me a furnace, which was an awful profik.Vrelo I recommend this company because all the time to me behaved max professionally, human, friendly and I am extremely happy to belong to the family NunnaUuni.Dakuji! Sincerely Ondrej Sipos P.S Certainly I will add pictures of time when the chimney and when to bake in the dream oven to light the fire ...
Tomáš Král on Google

Když jsme před cca 5 lety oslovili pro nás neznámou, v Česku začínající firmu Nunnauuni s panem Černým jako jednatelem, bylo zajímavé sledovat lidský a neformální přístup, kde podaná ruka byla víc než papír, který snese prakticky cokoliv. Přiznám se, že z počátku panovala jistá míra nedůvěry, vzhledem k tomu, jaká je v Čechách kultura v podnikání s kombinací začínající firmy. Po několika letech s produktem Hestia Solo 2 a několika situacemi, kdy jsme dodatečně dořešovali další věci mohu tuto firmu jen doporučit. Produkty opravdu splňují co je slibováno (cca 2 dny výhřevnost po zatopení - alespoň v našem případě) a jednání, přístup, snaha vyhovět ze strany firmy je neuvěřitelně fajn.
When we approached the unknown company Nunnauuni with Mr. Cerny as Managing Director about 5 years ago, it was interesting to follow the human and informal approach, where the hand was more than paper, which can withstand almost anything. I admit that at the beginning there was a certain degree of mistrust, given the culture of business in the Czech Republic with the combination of a start-up company. After a few years with Hestia Solo 2 and several situations where we have been solving additional things, I can only recommend this company. Products really meet what is promised (about 2 days calorific value after flooding - at least in our case) and negotiation, approach, the effort to meet the company is incredibly nice.
Michal Halda on Google

Nelitujeme ani jedné investované koruny do tohoto senza krbu. Již jsme vyzkoušeli péct kuřata, bábovky i pizzu a prostě tohle nemá chybu! Vřele doporučujeme, ale pozor je to návykové koukání :-) 21.4.2022 bohužel musím doplnit svou recenzi, že vše je dobré jen do té doby než se na krbu něco stane, reklamace podána 15.1.2022 a do dnes jen maily- samozřejmě po urgencích... Tak POZOR když budete potřebovat mimo koupě i něco dalšího....
We do not regret a single crown invested in this senso fireplace. We have already tried to bake chickens, muffins and pizza and this is simply not a mistake! Highly recommended, but beware it's addictive watching :-) 21.4.2022 unfortunately I have to add my review that everything is good only until something happens on the fireplace, the complaint was submitted on 15.1.2022 and until today only emails - of course after emergencies ... So ATTENTION when you need something in addition to the purchase next ....
brunovega brunovega on Google

Máme kamna Hestia Solo 4 roky a jsme velmi spokojeni. V pohodě vytopí celý rodinný dům (cca 120m2), pečeme si v troubě a při dlouhých zimních večerech se koukáme do hořícího ohně :-). Teď se mi mojí nešikovností povedlo rozbít sklo od dvířek, tak jsem si mohl ověřit, jaký funguje pozáruční servis a mohu jen pochválit. Paní Hanuschová z Nunnauuni vše vyřídila, náhradní díl dorazil a pan Zástěra mi vše vyměnil.
We have a Hestia Solo stove for 4 years and we are very satisfied. It will comfortably heat the whole family house (approx. 120 m2), we bake in the oven and on long winter evenings we look into the burning fire :-). Now, with my clumsiness, I managed to break the glass from the door, so I could check how the post-warranty service works and I can only praise it. Mrs. Hanuschová from Nunnauuni took care of everything, the spare part arrived and Mr. Zástěra exchanged everything for me.
Zdeňka Miosgová on Google

Mockrát děkujeme za zhotovení krbových kamen. Moc jsme byli spokojeni s velice pečlivými pány, kteří nám stavěli kamna od firmy svět krbů. Vřele doporučuji.
Thank you very much for making the fireplace. We were very satisfied with the very careful gentlemen who built the stove for us from the world of fireplaces. I warmly recommend.

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