
4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pečky

Address :

J. A. Komenského, 289 11

Categories :
City : Pečky

J. A. Komenského, 289 11
Stanislava Glembek on Google

Vevnitř nic moc
Nothing much inside
Jan Chrtek on Google

V pohode nádraží s velikým parkovistem
Cool train station with a big parking lot
Lukáš Jung on Google

Děti to mají rádi ,protože tu jezdí každou chvilku vlak
Kids love it because the train runs here at all times
Petr Kuchyňka on Google

Spíše průměrné nádraží. Většinu času je otevřena pouze jedna pokladna. V hale je umístěna prodejna Relay s novinami, časopisy a občerstvením a také zlatnictví/hodinářství. V areálu nádraží je umístěn stánek rychlého občerstvení a prodejna ovoce a zeleniny. Zejména v nočních hodinách je nutno dbát zvýšené ostražitosti.
Rather average train station. Most of the time, only one cash register is open. The lobby houses a Relay shop with newspapers, magazines and snacks, as well as a goldsmith / watchmaker's shop. A fast food stall and a fruit and vegetable shop are located in the train station. Particularly during the night, increased vigilance must be observed.
Jakub Kolek on Google

Nádraží je v pohodě, ale to co se tam objevuje za lidi, a to každý den, to je k zasmání. Vyjdu z nádraží a hned vidím skupinku lidí na lavičce, jak si píchaj jehlu do žíly nebo popíjej jak diví. Ale to jsou Pečky, bez těhle lidí by to nebylo tak dokonalý.
The station is fine, but what happens there for people every day is a laugh. I'm going out of the station and seeing a group of people on the bench immediately sticking a needle into a vein or drinking it wondering. But it's Pečky, without these people it wouldn't be so perfect.
Eva Jordan on Google

Hezké nádraží z roku 1912 na trati Praha-Kolín, Pardubice, Česká Třebová a lokálkové trati Pečky-Kouřim. Budova zde stála již od roku 1845, ale již nestačila rozvoji města. Plná vybavenost - prodej jízdenek , čekárna, WC, občerstvení, personál. Před budovou navazující autobusová doprava.
Nice railway station from 1912 on the line Praha-Kolín, Pardubice, Česká Třebová and local track Pečky-Kouřim. The building stood here since 1845, but it was not enough to develop the city. Full amenities - ticket sales, waiting room, toilet, refreshments, staff. In front of the building is a bus service.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Milé a nenápadné nádraží na trase Praha-Kolín z 19. století s odbočkou Pečky – Kouřim, na které začal provoz 15. února 1882. Trať byla značně poškozena při povodních v roce 2013. Před nádražím najdeme pomník padlému ruskému vojákovi (1923-1945). Na pokladně nádraží můžete zakoupit absolvenskou turistickou vizitku A-283 - "Vlakem ČD s Turistickým deníkem do Peček", kterou nelze objednat online. A nice and inconspicuous railway station on the Prague-Kolín route from the 19th century with the Pecky-Kouřim turn-off, which started operating on February 15, 1882. The track was badly damaged during the floods in 2013. In front of the station there is a monument to the fallen Russian soldier (1923-1945) . At the station ticket office you can buy a graduate tourist card A-283 - "ČD Train with Tourist Diary to Pečky", which can not be ordered online.
A nice and inconspicuous railway station on the Prague-Kolín route from the 19th century with the Pecky - Kouřim branch, which started operating on February 15, 1882. The track was badly damaged during the floods in 2013. In front of the station we find a monument to the fallen Russian soldier (1923-1945) . At the station ticket office you can buy a graduate tourist card A-283 - "ČD Train with Tourist Diary to Peček", which can not be ordered online. A nice and inconspicuous railway station on the Prague-Kolín route from the 19th century with the Pecky-Kouřim turn-off, which started operating on February 15, 1882. The track was badly damaged during the floods in 2013. In front of the station there is a monument to the fallen Russian soldier (1923-1945). At the station ticket office you can buy a graduate tourist card A-283 - "ČD Train with Tourist Diary to Pečky", which can not be ordered online.
Josef Kobes on Google

Pěkné nádraží ale večer a v noci se kolem potulují ne moc pěkná individua.
Nice station, but in the evening and at night, wander around not very nice individuals.

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