Paintball Aréna Teplá

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Paintball Aréna Teplá

Address :

19829, 364 61 Teplá, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
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City : Teplá

19829, 364 61 Teplá, Czechia
Fox893 on Google

German / English below Das Perfekte Spielfeld für mittelgroße Events. Das ganze Jahr über einen Besuch wert! Joseph & die Familie ist einer der besten unter den besten was den reibungslosen Ablauf von Events oder regulären Spielen angeht, auch was gastfreundlichkeit und Support angeht, kommt hier keiner ran. Wir haben hier mehrere Gebäude die aneinander / ineinander verzweigt sind mit viel, sehr viel Woodland dazwischen. Da wären eine große Halle mit angrenzenden Unterkünften sowie einer Bar, wo Joseph und seine Familie einen JEDEN Wunsch erfüllt. Die Halle ist das größte und längste Gebäude auf dem Gelände, offen, weitläufig mit vielen Deckungs Möglichkeiten. Das Kesselhaus (mit 1 Obergeschoss sowie Kellergeschoss) ist gegenüber liegend, mit angrenzenden Schuppen und mehreren Durchgängen. In der Mitte befindet sich der markante Schornstein, der schon bei der Anfahrt zu sehen ist. Bitte nicht King Kong spielen ?? Der Rest des Geländes ist verzweigt mit einzelnen Gebäuden, wie zum Beispiel das "Fischerei Häuschen" direkt am See oder ehemaligen Schuppen Garagen. Das Spielfeld wird unter anderem mit einem ehemaligen Schienennetz durchkreuzt. Anzumerken ist, dass es auf dem Gelände Schächte gibt. Manche sind markiert andere wiederum stark bewachsen, sodass man sie nicht auf den ersten Blick sieht. Hier sollte man vorab das Spielfeld abgehen um seine Tücken kennen zu lernen, sonst könnte man ein paar Meter fallen. Stay Safe! English The perfect playing field for medium-sized events. Worth a visit all year round! Joseph & the family is one of the best in terms of the smooth running of events or regular games, even in terms of hospitality and support, no one comes here. We have here several buildings that are branched together / into each other with a lot, a lot of woodland in between. There is a large hall with adjoining accommodation and a bar where Joseph and his family fulfill a EVERY wish. The hall is the largest and longest building on the site, open, extensive with many cover possibilities. The boiler house (with 1 upper floor and basement) is opposite, with adjoining sheds and several passageways. In the middle is the striking chimney, which can be seen at the start. Please do not play King Kong ?? The rest of the site is branched out with individual buildings, such as the "fishing cottage" directly on the lake or former shed garages. The playing field is crossed, among other things, with a former rail network. It should be noted that there are shafts on the site. Some are marked others are heavily overgrown, so you don't see them at first sight. Here you should go off the field in advance to get to know its pitfalls, otherwise you could fall a few meters. Stay Safe and have fun!
German / English below The perfect playing field for medium-sized events. Worth a visit all year round! Joseph & the family is one of the best among the best when it comes to the smooth running of events or regular games, also when it comes to hospitality and support, nobody comes here. We have several buildings that are branched together with a lot, a lot of woodland in between. There is a large hall with adjoining accommodation and a bar where Joseph and his family can fulfill EVERY wish. The hall is the largest and longest building on the site, open and spacious with plenty of cover options. The boiler house (with 1 upper floor and basement) is opposite, with adjoining sheds and several passages. In the middle there is the distinctive chimney, which can be seen on the approach. Please don't play King Kong ?? The rest of the area is branched out with individual buildings, such as the "fishing house" directly on the lake or former shed garages. The playing field is crossed, among other things, with a former rail network. It should be noted that there are shafts on the site. Some are marked, others are heavily overgrown so that you cannot see them at first glance. Here you should walk the field in advance to get to know its pitfalls, otherwise you could fall a few meters. Stay Safe! English The perfect playing field for medium-sized events. Worth a visit all year round! Joseph & the family is one of the best in terms of the smooth running of events or regular games, even in terms of hospitality and support, no one comes here. We have here several buildings that are branched together / into each other with a lot, a lot of woodland in between. There is a large hall with adjoining accommodation and a bar where Joseph and his family fulfill an EVERY wish. The hall is the largest and longest building on the site, open, extensive with many cover possibilities. The boiler house (with 1 upper floor and basement) is opposite, with adjoining sheds and several passageways. In the middle is the striking chimney, which can be seen at the start. Please do not play King Kong ?? The rest of the site is branched out with individual buildings, such as the "fishing cottage" directly on the lake or former shed garages. The playing field is crossed, among other things, with a former rail network. It should be noted that there are shafts on the site. Some are marked others are heavily overgrown, so you don't see them at first sight. Here you should go off the field in advance to get to know its pitfalls, otherwise you could fall a few meters. Stay safe and have fun!
Dirk Meyer on Google

