Petrof Museum

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Petrof Museum

Address :

Na Brně 1955, 500 06 Hradec Králové, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +977
Website :
Categories :
City : . Hradec Králové

Na Brně 1955, 500 06 Hradec Králové, Czechia
Petr Pulc on Google

Nádherné muzeum s možností prohlídky celé výroby... Doporučujeme ?
A wonderful museum with the possibility of visiting the entire production ... We recommend ?
Kateřina Pořízková on Google

Navštíveno 10.7.2020_Přestože měla firma celozávodní dovolenou, slečna nás provedla muzeem (měly jsme domluveno dopředu prohlídku). Muzeum i výklad byl velmi zajímavý, na vše jsme si mohly sáhnout a na klavíry zahrát. Prostě super! Určitě se tu ještě jednou podíváme do výrobny.
Visited 10.7.2020_Although the company had a company-wide holiday, the young lady took us through the museum (we had arranged a tour in advance). The museum and the interpretation were very interesting, we could touch everything and play the pianos. Just great! We will definitely take another look at the factory.

A must visit for piano lovers!
Fang on Google

The guides were very nice and professional.
Ruth Charlotte Singing on Google

Really friendly staff and beautiful showroom thankyou for such a lovely tour and thankyou for letting us try the pianos.
Jörg Michael Palm on Google

Perfect! I stopped by as i was without any appointment and i got a whole tour, could play used and also brand new pianos. Visited the factory and also the cafe and concert hall. Amazing place. A must for all piano lovers. Thank you!
Eivind Schneider on Google

Exceeded all expectations. A very nice and helpful guide took us through the factory and museum. We learned about the history of Petrof pianos and got a good glimpse into how the pianos are made.
Mathias “Dr. Tiaz” Mustillo on Google

Awesome experience at the Petrof MUSEUM! So much to see and learn. I recommend the TOUR. I spent a whole day there...! And make sure you buy a PIANO! =) <3 I am a Piano lover from CZECH Republic living in AUSTRALIA now. I am a piano Tuner & Technician. if you wouls like to see what I do look up my Facebook page: PIANO RESCUERS CANBERRA

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