Parkoviště Souš

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parkoviště Souš

Address :

468 61 Desná, Czechia

Categories :
City : Dešná

468 61 Desná, Czechia
David Jansa on Google

Vynikající místo pro nástup do zimních stop. Moje nejoblíbenější.
Great place to start the winter tracks. My most favourite.
buchnik26 on Google

Cena parkování už je 100 Kč. Za celý den proč ne, ale za 10 min. přestávku na nakouknutí k přehradě je to zlodějina. Hřeší na to, že jinde se legálně zastavit nedá.
The price of parking is already 100 CZK. Why not for the whole day, but in 10 min. A break to peek to the dam is a thief. He sins that it is not possible to legally stop elsewhere.
Petr Mráz on Google

Edit: cena zvýšena na 100 Kč/den. Parkování na ostatních plochách v okolí, kde se vždy parkovalo, zakázáno zónovou značkou zákaz stání umístěnou před křižovatkou Soušská x Na Novině. Cena: 50 Kč/den. V zimě je kapacita kolem 120 vozidel, v létě bude omezena na cca 50. Platba možná v hotovosti, platební kartou (pouze u jednoho z automatů) a přes aplikaci ClickPark.
Edit: price increased to 100 CZK / day. Parking in other areas in the vicinity, where parking has always been prohibited, is prohibited by the no-parking zone sign located in front of the Soušská x Na Novině intersection. Price: 50 CZK / day. In winter the capacity is around 120 vehicles, in summer it will be limited to about 50. Payment is possible in cash, by credit card (only at one of the machines) and via the ClickPark application.
El Niño on Google

Pobieranie opłat w takich miejscach jest poprostu słabe. Większość terenów zagrodzona, brak dojścia, do atrakcji z parkingu idziesz ruchliwą drogą z dziećmi, trzeba uważać.
The collection of fees in such places is simply weak. Most of the areas are fenced off, no access, you go to the attractions from the parking lot along a busy road with children, you have to be careful.
Nikola Rafaj on Google

Plus za funkční toalety (proč je to u nás stále nadstandard?). Mínus za nefunkční placení - automat bere jen mince, bankovny nic, karta nefunkční, mobilní aplikace nefukční ...
Plus for functional toilets (why is it still above standard in our country?). Minus for non-functional payment - the machine only takes coins, banks nothing, card non-functional, mobile application non-functional ...
Krejci Jaroslav on Google

Cena za parkování nevadí. Co ale vadí moc, že automat prostě neakceptuje karty. Ani jedna z našich karet od třech bank nefungovala a s mincemi měl také potíž. I loni to haprovalo, ale nakonec prošlo. Letos nic. Když to srovnám s Bedřichovem, kde problém s placením kartou není, tak mě to fakt mrzí.
The price for parking does not matter. But what bothers me a lot is that the slot machine just doesn't accept cards. None of our cards from the three banks worked and he also had a problem with coins. Last year it happened, but in the end it passed. Nothing this year. When I compare it with Bedřichov, where there is no problem with paying by card, I am really sorry.
Tomáš R. on Google

Parkoviště pěkné, nové. Bohužel je jediná možná sazba za parkování a to 100 Kč (a nikoli na 24 hodin, ale pouze do půlnoci dne, ve kterém bylo parkovné uhtazeno). Automat bere mince, nebere bankovky a při pokusu o platbu kartou mi transakce byla zamítnuta. Doporučuji mít s sebou ty mince.
Parking nice, new. Unfortunately, the only possible rate for parking is CZK 100 (and not for 24 hours, but only until midnight on the day on which the parking fee was paid). The machine takes coins, does not take banknotes, and my transaction was rejected when I tried to pay by card. I recommend having those coins with you.
Nikolai Kobzarev on Google

The best place to park near cross country tracks. Usually on the weekend during winter it is hard to park on the lower level. And it is hard to get to the higher levels without 4wd or snow chains.

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