Das Spielfeld mit seinen rund 300.000 Quadratmeter Spielfläche bietet zahlreiche Spielmodi. Es stehen große Fabrikhallen zur Verfügung, die allein schon ausreichen würden, um ein großzügiges Spielfeld zu ermöglichen. Hinzu kommt ein großes Outdoor-Gelände. Das Spielfeld kann vom Pächter tageweise gemietet werden. Oder man besucht die Events am Wochenende und zahlt einen fairen Preis beim Veranstalter, der in der Regel bei 20 EUR pro Spieltag liegt. Angesichts der Größe des Spielfeldes ist das meiner Meinung nach ein fairer Preis.
The playing field with its around 300,000 square meters of play area offers numerous game modes. Large factory halls are available, which alone would be enough to provide a spacious playing field. There is also a large outdoor area. The pitch can be rented by the tenant on a daily basis. Or you can visit the events on the weekend and pay a fair price to the organizer, which is usually EUR 20 per game day. Given the size of the field, I think that's a fair price.
Patrick Vegas on Google

War mal wieder super geil wie sehen uns nächstes Jahr wieder
It was super cool again, see you again next year
Sanni Fire on Google

Sehr schönes Spielfeld! Große Hallen, große Grasfläche mit künstlichen Deckungen und kleinen Sandsack-Stellungen, schöner Waldteil, also von allem etwas. Sehr schön sind auch die beiden ehemaligen Gleis-Strecken die etwas tiefer eingebettet sind und mit denen man den "Gegner" schön flankieren und in den Böschungen Deckung finden kann wenn dieser dies nicht beachtet. Und rundherum immer wieder Teiche und kleine Seen ? Es gibt auch zwei schöne große Räume in denen man sich Wettergeschützt ausrüsten und gemütlich pausieren kann, übernachten wäre dort auch schön möglich - zumindest von den Räumlichkeiten her, ob vom Besitzer aus möglich weiß ich nicht. Einziges Manko: wie überall auf den Spielfeldern in der Gegend wo ich bis jetzt war die sanitären Anlagen, aber immerhin Plumsklos, aber keine Waschbecken oder gar fließendes Wasser. Aber im Gegensatz zu Tigerland, Sandbox und Outpost wie gesagt wenigstens die Plumsklos. FAZIT: Alles in allem ein sehr schönes, abwechslungsreiches und tolles Spielfeld etwas weiter hinter der Grenze, ca. 50 km von Cheb entfernt. Ich komme sehr gerne wieder ???
Very nice playing field! Large halls, large grass area with artificial coverings and small sandbag positions, beautiful forest part, therefore something of everything. Very nice are also the two former track tracks that are embedded a little deeper and with which you can flank the "opponent" nicely and find cover in the embankments if this does not pay attention. And all around again ponds and small lakes ? There are also two beautiful large rooms in which you can protect yourself from weather and sleep comfortably, it would also be possible to sleep there overnight - at least from the premises, whether from the owner possible I do not know. The only drawback: as everywhere on the pitches in the area where I was until now the sanitary facilities, but at least Plumsklos, but no sink or even running water. But in contrast to Tigerland, Sandbox and Outpost as I said at least the Plumsklos. CONCLUSION: All in all, a very nice, varied and great field a little further behind the border, about 50 km from Cheb. I would love to come back ???
Mein Channel on Google

Airsoft Paradies
Hans Willeitner on Google

christoph1j2 on Google

B.J. H. on Google

Very good and challenging field

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