Ortho Dent

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ortho Dent

Address :

Gajdošova 7, 615 00 Brno-Židenice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website : http://www.orthodent.cz/
Categories :
City : Brno Židenice

Gajdošova 7, 615 00 Brno-Židenice, Czechia
Radka Janechová on Google

Libor Osouch on Google

Alena Mařáková on Google

Kristýna Pacáková on Google

Miroslav Strnad on Google

Pokud hledáte kvalitní, hodnou a velmi příjemnou zubařku pro své děti s profesionálním a nadstandardním přístupem tak zde vše naleznete na 100%. Jsme velmi spokojeni.
If you are looking for a quality, good and very nice dentist for your children with a professional and above-standard approach you will find everything here 100%. We are very satisfied.
Eva Ptašková on Google

Takovou neprofesionalitu, aroganci a hulvactvi jsem skutecne jeste nezazila. Volala jsem pani doktorce kvuli kolegyni, ktera se pred nekolika mesici odstehovala do zahranici a potrebuje preposlat dokumentaci, ale mela trochu problem se s ordinaci spojit a proto me poprosila o pomoc. Pouze jsem naznacila, ze mela kolegyne problem se dovolat a ze ji pani doktorka odlozila telefon a uz na me spustila, nakonec me ani uz nepustila ke slovu s tim, at uz ji laskave prestaneme nahanet, a nakonec mi triskla s telefonem. Zkusila jsem zavolat podruhe a telefon mi nezvedla. Na treti pokus jsem stihla jen rict svoje jmeno a ze me predtim ani nenechala domluvit a pani doktorka opet zacala do telefonu, ze na tohle nema cas, ze bude mluvit pouze s pacientkou a ze "me teda ke slovu rozhodne nepusti" a opet zavesila.
I have never really experienced such unprofessionalism, arrogance and vulgarity. I called the doctor because of a colleague who had moved abroad a few months ago and needed to forward the documentation, but she had a bit of a problem contacting the surgery and therefore asked me for help. I just hinted that my colleague had a problem calling and that the doctor hung up the phone and started answering it, in the end she didn't even let me have a word about us kindly stop chasing her, and finally she shook my phone. I tried to call a second time and didn't answer the phone. On the third attempt, I only managed to say my name and that she hadn't even let me speak before, and the doctor started on the phone again, that she didn't have time for this, that she would only talk to the patient and that "she would definitely not let me speak" and hung up again.
Sylvie Šimková on Google

Jedna z nejhodnějších doktorek co znám, vždy se snaží vyjít vstříc, můžu doporučit na 100% ?
One of the most suitable doctors I know, always trying to accommodate, I can recommend 100% ?
Dagmar Slámová on Google

Skvělý přístup hlavně k dětem. Vřele doporučuji!
Great approach especially to children. I warmly recommend!

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