O My Dear

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact O My Dear

Address :

Bělohorská 416/25, 169 00 Praha 6, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : https://www.omydear.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Bělohorská 416/25, 169 00 Praha 6, Czechia
Karolína Havlíková on Google

Zboží nám přišlo velice rychle a v krásném provedení. Je to opravdu velká nádhera! :)
The goods came to us very quickly and in a beautiful design. It's really great! :)
Jitka Pejmanová on Google

Kolotoč nad postýlku, který jsme si objednali, je krásný! Úžasná a precizní ručni práce, opravdu stojí za objednání :-))
The carousel above the crib we ordered is beautiful! Amazing and precise handy work, really worth ordering :-))
Marie Graf on Google

Pokud hledáte dekoraci do pokoje doporučuji, nicméně nad postýlku miminka tento výrobek rozhodne nepatří - malé částečky, pericka - hrozí riziko udušení. Příliš nechápu jak je možné ze se takový výrobek vůbec prodává...
If you are looking for a room decoration I recommend, however, above the baby bed this product definitely does not belong - small particles, danger - there is a risk of suffocation. I do not quite understand how it is possible that such a product is sold at all ...
Ani Uhrin on Google

O My Dear mohu jedině doporučit! Už jsme si objednali druhý kolotoč a jsme velmi spokojení. Pokaždé bezproblémová komunika, rychlé dodání a hlavně kolotoč ještě krásnější než na obrázku z e-shopu. Kvalitní ruční práce a precizní zpracování. Malá z kolotoče nemůže spustit oči a jako dárek pro synovce uspěl na jedničku. Pokud chcete mít doma originální kousek, který nejen skvěle zabaví dítě, ale krásně doplní design pokojíčku, tak rozhodně neváhejte.
I can only recommend About My Dear! We have already ordered the second carousel and we are very satisfied. Always seamless communication, fast delivery and especially the carousel even more beautiful than in the picture from the e-shop. Quality handwork and precise processing. The little one from the carousel can't lower her eyes and succeeded as number one as a gift for her nephew. If you want to have an original piece at home that will not only entertain the child perfectly, but will beautifully complement the design of the room, then do not hesitate.
Karolína Šmídová on Google

Náš syn se do kolotoče přímo zamilovat, pomáhá nám už od 2. měsíce věku. A co je nejvíc - uklidní ho když pláče. My jsme rozhodně spokojení!
Our son falls in love with the merry-go-round, helping us from the age of 2 months. And most importantly, he reassures him when he cries. We are definitely happy!
Ladislav Vosáhlo on Google

