Párty OC Nový Smíchov

1.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Párty OC Nový Smíchov

Address :

Plzeňská 8, 150 00 Praha 5-Anděl, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Website : https://www.rozvazimeradost.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 5 Anděl

Plzeňská 8, 150 00 Praha 5-Anděl, Czechia
Vladan Dekoj on Google

Neumějí udělat kulatou pizzu?!
They can't make a round pizza!
VeronikArt on Google

Bohužel velmi malý výběr balónků. Ze 4 naplněných balónků heliem se jeden vyfoukl ještě než jsem dorazila domu ??
Unfortunately, a very small selection of balloons. Of the 4 helium-filled balloons, one was blown before I got home ??
Larsen Berith on Google

Tak hezký obchod by to byl, kdybyste vymenili tu zamestnankyni. Uz kdyz jsme prisli se tvarila, jak kdyby nas chtela zabit.
It would be such a nice deal to replace that employee. Even when we arrived, she looked as if she wanted to kill us.
Daniela Dobrohrušková on Google

Slečna prodavačka po příchodu do obchodu ani nepozdravila, byla pouze na mobilu a ochota poradit žádná. Nepříjemná, arogantní holka, která se těší až jí skončí směna. Šílený personál. Již nemám v plánu se do obchodu vracet. Bohužel je i dost malý a výběr hodně zúžený.
The young saleswoman didn't even say hello when she came to the store, she was only on her mobile phone and there was no willingness to advise. An unpleasant, arrogant girl who is looking forward to the end of her shift. Crazy staff. I no longer plan to return to the store. Unfortunately, it is also quite small and the selection is very narrow.
Tereza Emerson on Google

We wanted to buy some stuff for my friends celebration, but the lady???! Arrogant for no reason. Next time I will not go there And I wont reccomend until you change the employee. Chtěli jsme koupit nějaké věci na oslavu kamarádky, ale ta prodavačka???! Arogantní bez důvodu. Příště už sem nepůjdeme a nedoporučujeme, dokud se nevymění ten zaměstnanec.
We wanted to buy some stuff for my friends celebration, but the lady ???! Arrogant for no reason. Next time I will not go there And I wont reccomend until you change the employee. We wanted to buy some things to celebrate a friend, but the saleswoman ???! Arrogant for no reason. We will not come here again and do not recommend it until the employee is replaced.
Dina Kaneeva on Google

Shop is nice, selection is good, but the lady was really arrogant, moody and rude:( not the right attitude for a Party shop))
Maryam Riaz on Google

I wouldn't give even a one start , the lady with big black eyelashes at the cashier was very arrogant , doesn't know how to deal with customers, don't greets at all , big request to change the employees so we can comfortably go there and recommend to others people! Thank you
Pascal Heitz on Google

I ordered 15 inflated balloons. When she was done inflating them, I paid and left with the balloons. Then I realized there were only 13 balloons, while the receipt clearly showed I paid for 15. Not sure whether it was a mistake or she deliberately ripped me off 60 czk. Not a big deal, but this is not very professional.

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