Pension Blanský les - Kvítkovice 25

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pension Blanský les

Address :

Kvítkovice 25, 373 84 Kvítkovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 373
Website :
Categories :
City : Kvítkovice

Kvítkovice 25, 373 84 Kvítkovice, Czechia
J. B. on Google

Pan majitel byl velmi neochotný co se týče prosby o možné využití prošlého poukazu (prošlého kvůli uzavření ubytovacích zařízení kvůli covid19). Sem se již nepodívám. Jinde jsem se s takovým chováním nesetkala a mrzí mne to.
The owner was very reluctant to ask for the possible use of an expired voucher (expired due to the closure of accommodation facilities due to covid19). I won't look here anymore. I have not encountered such behavior elsewhere and I am sorry.
Hana Granichová on Google

Před pár dny jsme se vrátili z 5 ti denního pobytu v tomto úžasném penzionu. Sto lidí, sto chutí...My byly tři ženský a byly jsme nadšené od první chvíle kdy jsme k penzionu přijely. Pan majitel už po telefonu říkal s úsměvem, ať si přivezeme prázdné žaludky a plnou peněženku, že se o nás postará a měl naprostou pravdu. Ráno, odpoledne po večer se opravdu o nás staral s velikou parádou. Sám vaří a vaří neskutečně luxusně a žádné obyč jídlo nečekejte ? A jeho paní tomu dá třešničku v podobě jejích vynikajících dortíků?. K nám, aj ostatním hostům se choval velmi mile, vstřícně, profesionálně a zároveň lidsky. Pokoj jsme měli podkrovní, velmi prostorný, krásný, s klimatizací. Snídaně a večeře probíhali na úžasné terase, plné květin, bylinek s výhledem do přírody. Pokud se chcete nechat hýčkat vynikajícím jídlem(domácí suroviny, žádná chemie...)milujete přírodu, klid, malebné vesničky rozhodně doporučuji aj za cenu že Vám tu peněženka lehce opuchne ?. Rozhodně zase někdy navštívíme ?
A few days ago we returned from a 5 day stay in this amazing guest house. One hundred people, one hundred tastes ... We were three women and we were excited from the first moment we arrived at the pension. The owner had already said on the phone with a smile that we should bring empty stomachs and a full wallet that he would take care of us and he was absolutely right. In the morning, afternoon and evening, he really took care of us with great splendor. He cooks himself and cooks incredibly luxuriously and don't expect any custom food ? And his mistress will give it a cherry in the form of her delicious cakes?. He treated us and the other guests very kindly, helpfully, professionally and at the same time humanely. The room we had in the attic, very spacious, beautiful, with air conditioning. Breakfast and dinner took place on an amazing terrace, full of flowers and herbs overlooking the countryside. If you want to be pampered with excellent food (home-made ingredients, no chemistry ...) you love nature, peace, I definitely recommend picturesque villages even at the price that your wallet will swell slightly ?. We will definitely visit again ?
Ivo Horych on Google

Krásné klidné místo, moc pěkný a vybavený penzion. Výchozí bod pro procházky i vyjížďky na kole. Blízko na památky i do přírody. Můžu jen vřele doporučit.
Beautiful quiet place, very nice and equipped guest house. Starting point for walks and bike rides. Close to monuments and nature. I can only warmly recommend.
Vladimir Elicar on Google

Super relax
France Ivey Reymond on Google

Beautiful terrace
Gary Brisco on Google

Hidden charges, breakfast does not include eggs or coffee. No air conditioning. Farmer just spread manure. Pizza so salty I could not eat it. Room clean no wash cloth low water pressure.
Free Breaker on Google

Great pizza and stellar view. Dog-friendly, too. The rooms are beautifully built and the whole place was designed by the owner. A gem in the Czech countryside. The homemade desserts are worth the trip alone.
Ryšková Cecília on Google

+ The owner is very friendly and does everything to make your stay pleasant. + There is home made cakes served with the breakfast, which they make fresh in the morning - great! + Breakfast and dinner can be spent on the terrace overlooking a beautiful lake and their nice garden + Rooms are tidy and well taken care of, the smaller space is used efficiently Acceptable price for the region, although more expensive compared to e.g Moravian average. - the rooms we stayed in (for 2) was very small so it is rather for spending the night only, but not made to stay in most of the day (for instance in case of bad weather) - you cannot look outside from the room as the roof windows are situated quite high - it's a pity, as the surroundings are really nice - most rooms are situated in the attic, and heat up in the summer quite a bit during the day - but by opening the windows at arrival it can cool down to a temperature where it is ok to sleep

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