--- Porizeno --- Kolotoc a kousatko :-) --- Zkracena verze recenze --- Jsem moc rad, ze se na nasem trhu nasel nekdo kdo zaplnil mezeru! A jsem za to moc rad a omydear.cz preju jen a jen same uspechy! davam 10 z 5 hvezd. --- Prihen --- Dlouho jsem hledal kolotoc nad postylku, ktery by splnoval moje pozadavky (jednoduchost, funkcnost, drevo co se materialu tyce a neco co me hned na prvni pohled trkne a ja si reknu: ,,To je presne ono!"). Vsude mozne jsem nachazel pouze plastove kolotoce, s cenou u ktere me zamrazilo, co je na tom tak "draheho" a ke vsemu ani jejich design nebyl buh vi co. O puvodu kolotocu se dalo take silne polemizovat (pro predstavu - Designed by Apple, Made in China) Nasledne pribehla pritelkyne, ze Veronika Arichteva ma na instagramu prispevek, kde ukazuje kolotoc (mimochodem, zde chvalim PR) od omydear.cz. A zazil jsem presne to, co jsem ocekaval "To je presne ono!". A jedine o cem jsem vedl diskuzi jestli poridit ten nejdrazsi nebo ten nejlevnejsi :-). Nakonec nam vystacil pouze ten nejjednodussi, ktery co se vyroby tyce zabere take spoustu casu a pribalili jsme si i kousakto, ktere ted ted nemuzeme najit, ale to je jiny pribeh :-) Samozrejme jsme museli na kolotoc chvilku pockat, ale komunikace o stavu objednavky byla prubezne vedena ze strany omydear.cz a my vedeli kdy cca bude doma. Behem pouzivani se nam z nejakeho duvodu rozbil strojek a tak jsme se obavali, ze ditko bude koukat na nehybny kolotoc, ale tady musim zase vyzdvyhnout majitelku. Jeji pristup byl profesionalni a predevsim lidsky! ---- Cena --- Par lidi si stezovalo na cenu a ano ta cena je o neco vyssi, jenze je potreba si uvedomit, ze ta vyroba a certifikaty nejsou zadarmo a nejdna se o charitu. Takze je potreba si polozit otazku, co je pro me prednejsi zda cena nebo kvalita. Levnejsi kolotoce jsou prevazne z plastu a co se nateru tyce radsi ani nemluvim. U omydear.cz vite, ze to proslo testem a pouzite natery ameterial je pro vase ditko to nejlepsi co muze mit. Neposledni vec je udrzitelnost ceny vyrobku. Jsem sijisty, ze kolotoc od omydear.cz si tu cenu bude drzet a kolotoc se rozhodne proda s minimalni ztratou. --- Web --- Doporucuju si precist prihehy v sekci "clanky". Kupodivu me nejvice zaujal clanek kde je popsano udani na COI (podle recenzi mam tuseni kdo to byl). Zavist je sv*na a bohuzel je to vsude na svete stejne (mohu posoudit). ve vsem negativnim je nutne hledat pozitiva :-) --- Zaverem --- Vsechny vyrobky od omydear.cz jsou uzasne a jsem moc rad, ze se nasel nekdo, kdo se takoveho projektu chytil a odvadi tak uzasnou praci. Preji Vam a samozrejme podporujici rodine vse nej do budoucna! Nemam zadna negativa a to jsem clovek co se snazi byt objektivni a pise recenze s odstupem casu,
--- Porizeno --- Carousel and a bit :-) --- Short version of the review --- I am very glad that there was someone in our market who filled the gap! And I am very happy about that and omydear.cz wishes only success! I give 10 out of 5 stars. --- Prihen --- For a long time I was looking for a carousel over the bed that would meet my requirements (simplicity, functionality, wood as far as the material is concerned and something that strikes me at first glance and I say to myself: "That's exactly it!"). only plastic carousels, with the price at which I froze, what is so "expensive" about it, and to all their design there was no god knows what. The origin of the carousel could also be strongly argued (for an idea - Designed by Apple, Made in China) Then a friend ran over that Veronika Arichteva had a post on the instagram, where she shows a carousel (by the way, I praise PR here) from omydear.cz. And I experienced exactly what I expected "That's exactly it!". And the only thing I had a discussion about was to buy the most expensive or the cheapest :-). In the end, only the simplest one was enough for us, which also takes a lot of time to produce rods, and we also packed a piece that we can't find now, but that's a different story :-) Of course, we had to wait a while for the carousel, but communication about the status of the order was continuously kept by omydear.cz and we knew when he would be at home. During use, the machine broke for some reason, so we were afraid that the child would look at the stationary carousel, but here I have to pick up the owner again. Her approach was professional and above all human! ---- Price --- A couple of people went for the price and yes the price is a bit higher, only you need to realize that the production and certificates are not free and not just charity. So it is necessary to ask the question, what is more important for me, whether price or quality. Cheaper carousels are mostly made of plastic and I prefer not to talk about the paint. At omydear.cz you know that it passed the test and using amaterial paints is the best thing it can have for your child. Last but not least is the sustainability of the price of the product. I am sure that the carousel from omydear.cz will keep the price and the carousel will decide to sell with minimal loss. --- Web --- I recommend reading the stories in the "articles" section. Surprisingly, I was most interested in the article where the statement on COI is described (according to the review, I have no idea who it was). Envy is the same and unfortunately it is the same everywhere in the world (I can judge). in all the negatives it is necessary to look for the positives :-) --- I close --- All products from omydear.cz are amazing and I am very glad that someone found themselves who caught such a project and did such an amazing work. I wish you and, of course, supportive family to all of her in the future! I have no negatives and I am a person who tries to be objective and writes reviews over time,
Zuzana Havranová on Google

Kolotoč je krásný, oceňuji ruční práci. Líbí se mi použité přírodní materiály a nevtíravé barvy. Rozhodně mnohem příjemnější než kýčovité plastové kolotoče, které jsou běžně k vidění v obchodech. Dřevěné rameno jsme pro jistotu přilepili, ale chápu, že by to bylo složité lepit přímo při výrobě kvůli uložení do krabice a transportu. Možná by bylo fajn, kdyby bylo nějaké minibalení lepidla přímo přibaleno. Dceři se kolotoč moc líbí.
Carousel is beautiful, I appreciate handicrafts. I like the natural materials used and unobtrusive colors. Definitely much more enjoyable than the cheesy plastic merry-go-rounds that are commonly seen in stores. We glued the wooden arm for sure, but I understand that it would be difficult to glue directly during production due to box storage and transport. Maybe it would be nice if a mini-pack of glue was packed directly. Daughter likes the merry-go-round very much.
Andrea Sekerešová on Google

Nedoporučuji! Netuším, jak odpovědět, tak touto cestou. Rozhodne nejsem vás konkurent, trochu me zarazí vás přístup k zákazníkům... kolotoč jsme dostali jako dárek od prarodičů, dali za nej nehorázné peníze, mysleli jakou nám udělají radost, ani jim nemůžu říct, ze koupili predrazenou dekoraci, která rozhodne není určena pro miminka. Nechápu jak můžete prodávat hračky pro děti bez potřebných atestu, na kolotoci jsem nikde nenašla označení CE, byt informace na vašem e-shopu vypadají jako ze se jedna o certifikovaný výrobek. Matete úmyslně zákazníky, dlouho jsem pracovala na COI, Vás e-shop jsem proto již nahlásila. Kdyby se jednalo o cokoliv jiného, ale výrobky pro děti... To můžete klidně spát?
Not recommended! I have no idea how to answer that way. I am definitely not a competitor, I am a little stunned by your approach to customers ... we received a merry-go-round as a gift from grandparents, gave outrageous money, thought what they would be happy about, and I couldn't tell them that they bought overpriced decorations babies. I do not understand how you can sell toys for children without the necessary clearance, on the merry-go-round I did not find the CE marking, the information on your e-shop looks like it is a certified product. Deliberately confusing customers, I worked for a long time on COI, so I have already reported your e-shop. If it were anything else but baby products ... Can you sleep peacefully?

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