Petrol Station Martin Oil Ltd. - Náchodská 2520

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Petrol Station Martin Oil Ltd.

Address :

Náchodská 2520, 193 00 Horní Počernice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 193
Website :
Categories :
City : Horní Počernice

Náchodská 2520, 193 00 Horní Počernice, Czechia
Michal Zeman on Google

Pumpa dobra, jezdim sem leta. Zato mycku obcas z nouze znovu zkusim a vzdycky odjizdim s predsevzetim ze uz nikdy. Nez se rozjede program ktery nastavite, mince jsou v cudu. Po prepnuti z hlavniho samponoveho myti na oplachovani trvalo dele nez cely dalsi cyklus nez z trysky prestaval tect sampon...
Good pump, I've been coming here for years. On the other hand, I sometimes try the dishwasher again in an emergency and always leave with the determination that I will never again. Before the program you set starts, the coins are alien. After switching from the main shampoo wash to rinsing, it took longer than the whole next cycle before the tamp shampoo was converted from the nozzle ...
Jan Bystričan on Google

Nejlepší místo, kde si dofouknete kola.
The best place to blow your bikes.
Michal Tuček on Google

Paní z bývalého sovětského bloku svojí práci opravdu nemá ráda. Prázdné regály, vše na zemi. Po větě "proč bych to dávala do regálů, když si to můžete brát že země" jsem odjel pochopil, že už se nikdy nevrátím.
A lady from the former Soviet bloc really doesn't like her job. Empty shelves, all on the ground. After the sentence "why would I put it on the shelves when you can take it that country" I left, I understood that I would never come back.
Petr Mikeš on Google

Čekali jsme u myčky 30 minut a pak nám řekli že za hodinu bude v provozu. Přinesli tam totiž kus šrotu. Pneuservis má dost vlastního prostoru. Nechápu proč si zabrali myčku. Jsem vážně naštvaný. Už sem nikdy nepřijedu!!!!!
We waited at the dishwasher for 30 minutes and then told us it would be up and running in an hour. They brought a piece of scrap metal there. The tire service has plenty of space of its own. I don't understand why they took the dishwasher. I'm really upset. I will never come here again !!!!!
Mykola Ivanov on Google

Vlastimil Čermák on Google

Petr Nemg on Google

Cheap gas station plus you can wash your car and fill your tyres.
xDragon MSP on Google

Not nice personal really bad service the workers old women with black hair so angry young women also not nice ( may be use some thing) always shout on customers Only one women with blond hair very nice there Otherwase really bad and rude service

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