Peek & Cloppenburg

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Peek & Cloppenburg

Address :

Olympia, U Dálnice 777, 664 42 Brno, Czechia

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City : Brno

Olympia, U Dálnice 777, 664 42 Brno, Czechia
Lucie Gerzova on Google

Hrozny pristup personalu, Vasi prodejnu uz v OC Olympia nikdy nenavstivim a ze jsem u Vas uz utratila opravdu nemalou sumu penez. Sla jsem se zeptat na velikost bundy na pokladnu, bylo mi receno, ze velikost bundy mate, ale musim si to jit sama najit, ze ta bunda muze byt pohozena kdekoliv. Ve spodnim patre jsem zbozi nenasla, tak jsem sla do druheho patra prodejny, odkud jsem byla Vasi prodavackou primo vyhozena, ze za 15 minut zavirate a zadnou takovou bundu ani nevedete, at jdu zase dolu, pritom prodavacky ze spodniho patra me poslaly hledat zbozi i do vrchniho patra. Obchod jsem radeji opustila, takovy zazitek z nakupovani opravdu nepotrebuji.
Terrible approach of the staff, I will never visit your store in OC Olympia and that I have already spent a really large amount of money with you. I was asked to ask about the size of the jacket at the checkout, I was told you had the size of the jacket, but I had to find out for myself that the jacket could be thrown anywhere. I didn't find the goods on the lower floor, so I went to the second floor of the store, from where I was directly fired by your saleswoman, that in 15 minutes you close and you don't even know the back of such a jacket, when the salesmen from the lower floor to the upper floor. I prefer to leave the store, I really don't need such a shopping experience.
Jiří Jelínek on Google

Naposledy,dostal jsem na Vánoce tepláky od partnerky,ta odstřihla vysačky(vysačky schovala)a předložila k výměně za větší velikost tak ji obsluha řekla,že to nelze.S takovým přístupem ať to raději zavřou.Jsem z toho obchodu znechucen a všem koho znám,že tenhle obchod nedoporučuji!!!!
The last time I got sweatpants from my partner for Christmas, she cut off the vacuum cleaners (hid the vacuum cleaners) and presented it for exchange for a larger size, so the staff told her that it was impossible. that I do not recommend this store !!!!
Veronika Balážová on Google

Absolutne hrozná! Minulé Vianoce som dostala od priatela zimnú bundu, bohužel už po prvom použití sa roztrlo sťahovanie. Mala som ju na sebe ešte pár x, kedže bol covid 19 a do května Olympia zatvorená. V lete človek na zimné veci opravdu nemyslí, takže som ju šla reklamovať až včera. Účtenku nemám, bol to darček, ale vzala som si sebou výpis z účtu. Všade to stačí. a to začalo. Ja v retailu pracujem 6 rokov, takže mi naozaj nevadilo čakať, chápem že toho majú moc. Ale slečna hned začala že to nestačí, že ak tam boli 2 kusy na tej účtenke, tak to nedohladá? Ale jeden kus ano. Dobre, zistila som že sme kupovali len bundu, za 4.500 tisíc...A to už slečna tvrdila že peniaze nevracajú ( ja nechcem peniaze, chcela som tú bundu, ale to by musela mať iný prístup a třeba sa slušne opýtať ako chcem reklamáciu riešit...)potom zas opakovala že nevie, či to uznajú a bola povýšená..To už mi po 20 minútach naozaj začalo vadiť a povedala som jej, že to teda chcem vypísať a ísť načož začala po mne zvyšovať hlas, že nemám pretáčat oči, že sa nereklamuje o víkendu v prosinci a že to je normálne že na bunde za 4.500 kč máte po 1 použití hned kaz a že mi peniaze aj tak nevrátia????? ale ja som si peniaze nepýtala, chcela som bundu alebo vybrat niečo v tej cene. To už Zara ma 100x lepší zakaznícky servis.
Absolutely terrible! Last Christmas I received a winter jacket from a friend, unfortunately the first time the download broke down. I was wearing it a few more times, since covid 19 was and Olympia closed until May. In the summer, you don't really think about winter things, so I didn't go to complain about it until yesterday. I don't have a receipt, it was a gift, but I took an account statement with me. That's enough everywhere. and it began. I've been working in retail for 6 years, so I really didn't mind waiting, I understand they have a lot to do. But the young lady immediately started that it is not enough that if there were 2 pieces on that receipt, she can't find it? But one piece yes. Well, I found out that we only bought a jacket, for 4,500 thousand ... And the young lady already said that the money is not returned (I do not want the money, I wanted the jacket, but it would have to have a different approach and maybe ask politely how I want to solve the complaint ...) then she repeated that she didn't know if they would acknowledge it and she was promoted..It really bothered me after 20 minutes and I told her that I wanted to write it out and go where she started raising her voice that I shouldn't roll my eyes that it is not advertised on the weekend in December and that it is normal that you have a decay on your jacket for 4,500 CZK after 1 use and that the money will not be returned to me anyway ????? but I didn't ask for money, I wanted a jacket or to pick something in that price. Zara already has 100x better customer service.
iout diepost on Google

Miroslava Fiálková on Google

Anette Larsen on Google

I just removed all xl, xxl etc. from the clothes rack for size XS/S, and the staff put it straight back in the wrong rack. Picture provided. Messy as usual.
Sora Form on Google

Today I had the impression that the ladies in the store either didn't want to work or didn't want to work in that store. It was full of people willing to buy something and only 1 lady on each floor pretending work.
Silvie Kotel on Google

I just tried to but stuff from there and paid by card.Because of their issue in the system my money has been taken from my account but not paid in the shop So result is I have no stuff and no money!Personal not good and not helpfull at all. I will never enter that shop again! Niw I must solve their mistake!

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