Optik Ocularium

3.4/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Optik Ocularium

Address :

Karlovo nám. 6, 120 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Nové Město

Karlovo nám. 6, 120 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Marina Roshchenyuk on Google

Nedoporučuji, zaplatila jsem za drahé brýlové čočky, a dostala jsem úplně něco jiného za tu cenu, což jsem zjistila následně v kvalifikované optice, mám podezření, že použili plast místo skla, to zjistím v brzké době....takže nekupovat, radši zajdětě někam jinam.
I do not recommend, I paid for expensive spectacle lenses, and I got something else completely for the price, which I found in qualified optics, I suspect that they used plastic instead of glass, I will find out soon .... so do not buy, rather go somewhere else.
Jirkavpraze Kriz on Google

Zazitek moji tchyne :Neuznana reklamace na material (alergicka reakce), neochota v tomto problemu pomoci. V jine optice ochotne pomohli a vec vyresili.
Experience of my mother-in-law: Unrecognized complaints about material (allergic reaction), unwillingness to help in this problem. In other optics they willingly helped and solved the matter.
Marcel Kalenda on Google

Skvelej servis a prijemnej pristup!!! Pan mi ochotne seridil bryle zakoupene jinde. Nejen ze jsem si skvele popovidal, ale ve finale mi serizeni udelal zdarma. Rozhodne se rad vratim, az budu kupovat bryle!
Great service and pleasant approach !!! Mr. willingly sorted my glasses bought elsewhere. Not only did I have a great chat, but in the finals he made me a free adjustment. I will definitely be happy to come back and buy glasses!
Marco Simič on Google

Příjemná obsluha, šikovný optik, doporučuji.
Eva Pešková on Google

EDIT (ze dne 3.3.2022): Od února 2021 doteď (březen 2022) vidím ve výloze nápis o slevě, která končí za pár dní. Toto opravdu zavání klamáním spotřebitele... --- Pozitiva: Pán i paní byl velmi úslužní, okamžitě se mi věnovali, pán mě změřil, doporučil slušivé obruby. Negativa: změřil mě trochu nepřesně (cca o půl dioptrie) v porovnání s mým očařem. Sezónní slevy, které mají dle výlohy časově omezené, vždy protáhnou o další měsíc. Jezdila jsem kolem 10 měsíců a stále totéž. Škoda, stačilo by napsat "výhodné ceny", případně slevy opravdu časově omezit.
EDIT (dated March 3, 2022): From February 2021 until now (March 2022) I see an inscription in the shop window about the discount, which ends in a few days. This really smells like deceiving the consumer ... --- Positives: The master and the lady were very helpful, they took care of me immediately, the master measured me, recommended the right edgings. Negative: he measured me a little inaccurately (about half a diopter) compared to my enchantment. Seasonal discounts, which are limited in time according to the cost, always extend for another month. I drove for about 10 months and still the same. It's a pity, it would be enough to write "advantageous prices" or really reduce discounts.
Jan Novotný on Google

Dal bych pět hvězdiček, jedna dolů za ty nikdy nekončící falešný slevy. Jinak dobrá optika, velký výběr. S brýlemi jsem moc spokojený.
I would give five stars, one down for those never ending fake discounts. Otherwise good optics, great selection. I am very satisfied with the glasses.
Brant Hoekstra on Google

April 2022 update: having gone here for the last 3 years, I’m not sure why I gave them such a low review before. Spending a lot of money on glasses is stressful & you always worry that you’re getting ripped off. I’ve had consistently friendly, accommodating service here for my whole family. The owner willingly services glasses (tighten, clean, replace a missing screw) and I’ve been very happy with his work. I’m now recommending this to friends as a place that I trust. 2019 review (⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️): Functional optician. Prices are kinda high (though they typically advertise 70-90% off, it's not true), English is spoken by one (friendly) employee, and they accept Edenred vouchers (begrudgingly). The quality of their work is good and I will use as my fail-safe optician moving forward.

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